Project management

Organization of construction. POS, PPR, PPO, decoding of concepts

Organization of construction. POS, PPR, PPO, decoding of concepts

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

To build a quality facility, you need to adhere to a clear work plan. To do this, projects are developed for the optimal use of the construction site and methods are used by which the facility will be built on time and within the approved budget

On time and within budget. Project management. Bibliography

On time and within budget. Project management. Bibliography

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Project management is a component of investment activity that plays an important role both for individual organizations and enterprises, and for industrial sectors and public administration systems

PERT method: description, application, management

PERT method: description, application, management

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The PERT method stands for project evaluation and analysis method and is used for large and long-term projects in which it is difficult to determine the timing of the work and develop a detailed schedule

Stakeholders of the project. Authors and project leaders

Stakeholders of the project. Authors and project leaders

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

To compete successfully in today's market and be successful in their endeavors, many companies use the project method. It allows you to get a finished high-quality product in a limited time. In order to make this process effective, it is necessary to know its essence, specifics and features of implementation

Management of processes with the designation of its main functions

Management of processes with the designation of its main functions

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Process management is achieved through the fulfillment of four conditions that are closely interconnected. It is planning, organization, motivation and control

How to make a media plan. Example of media plans

How to make a media plan. Example of media plans

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

When we are going to order advertising in local media, to conduct an advertising campaign, we willy-nilly sketch out a certain list of actions. In professional circles, such a list has received a special name - a media plan

Project management plan: description, compilation, analysis

Project management plan: description, compilation, analysis

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

What is a project management plan can be understood by understanding the term Project management. It is an art and a science at the same time, well-established in a consumer-oriented market economy. It is a structured elaboration of a work plan with the designation of intermediate goals for certain dates. But is it really that effective? Who or what influences the final result?

Strategic management as the foundation of enterprise competitiveness

Strategic management as the foundation of enterprise competitiveness

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Strategic management is a process that relies on the human factor as the foundation for an enterprise or organization. It is focused primarily on the needs of the market (or in other words, consumers), allows you to flexibly and quickly make changes necessary to work in accordance with demand

What is the organization of construction production

What is the organization of construction production

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Organization of construction production is a complex of interrelated activities. This is a solution to problems related to the choice of a construction site, the development of a project for an object under construction, the choice of a general contractor, the provision of construction work, quality control of work

Risk management process: stages, purpose and methods

Risk management process: stages, purpose and methods

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

This article discusses the process of risk management in modern companies. The main stages of the process, risk assessment methods, control procedures for reducing hazards and threats are presented

Material flow in logistics: overview, characteristics, types and schemes

Material flow in logistics: overview, characteristics, types and schemes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Types and classifications of material flows. Basic principles of their organization and management. Characteristics of material flows and their analysis

SRO: what are self-regulatory organizations?

SRO: what are self-regulatory organizations?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

SRO (self-regulatory organization) is a voluntary non-profit association of legal entities with the aim of regulating a range of issues related to a particular industry or profession. SRO can deal with issues, the procedure for resolving which is not fixed by law, as well as supplement state regulation. The ability of an SRO to exercise regulatory functions often stems from the authority given to it by the government

Project budgeting. Types and purpose of the budget. Project stage

Project budgeting. Types and purpose of the budget. Project stage

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Project budgeting should be understood as the determination of the cost of those works that are implemented within a certain scheme. In addition, we are talking about the process of formation on this basis of the budget, which contains the established distribution of costs by items and cost centers, types of work, by the time of their implementation or other positions

Project planning is Stages and features of the process, development and preparation of a plan

Project planning is Stages and features of the process, development and preparation of a plan

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

During planning, qualitative and quantitative decisions are made to achieve the goals of the organization in the long term. Moreover, in the course of such work, it is possible to determine precisely the optimal paths. Project planning is the elaboration of a precise scheme according to which the development of the organization will be carried out. This allows you to think through all the details, choose ways to solve problems and achieve your goals. How such work is carried out will be discussed below

Development of a quality manual: development procedure, features, conditions and requirements

Development of a quality manual: development procedure, features, conditions and requirements

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Quality management, development of a quality manual - today these are the most important tasks in the quality management system of products or services provided. It is advisable to analyze this issue in more detail, to consider all its aspects separately

Unstructured management: description of the concept, methods and methods

Unstructured management: description of the concept, methods and methods

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

General description of the concept of structureless methods of managing people. How do they differ from the structural way of manipulation. Description of various methods and methods of unstructured management of society. Managing other people through leaders. Bringing illustrative examples of such management

Types of waste in lean manufacturing

Types of waste in lean manufacturing

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Lean Manufacturing, also known as Lean Manufacturing, or LEAN is one of the best solutions for organizations looking to increase productivity levels and keep costs as low as possible. Waste in Lean production interferes with the achievement of the main objectives of the Lean system. Knowing the types of losses, understanding their sources and ways to eliminate them allows manufacturers to bring the production organization system closer to ideal conditions

The management model is Concept, classification, meaning

The management model is Concept, classification, meaning

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Today you can find a whole fan of formulations of the main management models - for every taste. They are united by bulkiness, pseudo-science and absolute incomprehensibility. The eyes darken from "theoretically built sets of ideas" and "instructive statements." All this is sad: management concepts are being discredited in the eyes of those who study. Let's try to figure it out

Innovation risks: types, factors, methods of reduction, management

Innovation risks: types, factors, methods of reduction, management

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The article analyzes the concept of innovation risks, presents various classifications. The methods of risk management that are used in the innovation sector are described. Risk assessment and mitigation options proposed

Construction management systems are Definition, types, design and development

Construction management systems are Definition, types, design and development

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Possibilities of decentralized management with an optimized scheme for the distribution of points of interaction allow organizing effective models for supporting construction projects. Within the framework of such a system, interested organizations can associate with the object entire groups of specialists united by a single information platform. Modern construction management systems work on this basis

How to sell stocks and bonds?

How to sell stocks and bonds?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

How to earn an apartment, a car and a vacation in the stock market? The secret of success is buying shares at the right time, and most importantly, a profitable sale. How it's done? Learn more

Automation of business systems: tools and technologies

Automation of business systems: tools and technologies

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

CRM-systems, ERP-solutions, WEB-tools and BPM-concepts - all these terms fall upon today's entrepreneurs who are striving to modernize their business. What's this?

Controlling in the enterprise: tools, goals and objectives

Controlling in the enterprise: tools, goals and objectives

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

What is controlling in an enterprise and what is its role in a modern organization management system? The main goals, objectives, functions, methods, tools and concepts of controlling. What is the difference between operational controlling and strategic controlling and what is their relationship? Implementation of controlling in the enterprise

Strategic decisions are Essence and features, methods of decision making

Strategic decisions are Essence and features, methods of decision making

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

One of the most crucial aspects of leadership is strategic decisions. They determine the direction of development of the enterprise for a long time. How are decisions made, and what are the "pitfalls" encountered along the way?

Management consulting. Consulting - what is it? Types of consulting

Management consulting. Consulting - what is it? Types of consulting

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The rapid development of innovative technologies, which has not bypassed sales markets, as well as the wishes and requirements of customers - all this and much more makes companies and organizations constantly keep up with the times. What is management consulting? This and many other concepts are discussed in detail in this article

Demand: demand curve. Aggregate demand curve. demand curve chart

Demand: demand curve. Aggregate demand curve. demand curve chart

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The national economy is in constant motion under the influence of changes in capital, labor resources and scientific and technological progress. But sometimes firms cannot sell the entire volume of output, which leads to a slowdown in production and a decrease in the gross domestic product. This can be explained by the economic model of aggregate supply and demand

How is the hot shop organized?

How is the hot shop organized?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The hot shop is the heart of a catering business. It completes the technological process of cooking. The products are heat treated. As a result, the workshop gives the consumer first and second courses

Anti-crisis management is a special set of measures and principles of enterprise management

Anti-crisis management is a special set of measures and principles of enterprise management

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Anti-crisis management is one of the most common terms in the Russian business environment. Let's figure out what kind of activity it is, how it differs from conventional management

How to make a project description: step by step instructions

How to make a project description: step by step instructions

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Any work begins with a project, that is, with the creation of a plan and preparation for its implementation. Even in small events, you need a clear idea of where and how to start working. Even more so in large companies. Therefore, projects are being developed that regulate the goals and objectives set and influence their fruitful solution

Project management - what is it? Pros and cons

Project management - what is it? Pros and cons

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Project management is one of the most popular types of management abroad, and recently in Russia. The article discusses the basic principles of project management on the example of implementation in the Belgorod region

What is a project. Definition of the project, its features and characteristics

What is a project. Definition of the project, its features and characteristics

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The word "project" (projectus) is translated from Latin as "outstanding, moving forward, protruding." And if you reproduce the concept of "project definition" in the Oxford lexicon, you get: "a well-planned start of a business, a personally created company, or a joint work aimed at achieving specific goals"

Project concept: examples

Project concept: examples

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The concept of the project is the basis of its success. The article describes the essence and content of the concept of the project, as well as specific examples

What is a technology project? Development of a technological project. Example of a technological project

What is a technology project? Development of a technological project. Example of a technological project

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

As part of the article, we will find out what a technological project is, and also work out the issues of its development

Customer service content. Customer Service Functions. Customer service is

Customer service content. Customer Service Functions. Customer service is

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Controversial processes that sometimes arise between customers and construction companies can spoil the lives of both parties for a long time. That's what customer service is for. It is her direct responsibility to ensure mutually beneficial and competent cooperation

Project implementation methods. Methods and tools for project implementation

Project implementation methods. Methods and tools for project implementation

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The term "project" has a specific practical meaning. Under it is understood something once conceived. The project is a task with some initial data and goals (required outcomes)

The critical path method. The critical path - what is it?

The critical path method. The critical path - what is it?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The Critical Path Method is a key project management tool used to determine project completion dates and allowances for specific activities. The article provides an algorithm for calculating the network schedules of projects using the critical path method

KDP - what is it? Conducting KDP - what is it?

KDP - what is it? Conducting KDP - what is it?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The importance of well-written personnel documentation is difficult to overestimate. Personnel documents are the consolidation of significant legal facts on paper. And any mistake of the personnel officer will entail negative consequences for both the employee and the employer, which is why it is so important to adhere to the rules of the KDP in personnel. So, KDP - what is it?

Schedule of work (sample). Network, calendar schedule for the production of works in construction in Excel

Schedule of work (sample). Network, calendar schedule for the production of works in construction in Excel

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

One of the most important documents, especially in construction, is the work schedule. We can safely say that the entire project without this schedule is a waste of time. Since it contains all the accepted engineering and technical solutions, as well as optimized terms

What are the areas of activity for private entrepreneurs

What are the areas of activity for private entrepreneurs

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

When an entrepreneur registers a company, he must indicate what kind of business he plans to do. At the same time, all areas of activity must necessarily be of a very specific nature, and even a new and creative idea for a business must be adjusted to the criteria established by law

Shewhart-Deming cycle: stages of production management

Shewhart-Deming cycle: stages of production management

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Management seeks to develop effective ways to manage production and product quality. There are several approaches to solving this problem

PDCA-cycle - the philosophy of continuous business improvement

PDCA-cycle - the philosophy of continuous business improvement

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The PDCA cycle is a universal method for solving any problems and tasks both in business and in other activities. What stages does it consist of and how to achieve maximum efficiency from the use of this technology?

Hierarchical work structure: concept and purpose. Project management

Hierarchical work structure: concept and purpose. Project management

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Each project has goals and stages of implementation. The implementation of the project implies the existence of goals, certain types of activities, skills and abilities. Each stage requires process control. This is a complex, creative art of coordinating all the resources involved in the implementation of the project: human and material

How to create projects? How to create a good project on a computer yourself correctly?

How to create projects? How to create a good project on a computer yourself correctly?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

If you want to become a successful person, you must know how to create projects, this skill will come in handy more than once

RACI matrix as a liability management tool. RACI: transcript

RACI matrix as a liability management tool. RACI: transcript

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

If the boat, as in the old joke, has 7 captains for 1 rower, then neither the most expensive oars nor the modern motivation system will help the ship sail faster. Likewise in business

Earned value method in project management

Earned value method in project management

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Earned value method is the most popular project-specific appraisal tool today

Corporate systems - enterprise management systems. Basic Models

Corporate systems - enterprise management systems. Basic Models

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The article discusses the concepts of "corporate enterprise management systems" and "corporate project management system". In addition, the basic models of CPMS are described

International project management standards

International project management standards

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Standards are considered norms and samples of objects that can be compared with other such phenomena. Also, a standard can be called a document in which the established rules, norms and requirements are indicated, allowing to assess compliance with them in labor activity

SRO approval for design work

SRO approval for design work

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The article is devoted to self-regulatory organizations (SROs) that legalize the design activities of their participants in the construction market

Business process: analysis of business processes. Description, application, results

Business process: analysis of business processes. Description, application, results

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The main purpose of the existence of any organization today is to meet the needs of the consumer. If the customer is satisfied, he will be profitable. The dependence here is directly proportional. And this can only be achieved by analyzing and then changing the process within the enterprise

Funding - what is it?

Funding - what is it?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Sometimes an enterprise does not have enough own resources to carry out entrepreneurial activities, so it resorts to the funding procedure

Consulting - what is it? What is management and financial consulting?

Consulting - what is it? What is management and financial consulting?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Modern market relations and technologies are rapidly developing. In an environment of high competition and growing consumer demands, it is very difficult to adapt in a timely and productive manner, to change a business strategy. Consulting - what is it? Why are tens of billions of dollars spent annually on it?

Local estimates are one of the most important documents in construction

Local estimates are one of the most important documents in construction

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Local estimates are a type of reporting document that is absolutely necessary during construction. Each developer wants to know exactly how much it will cost to perform certain types of work. It is for these purposes that this estimate documentation exists

Organization of organization management systems is the key to the effective activity of the subject

Organization of organization management systems is the key to the effective activity of the subject

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Organization of organization management systems will be highly efficient only if specialized software is used. We must not forget such important factors as the optimal organization of the entire process with the correct distribution of roles in the project

An effective basis for making managerial decisions is the productive existence of the subject

An effective basis for making managerial decisions is the productive existence of the subject

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The basis for making managerial decisions is the formation of a creative act of a certain subject, which determines the program of activities of the entire team of the enterprise. The implementation of these measures is aimed at effectively resolving emerging problematic issues, taking into account the current legislation, the laws of operation of the managed system itself and the appropriate analysis of information about its state

What is the organizational structure of the hotel

What is the organizational structure of the hotel

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Each of us has stayed at a hotel at least once in our lives. And then he shared his impressions with friends or relatives, and not only about local attractions or how he spent his vacation, but also about the quality of service and services provided in this very hotel. However, has anyone wondered how the organizational structure of the hotel is arranged, and how to ensure its smooth functioning?

Speci alty "Innovation" - the direction of training high-class analysts

Speci alty "Innovation" - the direction of training high-class analysts

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

This science is represented by a field of knowledge about the essence of innovation, its organization and management, ensuring the transformation of newly acquired knowledge into innovations demanded by society. This process can be based on both commercial and non-commercial interests (an example would be use in the social sphere)

Business process - what is it? Development, modeling, optimization of business processes

Business process - what is it? Development, modeling, optimization of business processes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Modern company management methods are increasingly borrowing foreign methods and technologies. One of these techniques breaks all the routine work into elementary components and then describes in detail each resulting business process. It takes quite a lot of time, but the resulting scheme allows you to find weaknesses, and overly inflated functional responsibilities and unclear tasks

The structure of an organization is the foundation of its success

The structure of an organization is the foundation of its success

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

For the successful functioning of an enterprise, it must be remembered that the structure of an organization is a combination of the most important factors: the relationship between all employees, the powers of employees, their functional responsibilities, management methods and policies followed by management

IT audit. Its features

IT audit. Its features

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

An article about how an IT audit is done. Why and who might need it in the modern world? What are its features and main advantages? Does it make it possible to forget about the development of one's own resources? The article provides exhaustive answers to most questions related to audit in any area, including information technology

Customer orientation is a number of advantages for any company

Customer orientation is a number of advantages for any company

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Customer focus is a rather vague concept. In order to determine its purpose, it is necessary to highlight the main features of this direction in the work of a company, enterprise or institution

Logistics: what is the American, European and Japanese system?

Logistics: what is the American, European and Japanese system?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The first thing to note about such a concept as logistics is that such a name in translation from Greek literally means "the art of counting." Initially, the concept was widely used in the army, where it indicated employees responsible for food distribution