Formation of pepper in the greenhouse and open field

Formation of pepper in the greenhouse and open field
Formation of pepper in the greenhouse and open field

Bulgarian pepper is a tasty and he althy vegetable grown in almost every household plot. Its high yield is the cherished dream of every gardener. To achieve this goal, vegetable growers use various methods, which consist not only in the use of various top dressings, but also in the use of special cultivation methods. One of such effective technologies is the formation of pepper at certain stages of its growth.

The need to form bushes

pepper formation
pepper formation

This method has both fans and opponents. The latter are also right, only partially. The fact is that the formation of a pepper bush is not required if it is a short or medium-sized variety. Plants with a height of 0.5-1 meters are able to more or less cope with growth problems on their own and even produce a good harvest. However, tall varieties, stretching up to 2 meters in height, need help. This helpconsists in timely pinching, pruning and removing unnecessary shoots.

growing peppers in a greenhouse
growing peppers in a greenhouse

The formation of pepper in a greenhouse is especially important, since tall varieties reach their maximum size in an artificial climate. In greenhouse conditions, they need constant care, and, of course, bushes should definitely be tied up. Formation of pepper in a greenhouse from polycarbonate, glass or film contributes to better growth and strengthening of plant branches. Proper correction of the bush provides it with the necessary access to light, good ventilation and sufficient nutrition for future fruits. Proper care and formation of pepper has a positive effect not only on the rate of its ripening, but also on the number, size and beauty of the fruit.

formation of a pepper bush
formation of a pepper bush

"Anatomy" of bell peppers

The main purpose of the formation of this vegetable crop is the rational creation of a powerful and compact bush with he althy and strong shoots. It does not matter where the formation of pepper is carried out - in open ground or in a greenhouse, this procedure is carried out in several stages. In order not to harm the plant, it is necessary, first of all, to know its "anatomy". So, the "construction" of the pepper bush includes:

• Root stem.

• Main shoots.

• Secondary shoots.• Main branches.

Proper formation of pepper allows you to get up to 20 fruits from each branch.

growing a pepper bush in a greenhouse
growing a pepper bush in a greenhouse

Cutting Features

When carrying out procedures for trimming green leafymass must be balanced. Too much pruning of the bush will cause the plant to lose the ability to synthesize the necessary amount of energy required to ripen large fruits in large quantities. Thus, the formation of sweet pepper should be carried out competently and rationally.

formation of pepper in the open field
formation of pepper in the open field

Cutting Tool

Pruning bell pepper is done with a special garden tool: a knife, secateurs and scissors with rounded ends. All tools must be well sharpened and clean. The presence of nicks and rust on the cutting surfaces is unacceptable, as this can lead to infection of the plant with various diseases.

After the first shoots have been pruned, the bush should be tied to a garden support or trellis to prevent the risk of possible damage and breakage during further care or due to wind (if the pepper is growing outdoors).

Methods of forming a bush

The formation of seedlings of pepper begins after the stem reaches a height of 20-25 cm. In this phase, the bush begins to branch and forms a crown bud. The main shoot should already contain up to ten leaves and up to four side shoots of the first order, from which the first skeletal branches of the pepper bush must be selected.

pepper seedling formation
pepper seedling formation

The formation of tall varieties of pepper is carried out according to one of three schemes: in two, three or four stems. The pruning scheme is selected taking into account the varietyplants, planting schemes, conditions and terms of cultivation. If the pepper is formed correctly, the result should be a bush with a strong main trunk, on which there are several strong skeletal branches.

Step-by-step formation of a bush

The most popular and effective technique for forming a pepper bush is the 2 stem pattern. The process is carried out in several basic steps and is divided into four stages.

formation of sweet pepper
formation of sweet pepper

I stage. Crown flower bud removal

The development of pepper starts from one stem. When it grows to a height of 15-20 cm, its branching begins. In this place a flower bud is formed. To improve the branching of the bush, the bud must be removed. In the case of the formation of several buds, they are all removed.

In the process of self-growing seedlings, it is necessary to monitor the appearance of buds and remove them immediately.

They leave the crown bud only in the only case - when they plan to grow one huge pepper on the bush for seeds. But in this case, all other fruits will have a very nondescript look.

II stage. Removing extra shoots

When several shoots are formed at the branching point, a pair of the strongest ones is selected from them. They will be the skeletal branches of the bush. Pinching is carried out on the remaining branches. The growing point and crown are pruned. At this stage, the plant is already acquiring several dozen leaves. When thinning a bush, one leaf is left on each branch, which can providenutrition of the ovary of the fetus.

In time, forks with a bud will form on each branch. Of the newly appeared shoots, the strongest should be left, and the rest should be pinched off from the first leaf.

This procedure is performed each time the bush forks. The buds that appear in the fork are left, and those in the internodes are removed.

III stage. Removal of bottom leaves and barren shoots

Pepper bushes may develop barren shoots during the vegetative stage. They form on the main stem below the first fork. Such shoots must be completely removed. In addition, all leaves that are not responsible for the nutrition of the fetus are cut off. Leaves can be cut in any part of the bush. For gentle shaping of the pepper, no more than two leaves should be removed at a time.

IV stage. Pinching the main branches

This process is performed after the formation of a sufficient number of fruits on the bush (about 20 pieces). At this stage, it is necessary to pinch all growth points located on the main shoots. This procedure helps to slow down the growth of green mass and prevent the appearance of new ovaries in order to direct the plant's forces precisely to fruit ripening. It is carried out 1-1, 5 months before the technical ripening of fruits and mass harvesting.

Helpful tips

• The main principle that should be observed when forming a pepper bush is the timeliness of procedures. Extra shoots must be removed at the initial stage of their development so that they do not take strength from the plant.

• AnotherAn important point is the phased execution of work. It is impossible to properly form a pepper bush at one time. If a large number of shoots are removed at the same time, the plant will simply die.

• If the bell pepper is grown in open ground, dry and calm days should be chosen for pruning and pinching. Such conditions contribute to the rapid healing of cuts and, thus, the plant easily tolerates forced injury. If the bush formation procedures are carried out after rain, watering or spraying, the risk of pepper infection with various diseases increases significantly.

• Do not rejoice when tall and beautiful shoots appear on the bushes, but without flowers and ovaries. This useless green mass only takes the strength and necessary nutrients from the plant. Such shoots are called fattening, and they must be removed as early as possible.

• In order for all fruits to develop equally and small and deformed peppers do not appear, it is recommended to leave no more than 20 pieces on one bush.

• To prevent breakage of the bush under the weight of the fruit, its branches must be fixed to the trellis or props. When tying, they can be gently rotated to move the flowers and ovary to a more lit place.

• For the manufacture of tapestries and supports, as well as for the garter itself, it is strongly not recommended to use wire or metal structures. During operation, these materials will oxidize or become rusty, from which both greens and fruits that are in direct contact withmetal elements.

• It should be remembered that any operations for the formation of pepper bushes can only be carried out on he althy land. If there are pathogens in the soil, injured as a result of cutting the plant, they will certainly become infected and quickly die.

• After cutting one bush, it is recommended to disinfect the garden tool, and only then proceed to processing the next one. This simple rule will help prevent infection of he althy bushes.

• All cut shoots and leaves should be collected and disposed of outside the garden. Such a measure is necessary to prevent the invasion of harmful insects, which are attracted by the smell of plant sap.

• When growing bell pepper, the impact of various stresses on it should be minimized as much as possible. This also applies to pruning. The formation of bushes must be carried out in a timely manner and always under the "correct" weather conditions.

• Any traumatic operations can only be carried out on he althy plants and always with a clean and sharp tool. A bush affected by some disease will certainly not be able to cope with injuries and will die.• Bulgarian pepper is a very light-loving plant. It is sufficient lighting that is the most important source of he alth and vitality of this plant.

Consequently, the most important task of the vegetable grower is to provide access to light in the required volume so that neighboring bushes and their shoots do not “fight” among themselves for light. With a shortage of lighting, the crop can not be expected, even if there were flowers on the bush. That is why it is so important to removethe lower part of the plant is all superfluous - leaves, flowers and ovaries.


Forming a pepper bush in a greenhouse is a rather meticulous and time-consuming job, but the result is worth it. Well-groomed plants produce several harvests per season. Many gardeners consider bell pepper to be a rather whimsical crop that requires a lot of effort to grow. However, if you follow all the agrotechnical rules and follow the necessary recommendations, then a good harvest of large and juicy fruits is guaranteed.
