Basic research methods in social work: classification and objectives

Basic research methods in social work: classification and objectives
Basic research methods in social work: classification and objectives

Modern understanding of the category of social development primarily comes from the fact that state social policy should be aimed at creating conditions that ensure free development and a decent life for a person. Social activity is connected with helping people, as well as assisting them in case of difficulties. The content of the category should be defined as a specific type of professional activity, providing state and non-state assistance to a person, his family or several persons, which is aimed at improving their standard of living. In our article we will focus on the organization and methods of research in social work. Consider their classification and main goals.

General provisions

observation as a research method in social work
observation as a research method in social work

Under the professional work of a social worker it is necessary to understandimplementation of a number of functions. We are talking primarily about research-analytical and scientific-cognitive. To implement them, you need to master the methodology and methods of research in social work. Currently, there are several stages of the research process that aims at social reality:

  • The study of social phenomena is launched by defining the subject of knowledge, as well as its external limits.
  • The second stage is the recognition of initial problems, in other words, questions through which the research team or individual identifies the most relevant aspects of the research subject.
  • Finding factors of a causal type that had a significant impact on the occurrence of a particular situation or problem.
  • Formulation of actionable research hypotheses.
  • Implementation of key activities related to research work; application of appropriate methods (methods of statistical analysis, research methods in social work).
  • Analysis of the received information.
  • Develop recommendations that aim to solve problems and improve the situation.

Definition and forms of social method

The method of research in social work should be understood as a way of using theoretical findings in the process of solving practical problems. It is important to note that the term “social techniques” is used to denote a set of methods, methods, techniques, as well as influences used to solve nature. Currently, it is customary to distinguish two forms of research methods in social work:

  • Programs that contain operations and procedures. In other words, these are means and methods of activity.
  • Directly the activity that is built according to the program.

Variety of methods

empirical research methods in social work
empirical research methods in social work

The variety of social life, the social world determined the variety of research methods in social work. Textbooks, in turn, offered various classifications of them. It should be noted that the division of methods can be implemented in accordance with different grounds. It is based on the differentiation of the knowledge and objects used, since specific methods of influence are applicable to each of them for optimal development and functioning.

Thus, it is advisable to single out social methods of a global plan, social methods in relation to society as a whole, social structure, various areas of public life, social processes, institutions and phenomena. Specialists identify such research methods in social work as the search for a management strategy, forecasting, diagnosis, and social modeling. In addition, innovative, educational and information-innovative methods of past experience can be noted. In accordance with the type of tasks to be solved, it is customary to classify methods into private and universal. It is advisable to highlight the methods of development of individual countries, territories, regions in social terms.

Method content

It can be seen from textbooks with research methods in social work that they all differ significantly from each other in content. It is advisable to identify the content of the most important methods. This will help to analyze in more detail their specifics in social activities. From the point of view of scale, it is customary to single out global social methods. They are connected primarily with overcoming universal human problems. This includes such methods and knowledge that fully contribute to the assimilation and further solution of both internal and global development trends, and also establish a connection between nature and society. It is worth noting that their implementation directly or indirectly concerns the life of society, its vital activity and, of course, social security.

Under the social methods of the innovation plan, one should understand such methods of innovative work that are aimed at implementing innovations in society, at implementing initiatives. In another way, they are called qualitative methods of research in social work. The fact is that they cause qualitative changes in various areas of social life, and also lead to the rational use of material and other social resources.

Unlike innovative ones, methods of influencing the processes occurring in society are provided for by routine actions. They are distinguished by a low degree of science intensity, they do not at all stimulate changes and changes in objects and the social system as a whole, they reflect yesterday's social impact. Regionalsocial methods are aimed at studying and further implementing certain regularities in the organization of the life of society in the territorial plan, as well as its planned changes. It should be noted that one of the types of universal methods is the method of global modeling. We are talking about the study and further solution of issues related to the conservation of nature, peace, providing the population of the planet with material resources, energy, food, and so on.

Conversation as a research method in social work is an excellent example of an informational technique. Its content lies in the techniques and ways of optimizing the information process, its functioning and reproduction. Intellectual methods are aimed at stimulating and developing the mental activity of individual units of society, developing the creative abilities of people, and realizing their potential.

Historical methods imply understanding of historical knowledge, historical experience. This is the condition for social, spiritual and political diagnosis. Demographic methods are aimed mainly at studying the process of population reproduction, as well as developing methods aimed at changing its location, number, composition, and so on.

Modern techniques

sociological research method in social work
sociological research method in social work

In addition to the methods presented above, there are research methods that began to be applied in practice a little later:

  • Consent methods. It's about ways, methodsreaching agreement between social units (people, their groups) in solving urgent problems and issues of social life, their mutual action.
  • Conflict resolution techniques. First of all, this concerns socio-ethnic disputes and proceedings.
  • Political methods. They are ways of overcoming problems of a political nature. In accordance with these methods, policies are developed and implemented, and political activities are carried out.
  • Administrative and managerial techniques. They are directly related to management processes. These are methods of operational direct influence on the managed object. It should be noted that this variety is closely related to the implementation of the tasks of social activity, despite the involvement of the managerial aspect.
  • Psychological research methods in social work. We are talking about ways of influencing psychological phenomena, qualities, processes and relationships. These methods influence the character, attitudes, will of the individual, his reactions, interpersonal interactions, and so on.
  • Psychophysiological methods. First of all, they are associated with a change in the parameters of processes that occur inside a person, subject to the presence of disturbing factors. It is worth noting that such methods are widely used to provide medical and social services.

Empirical research methods in social work

These methods should be classified in a separate category due to their scale, wide application and importance in practicalactivities. Observation as a method of research in social work is a method of collecting data that is used in almost all sciences. We are talking about both public and natural directions. The beginning of any science is observation. The interesting thing is that everything comes back to him. Thus, observation as a research method in social work is also used to confirm certain judgments or conclusions.

This category includes the perception, statement and characterization of a phenomenon occurring in society. It is worth noting that any perception and further description cannot be considered an observation. Here it is advisable to recall the methods of scientific research in social work. The fact is that scientific observation differs significantly from the standard one. The latter is considered unsystematized and random. It gives a not quite ordered overall impression. That is why it cannot serve as a basis for formulating scientific conclusions.

Scientific observation, however, is a completely different empirical method of research in social work. It is considered to be systematically carried out and systematized, aimed at the full knowledge of phenomena. It is scientific observation that serves as an effective tool for achieving research goals. Its results are recorded so that they can be embedded in connection with general judgments.

Empirical methods also include surveys and various methods of documentary analysis. However, they are secondary. It is advisable to pay more attention to the categoryobservations.

Observation procedure

organization and methods of research in social work
organization and methods of research in social work

As it turned out, observation should be understood as an organized, scientifically purposeful and fixed perception of the object of study in a certain way. The technique is used at the stage of program formation. It is the starting point of knowledge and is used where statistics are weak, where it is impossible or forbidden to carry out experiments. Observation is relevant in the study of the behavior of individuals, forms of communication, and so on. The observation procedure includes the following questions:

  • What exactly to observe?
  • What technical means to use, that is, how to observe?
  • How to record the results of observation?

Sociological methods

Next, it is advisable to consider sociological research methods in social work. This category includes a systematized set of rules that allow you to competently carry out social activities and make reasonable decisions. The tools in this case are two types of sociological research: continuous, that is, relative to the main array (otherwise it is called multigraphic research), and also elective. It should be noted that different techniques and methods can be used to implement such operations.

Among them, the following play a decisive role: observation, identification of weaknesses, analysis of documentation, various surveys, content analysis. Thus, a certain picture is created,which characterizes the current state of the problem area. At one or another stage of the life of society, one can single out key issues to overcome which the efforts of a social worker are directed. In addition, it is advisable to carry out other types of research in order to form a complete picture of the situation.

Biographical technique as a specific category

psychological research methods in social work
psychological research methods in social work

Let's consider the biographical method of research in social work. It covers a significant number of ways of measuring and then evaluating life-historical evidence, reported or recounted information about a life according to those who lived it. It is worth noting that the study of the biographical type is focused on the study of the course of human life, its “comprehensiveness” in society, and internal dynamics. Biographical methods are primarily aimed at reconstructing the scenarios and programs for the development of the individual, as well as the spatio-temporal organization of her family, business, spiritual life, social and natural environment. The application of this method involves obtaining information, the sources of which subsequently become autobiographies.

Factors that contribute to the development of the biographical technique:

  • Changes in social science, in other words, the growing dissatisfaction of scientists and researchers with the superficial features of mass surveys.
  • Certain historical changes in public life. It is appropriate to include the process of individualizationlife, subjectification.

History and features of the method

research methods in social work textbook
research methods in social work textbook

In the textbook for bachelors IV Namestnikova "Methods of research in social work" biographical methodology is described in sufficient detail. Its history begins in the 18th century. Nevertheless, the culmination of development falls approximately on 1960-1980. It is important to note the following features of the method:

  • Multinational character.
  • Different theoretical orientations.
  • Variety of subjects.
  • Detailed methodological and methodological reflection.

Among the main concepts of the topic are life path, biography, biography, autobiography. All these categories can be attributed to the methods and objects of the presented method.

Classification of methods by level

It is also customary in social work to classify methods according to levels:

  • Simple methods available to non-experts.
  • Complex, which require qualifications in different areas.
  • Complex, which require the qualification of a specialist in one area.

In addition, there are methods used in social work:

  • With groups of people who, for one reason or another, found themselves outside the country (for example, Russian citizens in the CIS countries).
  • With people living in the same country.
  • Social methods that are used both on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad. There are few of them. This is primarily due to different conditionslife, cultural traditions, the level of economic development and other features.


qualitative research methods in social work
qualitative research methods in social work

So, we have considered the classification and objectives of the main research methods in social work. In conclusion, it is necessary to note the very close connection between the classification of methods in social activity and social methods. In a sense, they are not only interconnected, but also interdependent. For example, a set of methods for studying social work with children with disabilities is formed based on the components of two categories.

One of the key functions of social activity is to determine the causes of various changes that occur in society. Its implementation makes it possible to exert a targeted influence on the processes taking place in society, both in the interests of an individual and in relation to society as a whole. For this reason, there is a need for social diagnostics. It is worth noting that the results of this technique should make it possible to judge the "social he alth" of the population.

It is diagnostics in social terms that allows you to fully explore the essence and nature, trends, nature of social processes and phenomena. Social diagnostics should be understood as a complex process associated with the scientific identification and subsequent study of cause-and-effect parallels and relationships in society that characterize its cultural and legal, socio-economic, medical and biological, moral and psychological, as well as sanitary and environmentalcondition.

It is important to note that social diagnostics is implemented through the use of such methods and techniques of scientific research of processes of a social type, which involve penetrating into their depth, discovering their internal relationships and the true causes that determined a particular action or state of society or social groups included in it. It is also advisable to include here the establishment of a sequence and possible directions of development in the future.

Diagnosis of public relations is based on certain principles and scientific principles. The key rule is the principle of objectivity, in other words, an unbiased attitude to the phenomena occurring in society. It is worth noting that the results of such a diagnosis in any case form a social diagnosis that can be used in practice for “recovery”.
