Work permit for work in electrical installations. Rules for work in electrical installations. Work permit

Work permit for work in electrical installations. Rules for work in electrical installations. Work permit
Work permit for work in electrical installations. Rules for work in electrical installations. Work permit

From August 2014, Law No. 328n comes into force. In accordance with it, a new edition of the "Rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations" is being introduced. Interindustry standards require the heads of each enterprise where technological processes involve the use of electrical equipment to mandatory train the staff in the new rules and organize an unscheduled knowledge test. At the same time, the amount of information should be assimilated by employees in proportion to their duties.

Work permit for work in electrical installations
Work permit for work in electrical installations

Structure of the new Rules

The content of the annex to law No. 328n, of course, has undergone some changes, but the names and meaning of the main sections have remained the same. This also applies to the content of the chapters, which stipulate the safety of work in electrical installations for which a work permit is issued. The rules stipulate that it should take place after the members of the teams have been instructed on labor protection for workers, according to their speci alties.

Outfit tolerance
Outfit tolerance

The first three sections of the annex to law No. 328nstipulate the scope of its application, personnel requirements, operational maintenance and inspection of equipment and do not mention work on the side in electrical installations. Detailed conditions for issuance, the procedure for issuing, the qualifications of the admitting, supervising and producers are set out in chapters, starting with V.

Assignment for the production of works

Electrotechnological personnel en titled to repair and maintain electrical installations must obtain a work permit issued on a special form before starting to carry out their duties. Its form and filling conditions are given in the same Rules in Appendix No. 7.

Permission to work in electrical installations
Permission to work in electrical installations

Repair and preventive maintenance in existing electrical installations is prohibited without a task issued by a work permit. It is also not allowed to increase the volume of work performed, the number of specialists, to expand the list of actions approved by the head of the enterprise.

The person responsible for the safety of production processes issues a work permit for the production of repairs and preventive maintenance, after instructing the employees, assessing the possibility and necessity of performing actions, determining the qualitative and quantitative composition of the brigade.

Organizational events

Safety of work inelectrical installations is stipulated by the fifth section of the rules. It refers to the organizational measures necessary to carry out repairs and preventive inspections by administrative-technical, operational, maintenance and operational-repair personnel, depending on the qualification group. It is assigned after training and testing knowledge in specialized institutions.

The rules for working in electrical installations refer the issuance of a work permit specifically to organizational measures. In the fifth section, it is said that, according to the terms of reference, the form is filled out by the person responsible for the safe conduct of work. According to the rules, these are:

1. Manager approving the list.

2. The specialist who issues the work permit.

3. An employee giving an order.

4. Person authorizing the preparation of the workplace.

5. Observer.

6. Job Producer.

A work permit for work in electrical installations or an order has the right to issue personnel of a certain qualification. There are some nuances here. So, work in electrical installations up to 1000V is allowed for persons with group IV, over 1000 V - for those with group V.

work permit order
work permit order

Ordinance for the preparation of jobs

The work permit for work in electrical installations contains not only information about the time and place of their conduct, but also marks of permission to prepare places for inspection, repair, and prevention. Operational personnel with IV or V qualification group make an appropriate entry in the formand is responsible for:

1. Safe disconnection, activation and grounding of equipment.

2. A clear definition of the time interval of work.

3. Location indication.

4. Accounting for the quantitative composition of brigades.

5. Getting information about the end of actions.

6. Accuracy and correctness of given commands.

The regulations allow the issuance of a permit to administrative and technical personnel, with the proviso that this must be approved by the head of the enterprise in writing.

Acceptor, leader, observer, producer

The rules for working in electrical installations contain certain requirements for persons who are responsible managers. They are assigned in cases where equipment is being repaired and serviced:

1. When using lifting machines and mechanisms.

2. In the event of a power failure.

3. When working with cable communication lines in traffic areas and the location of communications.

4. When replacing parts of high-voltage line supports, as well as their dismantling, installation.

5. When connecting a newly introduced VL.

6. When working under induced voltage.

7. In some other cases.

The right to permit repair, inspection and prevention has a person from the staff with a qualification group of at least IV-V - allowing. His responsibilities include assessing the security measures taken during the preparation of jobs or their direct preparation, instructing the members of the brigade.

Manufacturer issuing work permit forproduction of works, must have group IV when performing maintenance in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, V - over 1000. He is appointed from the operational staff and is responsible for:

1. The completeness and clarity of the target briefing to the members of the brigade.

2. Permission to work in electrical installations.

3. Proper use, serviceability and availability of inventory, tools, collective and individual PPE.

4. The presence of enclosing and prohibition signs in place.

5. Full compliance with the Rules for labor protection.

work of increased danger work permit
work of increased danger work permit

The Supervisor must be appointed from among personnel with a qualification group of at least III. The need for the presence of such an employee arises if all members of the team do not have the necessary qualifications in electrical safety. Supervisor duties include:

1. Security.

2. Safety and availability of warning, prohibition safety signs, posters, fences, grounding, locking devices.

3. Control over the compliance of the workplace with the developed activities.

4. Completeness of target briefing.

Issuance of work permit

In this part of the rules, the developers of the law introduced some changes. If the work permit for work in existing electrical installations was previously issued in two copies when it was handed over directly, and in three copies when it was transferred by radio or telephone, then the new regulatory document allows the transfer of the work order bye-mail with subsequent printing of it in the same quantities. But even in this case, the need to fill in all the columns does not disappear. In place of the signature of the person who issues the outfit, his position, surname and initials are written. They are certified by the employee who directly filled out the form.

The Rules allow the appointment of one person as both admitting and observing. Then the work permit for work in electrical installations should be issued in duplicate.

The validity of the permit is limited to 15 days. Extension is possible only 1 time, also for 15 calendar days. If there were breaks in the work, then the work permit is valid until the end of the term.

The worker who initially filled out the form, or any other person who has the right to issue a work order for work in the same electrical installation, can renew the permit. It is also allowed to transmit such information by telephone and radio communication, followed by a record in the form of the last name and initials of the specialist who allowed the continuation of repair, inspection or prevention.

After completion of work, work permits are stored for at least 30 days, and subsequently they can be destroyed. If there were accidents, accidents, any other incidents, then the forms are attached to the materials of the investigation and are stored with them.

Special work in electrical installations
Special work in electrical installations

Record book

Works on the side in electrical installations are subject to mandatory registration. The accounting form is given in the rules in Appendix No. 8. The content of the journal itself in the new edition is nothas undergone changes. The same applies to keeping records in electronic form or automated specialized systems. The new rules allow the possibility of an electronic signature in the journal, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Some other form of record keeping remains in effect, subject to the approval of its head of the enterprise and the contents of the information unchanged.

Conditions for issuing an order in one copy

Equipment with voltages above 1000 V is allowed to be repaired and inspected with one work permit, provided that it is de-energized. At the same time, entry into nearby electrical installations is prohibited. If the voltage in them is up to 1000 V, then all current-carrying parts are allowed not to be disconnected.

It is also allowed to issue a work permit in one copy for work in electrical installations in switchboards, busbars and some other parts. The voltage in them must be less than 1000 V. In this case, the equipment must also be de-energized.

The rules allow filling out a form for several or one workplace, in cases where their electrical circuits or equipment have the same name, purpose, voltage.

Also, work on the side in electrical installations can be carried out when one copy is issued in the following cases:

1. When shifting or laying control and power cables, checking protection devices, checking the blocking of electric automation, testing, blocking communications or telemechanics.

2. During repair work in switching roomsmachines.

3. When examining a single cable in a well, tunnel, sewer, pit or trench.

4. When repairing no more than two cables, if it is carried out in two or one pit and one switchgear. At the same time, supervision of the working team of the work foreman should be provided.

1. Tightening of contact connections. Work permit for work on several electrical installations can be issued in one copy, if they are of the same type, and the order is consistent, the equipment performs the functions of converting and distributing electricity, that is, it is located in a substation. According to the rules, this includes:

2. Wiping insulators.

3. Topping up oil and sampling it.

4. Switching transformer windings.

5. Checking insulators with a rod, electric devices, measuring instruments, relay protection.

This is not high-risk work. In this case, a work permit is issued with filling in the appropriate column for each substation.

Work in existing electrical installations
Work in existing electrical installations

Switchgear areas

A separate paragraph of the rule stipulates the conditions for actions in the area of high-voltage lines. The work permit for work in electrical installations on the territory of switchgears is issued by an employee who belongs to the operating personnel serving the overhead line. He also instructs the members of the brigade if the work is carried out on the end support. The service personnel of the RU are obliged to accompany them to it.

Portalsopen switchgear, indoor switchgear buildings are repaired by workers who receive permission from the admitting employee belonging to the operational personnel who directly service the equipment itself.

High-voltage lines are inspected according to one order-tolerance. If the overhead line is multi-circuit, then a work permit is issued separately for each circuit. The exception is:

1. De-energizing the entire high-voltage line.

2. Repair and inspection of overhead lines in the places of their switching.

3. Disconnection of transformer points or their complete ones.

4. Prevention on high-voltage lines with non-current-carrying parts or not requiring disconnection.

Special work in electrical installations for the repair of cable terminations and terminations in the switchgear is permitted according to the order issued by the operational personnel directly servicing the switchgear.

Communication devices

Preparation of workplaces for work in communication devices located on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan is carried out by operational personnel serving this device.

The right to issue a work permit is given to specialists of technological and dispatching management, which does not negate the possibility of permitting repairs, inspection and prevention by those who control the switchgear.

The exception is work on high-frequency barriers and coupling capacitors. In these cases, only the personnel serving the reactor have the right to issue a work permit.


Data in this article -an incomplete list of conditions for issuing work orders for work in electrical installations. As mentioned above, in order to clearly understand all sections of the Rules, employees involved in repair and maintenance need to fully study the Appendix to Law No. 328n, followed by passing exams. The conditions for testing the knowledge of personnel in each organization are developed separately on the basis of intersectoral standards.
