Human resource management

Personnel assessment: system and methods

Personnel assessment: system and methods

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Personnel assessment allows you to identify how competent the employees involved in the enterprise are, and it is the effectiveness of their work that is the most significant factor affecting the efficiency of the company as a whole. To clarify the effectiveness of the performance of various employees of their assigned duties, it is necessary to use special evaluation methods

Headcount: definition, concept and structure

Headcount: definition, concept and structure

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

For the management of any company, the question of how much staff should be in order for it to function effectively is always an important question. Number types. Calculation methods for different groups of employees. Possible structure of the firm's staff. Key indicators and calculation steps

Feedback: examples, types, functions, positives and negatives

Feedback: examples, types, functions, positives and negatives

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

People rarely think about the secrets of productive communication. But knowing some tricks, you can not only become a pleasant conversationalist, but also learn how to manipulate people. How to do it? Pay attention to the feedback that you give in conversations and that comes back to you. Find examples of feedback below

Production discipline is Definition of the term, features, ways to achieve

Production discipline is Definition of the term, features, ways to achieve

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

This article will tell you in detail about what labor (production) discipline is, how to analyze its level at the enterprise. It will also describe how to strengthen discipline, what to do with those employees who deliberately violate it

Sample internal regulations of the organization. Model internal labor regulations

Sample internal regulations of the organization. Model internal labor regulations

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

What is the Internal Regulations of the organization? Copy a sample or modify it? Responsibility of the employer for PWTR. Required sections of the document. What should not be included? Adoption and approval of the Rules, taking into account the opinion of the trade union. Registration of the title page, general provisions. Sections: disciplinary responsibility, labor time, payment of compensation, etc. Validity of the document, changes

Horizontal links: concept, management structure, types of links and interaction

Horizontal links: concept, management structure, types of links and interaction

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Horizontal connections in the management structure: general concept, varieties (functional, linear, linear-functional divisional) and their description. The main characteristics of connections and forms of their manifestation. Conditions necessary for the effective functioning of groups built according to the type of horizontal links

Participation of employees in the management of the organization: forms, history of the creation of organizations and workers' rights

Participation of employees in the management of the organization: forms, history of the creation of organizations and workers' rights

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Legislative regulation of the issue. What it is? History of organizations for the protection of workers' rights. What are the rights of employees and the obligations of employers? Forms of participation of employees in the management of the organization. Taking into account the opinions of trade unions, holding consultations, obtaining information affecting the interests of employees, participating in the development of collective agreements

The microenvironment of a firm is Concept, definition, main factors and structure

The microenvironment of a firm is Concept, definition, main factors and structure

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Any firm is created for profit. To prevent the company from becoming unprofitable, there is a marketing management system that allows you to create products that are attractive to the consumer. The success of the organization depends on the work of branches, divisions, departments, intermediaries and the actions of competitors. A successful marketer assesses the micro-environment and macro-environment of the firm

Regulations on material incentives for employees: mandatory items, features, legal norms

Regulations on material incentives for employees: mandatory items, features, legal norms

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Manufacturing enterprises, educational and medical institutions, retail chains, and other types of organizations are interested in competent and loyal staff. Profit, recognition of a production or trade mark, recognition of customers are directly related to the actions of employees. The management and owners of companies should implement a system of employee motivation for the achieved performance and quality of work

Support staff is The concept, definition, working conditions and principles of remuneration

Support staff is The concept, definition, working conditions and principles of remuneration

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Employees of the organization are divided into main and support staff. Unlike the main support staff, they perform functions that are not related to the main activities of the company. The article discusses the features and characteristics of support staff

Division and cooperation of labor: meaning, types, essence

Division and cooperation of labor: meaning, types, essence

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Proper organization of production processes allows you to achieve high performance of the company. Depending on the type of activity, it is required to apply the division and cooperation of labor. These categories make it possible to achieve a reduction in the production cycle, specialize tools, and increase labor productivity. The meaning, types and essence of these processes will be discussed in the article

Conflicts in a team: ways to resolve them, classification, causes and effective methods for solving problems

Conflicts in a team: ways to resolve them, classification, causes and effective methods for solving problems

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The problem of conflicts in the team and ways to resolve them is relevant for people involved in various fields and areas. A specific feature of a person is the complexity of interaction with other persons under certain conditions. The larger the team, the higher the likelihood of conditions that are followed by tense conflict relations. Let's consider this topic in more detail

Optimization of headcount: types, goals, activities, procedures

Optimization of headcount: types, goals, activities, procedures

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Optimization of the number of personnel in the enterprise is the process of determining the number of employees necessary for the efficient and optimal functioning of the company. It is under such conditions that it can be expected that with minimal labor costs for employees, an excellent work of the company will be ensured

Determining the need for personnel: the concept, planning methods and ways to cover it

Determining the need for personnel: the concept, planning methods and ways to cover it

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

One of the most valuable resources of any company is its staff. However, it is quite expensive. Therefore, it is extremely important to determine the number of employees in which you can achieve the maximum economic effect at the lowest cost. For this, special methods and approaches are used. Determining the need for personnel is one of the priority tasks of management. How this process is carried out will be discussed in the article

The main functions of the personnel development subsystem are: working with a personnel reserve, retraining and advanced training of employees, planning and monitoring a business c

The main functions of the personnel development subsystem are: working with a personnel reserve, retraining and advanced training of employees, planning and monitoring a business c

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The main functions of the personnel development subsystem are effective organizational tools that can improve the qualifications of an adept employee to an internal, master, authority, mentor. It is in the organization of such growth of employees that the skill of a cool personnel worker lies. It is important for him when the subjective “feel for promising personnel” is supplemented by an objective deep knowledge of the methodology of personnel work, which is deeply developed and regulated in detail

General characteristics of the team, its structure, relationships and psychological climate

General characteristics of the team, its structure, relationships and psychological climate

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The highest form of an organized small group is a collective. It is characterized by the regulation of activities and life, a strict organization, the absence of conflicts, the presence of a leader who is respected, solidarity between members, friendly relations, etc

Types and functions of managerial control

Types and functions of managerial control

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Control is the main objective function of management in an organization: the process of comparing actual performance against established company standards. Each manager must monitor and evaluate the activities of his subordinates. Management control helps to take corrective actions on the part of the manager in a timely manner in order to avoid unforeseen circumstances or financial losses for the company

The essence of motivation: concept, process organization, functions

The essence of motivation: concept, process organization, functions

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

To perform any activity, a person needs to want to perform actions, this is connected with the concept of motivation. The most important function of a manager is to motivate staff to work. To perform this important function, it is necessary to understand what this process is. Let's see what the essence and functions of employee management motivation are

Management consulting is Concept, definition, types, directions and stages of development

Management consulting is Concept, definition, types, directions and stages of development

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Within the framework of this article, the basics of organizing the management consulting process as a special type of activity will be considered. We will analyze the types, stages, directions of development of the process in modern conditions

Personnel composition: concept, types, classification. personnel structure and leadership

Personnel composition: concept, types, classification. personnel structure and leadership

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Under state-administrative activity is meant a kind of socially useful work. In fact, this is the professional work of persons involved in the apparatus of state power on an ongoing basis. Any management process implies a set of requirements for management objects, so everyone involved in the civil service must be highly qualified and have special human qualities. So what is staffing?

Talent management: concept, basic principles, personnel policy and development programs

Talent management: concept, basic principles, personnel policy and development programs

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

This article is devoted to the consideration of the talent management system. The information provided will provide a detailed description of the talent management strategy at the enterprise, its basic principles and stages of work with personnel

The list of employees of the enterprise. Availability of labor resources

The list of employees of the enterprise. Availability of labor resources

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

In order to solve various personnel problems, specialists of the relevant departments of the enterprise can form the list of employees of the company. For what purpose can they do this? What are the features of compiling the payroll of employees?

Horizontal division of labor is The levels of management in the organization, the concept of goals and objectives

Horizontal division of labor is The levels of management in the organization, the concept of goals and objectives

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

For the efficiency of the enterprise, horizontal and vertical division of labor is used in management. It provides for the detailing of the production process and the distribution of powers between managers of different levels. In order to improve the performance of the company, it is necessary to know the principles of the division of labor, as well as correctly determine the goals and objectives of the organization

Human resources today

Human resources today

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The article briefly outlines modern concepts in Russian HR practice and trends in the development of relations between the employer and staff

Organization of labor is The system of labor organization

Organization of labor is The system of labor organization

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

In modern conditions, the need for high labor organization is growing as the competitive environment and production efficiency grow. Organized labor has always provided and provides the highest results. The system of labor organization at a high level becomes a guarantee of effective activity in any field

Production personnel: definition, number, management methods

Production personnel: definition, number, management methods

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

As part of this article, we will consider a general idea of the composition and formation of the production personnel of an enterprise as the main category that affects the company's bottom line

Industrial and production personnel: description of the concept, category, standard number

Industrial and production personnel: description of the concept, category, standard number

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

From the basics of the Human Resource Management discipline, it is known that personnel is a set of employees working at a particular enterprise, according to the terms of an employment contract. Sometimes this collection is called a state. The entire staff of the company is usually divided into two large categories: non-production and industrial-production personnel

Wastewater treatment from oil products: methods, methods and efficiency

Wastewater treatment from oil products: methods, methods and efficiency

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

At the moment, technologies and means, methods and units, thanks to which wastewater treatment from oil products is carried out, are among the most important means of ensuring environmental protection. In our country, for about five years now, legislatively fixed standards for the purification of liquids discharged by enterprises have been in force. Documentation on this issue establishes the quality and volume of water that can be produced by industrial facilities

Movement of an employee: the order of movement, the nuances

Movement of an employee: the order of movement, the nuances

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Movement of an employee can be represented in several ways. The article describes when and how this procedure is performed. The main differences between the process and the translation are given, as well as the rules for processing the transfer

The vertical division of labor is Forms of labor organization in the enterprise

The vertical division of labor is Forms of labor organization in the enterprise

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The vertical division of labor is used to separate the work of coordinating all actions and the direct execution of these actions. Such a division into several levels in most cases is typical for fairly large companies. The larger the company with a large number of branches and divisions, the more levels there are in the division of labor

"Quality Circles" is a quality management model. Japanese "Quality Circles" and the possibilities of their application in Russia

"Quality Circles" is a quality management model. Japanese "Quality Circles" and the possibilities of their application in Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Modern market economy requires companies to constantly improve their technological processes and staff training. Quality circles are a great way to involve active employees in the workflow and implement the most productive ideas in the enterprise

How to properly dismiss employees: types of dismissal, legal requirements

How to properly dismiss employees: types of dismissal, legal requirements

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Sooner or later, any employer is forced to figure out how to properly dismiss employees, how to count a person, officially parting with him, how to formalize the process correctly so that there are no questions from government authorities

The geographical division of labor is History, examples, the role of Russia

The geographical division of labor is History, examples, the role of Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The geographical division of labor enables countries to develop certain industries, while not experiencing problems with the lack of goods that are in demand, but which are impossible or economically unprofitable to produce in their territories. The system of product exchange between countries arose in antiquity, and with the development of technology and transport, it only intensifies

The project team is Concept, stages of development and management

The project team is Concept, stages of development and management

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Recently, in management, project management and other sections of the applied theory of management of organizational systems, more and more attention is paid to the teamwork of the organization's personnel. A team is a collective (an association of people who carry out joint activities and have common interests), capable of achieving goals autonomously and in a coordinated manner, with minimal control actions

Team development stages: process, composition, team members and leadership style

Team development stages: process, composition, team members and leadership style

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Teamwork is all about working together even when you're apart from each other. Increasingly, in recent years, company leaders have prioritized the creation and strengthening of a favorable psychological climate in the company. They understand that an effective cohesive team can reduce the burden on the leader of the organization, improve the quality of decisions made, and reduce the likelihood of managerial errors. Teambuilding improves interaction between people

Team-building activities for the team

Team-building activities for the team

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

A friendly, close-knit team, ready to do everything possible to achieve their goals, is the dream of any leader. At the same time, every top manager wants to see a real team at his enterprise. In a broad sense, this concept means a work team with a high level of cohesion, each member of which has a commitment to common goals, as well as the values of the organization

Personnel policy and personnel strategy: concept, types and role in enterprise development

Personnel policy and personnel strategy: concept, types and role in enterprise development

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Now the personnel management function is moving to a new qualitative level. Now the emphasis is not on the execution of direct instructions from line management, but on a holistic, independent, ordered system, which contributes to improving efficiency and achieving the goals of the organization. And this is where HR policy and HR strategy help

Workplace maintenance: organization and maintenance of the workplace

Workplace maintenance: organization and maintenance of the workplace

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

An important part of the process of organizing labor in production is the organization of the workplace. Performance depends on the correctness of this process. An employee of the company should not be distracted in his activities from the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to him. To do this, it is necessary to pay due attention to the organization of his workplace. This will be discussed further

What are the advantages of internal recruitment? Selection methods, methods and recommendations for personnel management

What are the advantages of internal recruitment? Selection methods, methods and recommendations for personnel management

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

What is internal recruitment? What are the main advantages of internal recruitment sources, what are they and what does the internal selection technology include - you can find out by reading this article

The main stages of personnel selection, process features and criteria

The main stages of personnel selection, process features and criteria

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

List of the main stages of personnel selection at enterprises and organizations. What are the stages of personnel selection? Description of methods and management tools in the selection of candidates and applicants for a vacant position in the company

Conflicts in organizations are The concept, types, causes, methods of solving and consequences of conflicts in an organization

Conflicts in organizations are The concept, types, causes, methods of solving and consequences of conflicts in an organization

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Misunderstandings accompany us everywhere, we often encounter them at work and at home, in communication with friends and acquaintances. Conflicts in organizations deserve special attention - this is the scourge of many companies, which include a large number of employees. In some cases, such clashes of interest can be seen as an additional part of the work process aimed at improving the climate in the team

Operational and maintenance personnel: duties and job description

Operational and maintenance personnel: duties and job description

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Who is the operational and maintenance personnel? Who belongs to this category and what are the responsibilities of the staff? What is duplication of operational and maintenance personnel, the essence and timing of the passage

Types of personnel assessment. Personnel Management

Types of personnel assessment. Personnel Management

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Checking personnel today - in the face of fierce competition - business leaders pay increased attention. The success of the company directly depends on the criteria by which the staff is formed and how effectively their potential is used. And good leaders understand this. In connection with the demand, dictated by the realities of the time, higher education institutions began to produce specialists of a new level - personnel managers

FTE - what is it? Examples and calculation methods

FTE - what is it? Examples and calculation methods

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The term FTE means the full equivalent or amount of work done for 40 hours of work of employees during the week. What does the literal translation of Full-Time Equivalent sound like?

Staff loy alty is a correct, sincere and respectful attitude towards management and employees. Formation, evaluation and methods of increasing loy alty

Staff loy alty is a correct, sincere and respectful attitude towards management and employees. Formation, evaluation and methods of increasing loy alty

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

This article will tell you in detail what is staff loy alty in an organization, how to determine the level of loy alty and what are the ways to increase it. And also after reading you can find out the features of the influence of loy alty factors on the work of the company

Working time utilization rate - features, analysis and indicators

Working time utilization rate - features, analysis and indicators

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Analysis of the use of working time plays a crucial role in the analytical and accounting work of the enterprise. The basis of such an analysis is the calculation of the coefficients for the use of working time in various options

ZAO "GradProekt": feedback from employees about the employer

ZAO "GradProekt": feedback from employees about the employer

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Whether you are applying for a job or looking for a design organization to do the work, reviews are of primary interest. They allow you to see the company from the inside. Today we are considering the company "GradProject":

Drafting a shift schedule: sample. Order to change the shift schedule: sample

Drafting a shift schedule: sample. Order to change the shift schedule: sample

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Many questions are raised by such a task as scheduling shifts. You can always find a sample of this document, but there are many subtleties that will be discussed in this article

Motivated assessment of professional, personal qualities: examples, sample report

Motivated assessment of professional, personal qualities: examples, sample report

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

To make a motivated assessment of the professional and personal qualities of employees, you need to do a lot of work. You will learn how to do this by reading the article

Number of employees is Definition, calculation methods

Number of employees is Definition, calculation methods

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The article will tell you what the number of employees in an enterprise is, as well as the rules for its calculation

Operating personnel: instructions and duties. Who belongs to the operational staff

Operating personnel: instructions and duties. Who belongs to the operational staff

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

What are operational personnel in electrical installations. What are their requirements and what are their responsibilities?

Qualification requirements of the leading accountant. Job description of a leading accountant (example)

Qualification requirements of the leading accountant. Job description of a leading accountant (example)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

One of the most important and significant positions in the enterprise is an accountant. It is he who is responsible for all finances and calculations. It is believed that only with a good accountant can a company become successful

Administrative and technical staff is Definition, rights and obligations, briefings

Administrative and technical staff is Definition, rights and obligations, briefings

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Administrative and technical staff are employees of engineering speci alties. They are responsible for the functioning of devices connected to electricity. Read more about their rights and responsibilities in the article

AHO specialist - who is this? Administrative and economic department: structure, employees, management

AHO specialist - who is this? Administrative and economic department: structure, employees, management

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

For many of us, an AXO specialist, whoever it is, evokes an association associated with cleaning work. After reading this article, you can easily determine the functionality of the employees of this unit

Intensity of labor is a socio-economic category that characterizes the degree of tension of the labor force in the labor process. Characteristics, calculations

Intensity of labor is a socio-economic category that characterizes the degree of tension of the labor force in the labor process. Characteristics, calculations

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Intensity of labor is a category that simultaneously refers to socio-economic, physiological, and a number of others. This concept is measurable. It should not be confused with labor productivity - rather, these are reverse order values

Job description of a social work specialist. Social protection and social assistance

Job description of a social work specialist. Social protection and social assistance

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

What are the requirements for a social worker, what are his functions, rights and obligations as a professional in social protection and social assistance to citizens - a complete description of a representative of one of the most humane professions

Staffing of the personnel management system. Information, technical and legal support of the personnel management system

Staffing of the personnel management system. Information, technical and legal support of the personnel management system

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Since each company determines the number of employees independently, deciding what requirements for personnel it needs and what qualifications it should have, there is no exact and clear calculation

Personnel - what is it? Types of personnel, training and management

Personnel - what is it? Types of personnel, training and management

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The totality of workers of different professions, qualifications and categories employed at the enterprise is called "staff". What is personnel in the broadest sense of the word? How important is the role of each employee in the process of organizing the work of the enterprise?

Procurement specialist: duties, job description, education, requirements, resume

Procurement specialist: duties, job description, education, requirements, resume

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

What are the responsibilities of a purchasing specialist? His job description is discussed in detail in this article

Controller of the technical condition of vehicles: job description, duties and professional retraining

Controller of the technical condition of vehicles: job description, duties and professional retraining

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The controller of the technical condition of vehicles must meet a number of requirements. Persons with incomplete higher education in the relevant direction or complete vocational education are allowed to work in this speci alty. The experience must be at least one year

Job description of a contract manager according to 44 FZ (sample)

Job description of a contract manager according to 44 FZ (sample)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

For the implementation of public procurement in budgetary organizations, a special structural unit is formed or a responsible person is appointed - a contract manager. There are provisions in federal law that govern this issue. The main regulatory act is Federal Law No. 44

The concept and types of staff motivation in an organization

The concept and types of staff motivation in an organization

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The concept, history, goals and aspects of the application of staff motivation. Ways of implementation and application of certain methods of stimulating the efficiency of personnel. Types of material and non-material incentives for employees

Line manager: definition, managerial activities, tasks and functions

Line manager: definition, managerial activities, tasks and functions

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Line manager is the head of a separate division, business or production. With the help of the management apparatus entrusted to him, he coordinates the work of subordinate employees, makes key decisions related to the functioning of his department

Electrotechnological personnel: meaning and definition

Electrotechnological personnel: meaning and definition

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

All employees at the enterprise are divided into electrical and electrical engineering personnel. A separate category are employees whose activities, as a rule, are not related to the direct operation of installations

Performing discipline: concept, management and promotion

Performing discipline: concept, management and promotion

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Performing discipline is one of the subspecies of labor discipline. Her main task is to timely and highly qualified execution of orders

Workdays in a new way

Workdays in a new way

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Many people are familiar with such a phrase as "workdays", but few people think about how to present it in a new role. But interesting forms of pronunciation of such an ordinary phrase can make ordinary days bright and cheerful

Is the payment of remuneration a payment, an encouragement or gratitude for a service? What are the types of rewards?

Is the payment of remuneration a payment, an encouragement or gratitude for a service? What are the types of rewards?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Employee benefits are all costs that the employer bears on the basis of the concluded labor agreement

Rights and obligations of the freight forwarder

Rights and obligations of the freight forwarder

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The duties of the forwarder include the acceptance of goods at the warehouse and checking its compliance with the accompanying documents. He must also verify the integrity of the packaging and check the availability of devices necessary for the transport of goods

Transfer to another position is a vital necessity

Transfer to another position is a vital necessity

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Labor relations are a process subject to changes under the influence of external and internal factors, so it often becomes necessary to transfer an employee to another position

A position is not just a staff unit, but the main characteristic of an employee's duties

A position is not just a staff unit, but the main characteristic of an employee's duties

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

When getting a new job or moving within the same organization, you need to be interested not only in the level of payment, working hours and working conditions (which is undoubtedly important). It does not hurt to clarify exactly what the new position is called and how it will be recorded in the work book in the future

Recruitment: an important process

Recruitment: an important process

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Each opening enterprise is in need of quality labor resources. Recruitment takes a lot of time and effort, because the success and profitability of the business depends on the level of qualification of employees, their personal qualities. That is why this area should be given special attention

Staff Engagement: Levels of Commitment

Staff Engagement: Levels of Commitment

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Involvement of the personnel of the organization in recent years has become an increasingly significant indicator of the success of the enterprise. The subject of the theory of employee involvement is the search for ways for the company to achieve its strategic goals and at the same time create a special climate for its employees, in which all of them (both ordinary employees, and managers, and the head) will be interested in maximum returns

Management of human resources: general and particular issues

Management of human resources: general and particular issues

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Management of human resources, that is, personnel, is a real art. Of course, there are special institutions that teach this difficult task, but still, without certain properties and understanding of human psychology, this seems to be a rather difficult process

A competent HR specialist is the key to the prosperity of the company

A competent HR specialist is the key to the prosperity of the company

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

It's no secret that the most valuable resources of any enterprise are people. Without them, the equipment will not work, sales will not be carried out, production will stop and deliveries will stop. That's why it's important to take good care of your employees

What are the duties of a PC operator?

What are the duties of a PC operator?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Very often in job search advertisements you can find the following text: “PC operator required”. However, not everyone knows who he is, and what is the responsibility of the PC operator. Let's try to figure it out

Social efficiency: what is it and what is it for?

Social efficiency: what is it and what is it for?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Social efficiency of management is a category that expresses the degree of satisfaction of the demand of a potential consumer for services and goods. The more a person buys a particular product, the more susceptible he is to marketing tools

Methods and criteria for assessing personnel certification

Methods and criteria for assessing personnel certification

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Personnel assessment criteria are an indispensable element in the field of human resource management. Evaluation of personnel in an organization should be regular and carried out within strictly regulated terms, solving specific management tasks

Seller job descriptions: what should they be?

Seller job descriptions: what should they be?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

To make the work of any store efficient, it is necessary to recruit qualified personnel and draw up documents in accordance with which the labor process should be built. When compiling the job descriptions of the seller, it is necessary to understand that there are points common to any trade organization, but there are also nuances that vary depending on the specifics of the goods that are sold

What does a tender specialist do?

What does a tender specialist do?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Browsing through vacancies, you can often see professions that we have never even heard of before. For example, a specialist in tenders or public (state) orders, a tenderer, a declarant… What are these positions? What qualities and professional skills should a tender specialist have?

Organizational conflicts: how to manage?

Organizational conflicts: how to manage?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Conflicts appeared with a person and became an integral part of his life. Organizational conflicts can bring both benefit to the enterprise and harm. Therefore, the manager must be able to resolve and prevent conflict situations in a timely manner

Professional development of staff

Professional development of staff

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

For any reputable organization that is engaged in any activity, staff development is a very important issue. To stay on the market for goods or services, a company needs skilled workers. And given the fact that in our time of information technology everything is changing rapidly, employees must constantly improve their qualification level. It depends on the stability and success of the business

A certificate of honor as a way to reward employees

A certificate of honor as a way to reward employees

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Thanks to the encouragement of employees, the quality of work improves and business flourishes. What types of incentives are there? What role does an honorary diploma play in stimulating conscientious work? In what cases is it appropriate? The article talks about it in detail

Civil servants are subjects of certain legal relations

Civil servants are subjects of certain legal relations

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

For a very long time, concepts like "employees" and "federal government employees" had no legal status. These terms have not been studied at all and have not been considered in essence

Personnel reshuffling is Personnel reshuffling in the organization

Personnel reshuffling is Personnel reshuffling in the organization

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Reshuffle of personnel is a normal phenomenon for the life of almost every enterprise. The Labor Code provides for the possibility of transferring employees to another place (within the enterprise) on a permanent or temporary basis, to another division, to another position, and so on. In this case, the employer is obliged to comply with a number of conditions established in the Code. Otherwise, his actions may be considered unlawful

Professional environments: their formation and types

Professional environments: their formation and types

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Understanding and controlling the professional environment is essential for any company if it is to be successful and grow economically. Employee psychology, workplace comfort and social relationship management are the most important management tools

Mentorship Statement: Basic Concepts

Mentorship Statement: Basic Concepts

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The Regulation on Mentoring includes a definition of this concept. Depending on the size of the organization, management may hire staff with little or no experience

Fixing a position is a way for a civil servant to acquire official status

Fixing a position is a way for a civil servant to acquire official status

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The choice to fill a position is the determination by the authorized body of one person who is suitable for taking this position. In this case, the state body must verbally justify its decision, based on the documents of the candidate and his professional characteristics

Payroll employees are Payroll and attendance of employees

Payroll employees are Payroll and attendance of employees

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Employees on the payroll are employees of the enterprise engaged in permanent, seasonal or temporary work. They must be enlisted

Electrotechnological personnel - what kind of workers?

Electrotechnological personnel - what kind of workers?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Electrotechnological personnel are workers who differ in a number of ways. They perform electrical energy management. Their activities, for example, relate to electric welding, electrolysis

International labor specialization

International labor specialization

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The development of the world economy is the key to the well-being of the population of our planet. The international specialization of labor is a positive factor that strengthens the relationship between different countries

New speci alty - "Personnel Management". Professional retraining, universities, employment prospects

New speci alty - "Personnel Management". Professional retraining, universities, employment prospects

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Current changes in the modern labor market led to the fact that in 2015 a new one appeared in the list of official speci alties - “Personnel Management”. Professional retraining in a new speci alty has opened in many educational institutions of the country, because the recommendations of ministries and institutions for labor protection oblige specialists of recruitment agencies to have an appropriate profile education

What are the work schedules at the enterprises?

What are the work schedules at the enterprises?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The work schedule of employees is an extremely important part of the work organization process. What variety exists here?

When is an extraordinary test of knowledge of personnel on labor protection carried out?

When is an extraordinary test of knowledge of personnel on labor protection carried out?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, employers are required to test their employees' knowledge in the field of labor protection. What is this procedure? When should it be done?

Grading is Planning and personnel management

Grading is Planning and personnel management

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The labor market and its payment systems are constantly changing. This is due to the development of technology, the redistribution of resources, economic instability and unprofitability of budgetary organizations. During the financial crisis, an objective need develops to optimize the functioning of commercial, profitable organizations and enterprises of budget financing (non-profit sector)

Frame retention rate: formula. Average number of employees

Frame retention rate: formula. Average number of employees

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Employee turnover worries every entrepreneur, so the HR specialist must know some very important formulas

The concept, goals, objectives, the essence of personnel assessment. Personnel certification is

The concept, goals, objectives, the essence of personnel assessment. Personnel certification is

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Periodic personnel appraisal allows the manager not only to find out the level of professional training and attitude of employees, but also to assess how their personal and business qualities correspond to their position

Regulations on certification of employees. Certifying commission

Regulations on certification of employees. Certifying commission

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Attestation work acts as one of the most important elements of personnel activity. The composition of employees undergoing periodic inspection is approved for each industry or division of the enterprise separately

Line personnel are lower-level employees

Line personnel are lower-level employees

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The main part of the work at production and trade enterprises is performed by line personnel. These are the people who build houses, make doors and windows, cast metal, transport goods to stores, sit at the checkout, draw up insurance policies, and also engage in other non-prestigious, but such necessary activities

Demotivation is Demotivation: definition, causes, factors and examples

Demotivation is Demotivation: definition, causes, factors and examples

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Demotivation of personnel is designed to push the employee to reconsider his attitude to the performance of work duties. He is expected to adequately assess his role and usefulness in the organization. Thus, the purpose of demotivation techniques is to sober up the employee and stimulate his performance

Looking for an example of how to fill in a workday photo?

Looking for an example of how to fill in a workday photo?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

To accurately determine the items of the job description, analyze the workload, as well as the performance of any employee, a photograph of the working day can be used. An example of filling can be found below in this article