The best top dressing for cucumbers in the greenhouse and in the open field

The best top dressing for cucumbers in the greenhouse and in the open field
The best top dressing for cucumbers in the greenhouse and in the open field

Cucumbers are he althy and sought after vegetables. They are grown both in open ground and in greenhouses. For normal growth and good fruiting, an important component of agrotechnical measures is the feeding of cucumbers. What nutrients a vegetable needs, how and when to add them, read the article.

cucumbers in the greenhouse
cucumbers in the greenhouse

How to prepare the greenhouse and soil

Immediately after harvesting, which occurs in the autumn period, the greenhouse must be cleared of plant residues and the soil dug up. All structures made of metal, wood, glass, plastic should be treated with a disinfectant. You can use bleach at the rate of 300 g per bucket of water. But before use, the composition is infused for three to four hours.

When growing cucumbers, top dressing is obligatory for them. But we must not forget that the soil, depleted over the previous season, also needs fertilizer. Its acidity will decrease if you first add rotted manure, humus or compost. For an area of one square meter, onebuckets of organics. After that, the soil is enriched with fluff lime or dolomite flour at the rate of 300 to 500 g per square meter of plot area.

In the spring, you need to dig up the site again. Approximately half a month before planting cucumber bushes, a certain amount of nutrients should be added to the soil:

  • superphosphate and ammonium nitrate 20-30 g;
  • potassium s alt 15-25g;
  • potassium sulfate 20 g.
fertilizing cucumbers in a greenhouse
fertilizing cucumbers in a greenhouse

After that, the soil should be poured with an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate (three grams per bucket of liquid) and covered with a film that is removed just before planting.

Feeding while growing

During different periods of the vegetation of plants, cucumbers in the greenhouse need to be fed. At the beginning of development, the vegetable needs nitrogen, during the period of active growth - potassium, and during fruiting - phosphorus and abundant watering so that the fruits are juicy. Top dressing of cucumbers under the root is carried out with organic fertilizers.

fertilizer for cucumbers
fertilizer for cucumbers

Mineral supplements can be applied root and foliar methods. Top dressing of cucumbers is carried out in the following periods:

  • After half a month since landing.
  • After the plants bloom.
  • At the beginning of fruiting.
  • During the period of mass ripening of vegetables.

Feeding greenhouse cucumbers under the root

When three or four full-fledged leaves appear on the plant, root dressing of cucumbers is carried out in the greenhouse. What fertilizers can be used?

The first top dressing is carried out with ammonium nitrate, sulfuric or potassium chloride in the amount of 15 g of each fertilizer and double superphosphate, which needs to be taken a little more - 20 g. The whole set is diluted in a bucket of water with a capacity of 10 liters. This composition is enough to water 10-15 bushes. This procedure falls on the period when the roots are strong enough and able to consume the required amount of nutrients.

The second feeding of cucumbers with fertilizers is carried out after half a month or even 3 weeks after the primary one. At this time, cucumbers begin to bloom and form ovaries. They need a lot of potassium. The need for nitrogen is also present, but to a lesser extent. However, organic fertilizers are the best fertilizer for cucumbers. To do this, use chicken manure or mullein. The composition of the solution includes the following components:

  • liquid litter - 0.5 l;
  • nitrophoska - table spoon;
  • water - 10 l;
  • boric acid - 0.5 g;
  • manganese sulfate - 0.3 g;
  • potassium or ash, in its absence - 50 g.

The consumption of the prepared composition is small: three liters per square meter.

best fertilizer for cucumbers
best fertilizer for cucumbers

The third time cucumbers are fed half a month after the previous procedure. This time, liquid mullein is used, for which it is bred in the amount of one and a half to two tablespoons in a bucket of water with a capacity of 10 liters. Solution consumption is more: 7-8 l. The fourth dressing is done in two weeks with the same composition.

The need for foliardressing

Growing cucumbers, vegetable growers draw up a feeding scheme, which necessarily includes a foliar method of fertilizing, that is, spraying the leaves with useful compounds. You can buy them in the store ("Epin", "Zircon") or cook them yourself. Here are some recipes:

  1. Superphosphate, nitric potassium, boric acid, sulfuric manganese, zinc sulfate are taken in the proportions: 10/30/1/0, 4/0, 1. The unit of measure is grams.
  2. For another composition, 1.5% urea solution in the amount of 50 g is diluted in ten liters of water. If this solution is combined with mulching, fruiting is extended for some time. Needles, humus or sawdust are used as mulch.
  3. Boric acid is dissolved in water (1 l) in the amount of a teaspoon and potassium permanganate crystals, 10-12 pieces are enough.
fertilizers in granules
fertilizers in granules

Such dressings have some advantage: fertilizers are immediately absorbed by plants, and useful material has less loss. But you should always remember that this power supply is optional. Useful substances obtained by foliar feeding do not saturate plants with all the elements they need. It is used in cases where cucumbers lack one or more substances or they do not have enough sun, since the domestic climate is characterized by many cloudy days. Similar top dressing is carried out for cucumbers grown both in the open field and in the greenhouse.

Cucumbers in the open field

Start planting these vegetables onbeds fall at the end of spring and continue until the beginning of the first summer month. Plants find themselves in a new environment, which differs from the previous temperature and soil composition. In order for cucumbers to quickly take root and bear fruit well, you need to prepare it in advance. In the future, in the process of growth, cucumbers should be fed in the ground, as a result of which the yield will increase, and fruiting will be longer in time.

For growing, choose a sun-protected, but not very shaded area. It is important that before this, tomatoes, root crops, legumes or corn grow in the garden. You can not grow cucumbers for several years in a row in one place. It is undesirable that the predecessors of the culture were zucchini.

The plot is being prepared in autumn. It is carefully dug up with simultaneous incorporation of fresh manure, compost or humus into the soil at the rate of 5 kg / m². Organics are rich in nitrogen, but other trace elements are contained in it in small quantities. Therefore, in the spring, potassium and phosphorus should be added to the soil. Enough of them 10-25 g / m² and 15-30 g / m² of superphosphate.

cucumbers in the garden
cucumbers in the garden

Feeding cucumbers in the open field

For good growth and abundant fruiting, cucumbers need nutrients. Vegetables in the open field are fed during the same periods of development as in the greenhouse. To do this, fertilizers of organic and mineral composition are used, as in greenhouse cultivation: mullein, litter, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium.

Below in the article are examples of dressings for cucumbers, regardless of their placegrowth.

Folk recipes

Foliar feeding of vegetables is carried out using folk remedies. So, infusions from organic additives are good nutrition for cucumbers.

  • Ripid hay is poured with water (the ingredients are taken in equal proportions) and insisted for two days. Cucumbers are watered 3 times, with intervals between procedures of one week.
  • Wood ash is an affordable and essential fertilizer for vegetables. It can be used throughout the growth of cucumbers: from planting to harvest. The interval between procedures should be 9 days. Apply dry matter or infusion, which is easy to prepare yourself. To do this, ash in the amount of 200 g must be poured with water at room temperature, insisted for two days, and then diluted in a bucket of water just before watering.
  • Chicken droppings are of great benefit for the growth of cucumbers. Fresh diluted in water in a ratio of 1/10, rotted - 1/20. But before using the infusion, the plants are first watered with plain water. Only aisles are processed with chicken manure.
  • Cucumbers are fed with egg shells rich in trace elements. To do this, it is crushed and sprinkled with vegetable beds. You can also prepare a tincture, for which you need to fill the shell with water and let the solution stand for several days.
  • An addition to the nutrition of cucumbers is onion peel. A solution is prepared from it. To do this, pour 200 g of husks with a bucket of water and put on the stove. When it begins to boil, the liquid is removed from the heat and insisted for 5 hours. Watering is carried out under each plant.
composition of fertilizers for cucumbers
composition of fertilizers for cucumbers

Feeding with herbal infusion

Good nutrition for vegetables growing in the greenhouse and open ground are infusions of various herbs. They are easy to make on your own. You don't need to go far for vegetation - grass grows under your feet.

To prepare the infusion, you need to chop the quinoa, nettle and plantain. In total, one kilogram is required - 330 g of each herb. Next, the mixture is poured with 12 liters of hot, but not boiling, water and infused for three days. After that, the infusion is filtered.

Feeding cucumbers with yeast

This method is not common, but its use allows you to get high yields of vegetables. Food for plants is prepared simply: yeast in the amount of 100 g is dissolved in a bucket of water, the capacity of which is 10 liters. Exactly one day the infusion ferments. After that, it is ready for use. Top dressing of cucumbers is carried out at the very root during the flowering period.

Vegetables will be enriched with phosphorus, potassium, vitamins and other minerals. Yields will increase significantly and the taste of fruits grown both in the open field and in the greenhouse will greatly improve.

fertilizing cucumbers with yeast
fertilizing cucumbers with yeast

DIY organic fertilizer

Growing cucumbers is not complete without feeding them. All mineral fertilizers are bought. Gardeners who do not have livestock in their backyard also acquire organic matter. The costs have a significant impact on the family budget. But there is a way to prepare organic fertilizer that does not require investments. For this you needcollect all the weeds from the garden or from the beds in the greenhouse. Add dandelion leaves, plantain to them and chop everything into small fractions. Pour one kilogram of the resulting herbal mixture with a 10 liter bucket of water. Infuse the solution for a day, strain and water cucumbers at the rate of four liters per square meter of plot area.

Honey tincture

This top dressing is relevant for cucumbers during their flowering period, as it attracts insects that pollinate plants. To prepare it, it is enough to dilute honey in warm water: a tablespoon per liter. When the solution is completely cool, they need to spray the leaves and stems.
