Paints and varnishes: types, differences, properties and description

Paints and varnishes: types, differences, properties and description
Paints and varnishes: types, differences, properties and description

Paints and varnishes are still one of the most popular means for decorating interior and exterior surfaces of various structures. Moreover, the areas of application of these products are constantly expanding, which is confirmed by regularly updated protective properties of the compositions. There are special types of paints and varnishes to prevent surface corrosion, improve fire resistance and biological resistance. Along with this, the decorative qualities of coatings are also developing, also causing the emergence of new segments in the construction chemicals market.

General structure of paint mixtures

To obtain multifunctional, durable and aesthetically pleasing coatings, technologists of paint and varnish mixtures develop complex recipes that involve the use of several components. The basis of most mixtures is formed by a filler - a component that gives the mixture sufficient viscosity and optimal film thickness. Active components are responsible for the "working" qualities, which largely determinesigns of classification of different types of paints and varnishes. The composition of a typical mixture includes additives, solvents, pigment chemicals and a binder base. For example, additives act as a kind of performance modifier - they increase flow, provide haze, form insulating films, etc.

Pigment elements are responsible for the color, and solvents allow you to achieve the desired consistency of the mixture without additional inclusions. As for the binder, this is one of the most important components of the composition, which enters into activity after the material dries. It is he who ultimately contributes to the formation of a hard, elastic or loose coating with certain technical and physical qualities.

paints and varnishes
paints and varnishes

Compounds based on silicone binders

The most extensive group of paints and varnishes, the popularity of which is determined by attractive performance. Polycondensation mixtures represent the main types of paints and varnishes based on silicone resins - about 40%. In particular, alkyd, epoxy, polyurethane and other coatings with a universal set of characteristics have become widespread. Such materials are calculated for use both indoors and outdoors - as facade paint. The susceptibility to modification and film-forming flexibility allow the use of silicone mixtures in highly specialized applications. So, in addition to household needs, this type of paint is used in the processing of appliances and special equipment. Thanks to electroplating, the material can be applied to non-ferrous metal surfaces with an innovative electrophoresis method.

Bitumen-based compounds

Bituminous paints and varnishes
Bituminous paints and varnishes

Lacquers, paints, enamels and various oils with solvent effects are produced today from bitumen. Some manufacturers form entire lines of paints and varnishes produced on natural resins. The bitumen itself may contain natural rosin, vegetable oils, white spirit and solvent. On the same basis, a group of amber varnishes is produced, which are used in the national economy. If we talk about operational properties, then almost all types of bitumen paints and varnishes are characterized by a high degree of viscosity, effective insulating property and mechanical strength. In some areas of application, a special technique for applying such materials is involved - by welding. This laying method provides a complete sealing of the surface with physical protection. Also, unlike roll and film coatings, heavy bituminous paints are less harmful to the environment.

Cellulose ester formulations

This product is obtained by mixing cellulose with solvents - alcohols and acids. Solid film-forming materials are obtained, which, although not directly related to polymers, but in terms of performance are quite consistent with the ideas about synthetic types of paints and varnishes and their characteristics, such as thermoplasticity, solubility inorganic fillers and chemical resistance. However, there are also exceptions - for example, cellulose esters give the coating a low ability to resist acids and alkalis, while simple ones withstand high temperatures without releasing free acids. Mixtures with dielectric properties can occur in both groups.

In practice, paints and enamels from cellulose ethers are used as modifiers that provide the effects of thickeners, stabilizers and plasticizers. In the form of an independent product, this product is used as a coating material, borehole mud and dye.

Industrial types of paints and varnishes

Industrial paints and varnishes
Industrial paints and varnishes

Due to economic constraints and established technical and physical qualities, this category of products has special requirements. Since large volumes of material are often used, technologists are faced with the task of optimizing the production process in order to obtain a high-quality, but also inexpensive product. In industrial types of paints and varnishes, the properties of chemical and physical protection come out on top, since such coatings are usually treated with engineering structures and structures operated in harsh conditions. For example, varnishes based on fatty acids and harpius ester are suitable for coating lithographed sheet metal. Paints made from rosin-glyphthal resins are more often used as a means of durable marking of aluminum and magnesium alloys.

Used in industry and amber varnish,made from molten resin. Raw materials are initially modified with vegetable oils with the addition of desiccants, and later, depending on the purpose, auxiliary additives can be added to the composition. As a rule, amber lacquer is used in the coating of canning tinplate.

Powder paints

Powder paint
Powder paint

These are multicomponent compositions of the dispersed group of paints and varnishes. The function of the film-forming substance in this case is performed by solid particles separated by air currents. There is one important requirement for powder materials - they must be evenly distributed over the work site. As already noted, the dispersion medium for such types of paint and varnish coatings and materials is formed by the air itself, and not by water with solvents. On the one hand, this provides economic and organizational advantages, since the painter gets rid of the hassle of preparing raw materials for diluting the components. On the other hand, processing is carried out using a compressor unit and a spray gun. Spraying is in progress, which also requires some organizational investment, but due to the efficiency of the sprayer, the basic costs can be easily offset.

Building varnishes

Lacquer coatings
Lacquer coatings

The main difference between varnish and paint is its ability to form hard coatings after drying. An exception is bituminous insulating compounds, which form a sealed film and are not designed for protective mechanical functions. The role of the binder is usually performed by resins (artificialor natural), as well as vegetable oils. As solvents, special organic components or water are used. By the way, water-soluble types of paints and varnishes and their characteristics are optimally suited for individual use in everyday life - varnishes of this type are environmentally friendly, so they can be used openly in residential areas. Manufacturers themselves tend to focus this or that recipe on specific tasks. So, there are special products for varnishing facade surfaces, parquets, plastic parts, metal structures, etc.


Actually, these are oxidizing paints or epoxy liquid coatings that are distinguished by their insulating effect and abrasion resistance. Due to mechanical stability, enamel compositions are widely used in the treatment of floor surfaces. After hardening, the coating withstands cyclic and static loads, resists abrasive influences and does not lose its aesthetic characteristics. Enamel is used as a paint and varnish material and for facade decoration. Exterior decoration of walls, roofs and even parking areas with paths may well be carried out with appropriate enamel compositions suitable for outdoor use. For example, there are PVC, furyl and epoxy materials that provide a protective barrier against UV radiation, weathering, etc.

Enamel paints and varnishes
Enamel paints and varnishes

Priming mixtures

A special group of paint and varnish mixtures that are not included insegments of building putty mortars, but partly perform their functions. Mostly these are water-dispersion types of paints and varnishes, the main properties of which are to provide a leveling effect, insulation and increase adhesion. In general, these are preparatory mixtures that eliminate defects in the rough surface, on which it is planned to apply decorative paint in the future. Separate modifications of primers can perform the tasks of antiseptic treatment, biological and anti-corrosion protection.

Classification by purpose

Because the range of tasks that paints and varnishes perform is very wide, manufacturers use several markings to indicate the nature of the use of a particular product. At the basic level, the following types and purposes of paints and varnishes can be distinguished:

  • Weather resistant formulations. For exterior decoration of houses and structures. Also called facade paints.
  • Limited weather resistance compounds. Designed for indoor use as well as protected outdoor applications.
  • Preservatives. Protective coatings that are designed for temporary insulation of surfaces of machinery, equipment or building structures.
  • Waterproof formulations. Tolerant materials to moisture, steam and direct contact with water. Can be used in rooms with high humidity.
  • Specialized paint mixes. Materials that are suitable for specific operating conditions - they may have a highchemical resistance, temperature resistance, sound insulation and electrical conductivity.
Facade paintwork materials
Facade paintwork materials


Properly selected topcoat can not only improve the appearance of the surface, but also extend the life of the base material. Taking into account the protective and decorative properties of different types of paints and varnishes, you can choose the best option for external processing for each case. But also do not ignore the secondary performance of coatings. These include environmental friendliness, adhesive compatibility with the base material, and maintenance requirements.
