Children's store "Daughters &Sons": reviews, assortment, addresses

Children's store "Daughters &Sons": reviews, assortment, addresses
Children's store "Daughters &Sons": reviews, assortment, addresses

There are so many products and so many shops for the smallest inhabitants of the globe these days! And toys, and shoes, and clothes, and food - for every taste, for every wallet, come and take it. One of the most popular children's goods stores is "Daughters and Sons". What is this shop? What is its history? Does it have promotions and discounts? About all this, as well as about the catalog of goods "Daughters and Sons", further.

At the origins of the company

Not everyone knows that today "Daughters and Sons" is not just the name of one store, but a whole distribution network throughout our vast country. However, everything was not always so diverse and rosy.

Almost twenty-two years ago, back in the ninety-sixth year of the last century, in Chita, several friends, start-up entrepreneurs, opened a small shop for children's goods. Even in the difficult nineties, there was a demand for goods for the smallest - and they staked on this. It's hard to believe, but now a huge company began its life in a tinya room of twelve square meters, rented in the most ordinary entrance of the most ordinary residential building. At that time there were no opportunities for more. However, it cannot be said that the founders of the future network seized on the very first lease offer and opened their shop from the bay. Not at all: even in such a situation, everything was carefully thought out, literally to the smallest detail. We were scrupulous about all the details, understanding that it should be convenient to come to the store - this is one thing, and for a good payback you need high traffic - this is two. Proceeding from this, as well as from a rather modest budget at that time, a room was selected in which "Daughters and Sons" grew and developed - a children's store that soon became popular throughout Chita. And that was just the beginning…


Do not forget that the harsh nineties were in the yard. Purchasing power was not very high, so there was no point in creating a huge range of goods - they would not be sold. However, to be honest: such a wide choice in those years simply did not exist, as they say, "there was nowhere to roam." Judging that essential goods are more important than toys, "Daughters and Sons" initially focused on baby food and diapers. In general, diapers were an unprecedented luxury - quite recently, young mothers swaddled their babies in gauze panties and boiled and washed diapers several times a day. Therefore, the bet worked one hundred percent, the shop "shot".

The founders remember with a smile the days of importationnew product: Chita residents already knew what days it happened, and lined up in front of the porch in a long snaking line waiting for the start of sales … So began a slow but steady progress up the stairs, to the golden Olympus in the world of children's goods.

"Daughters-Sons": our days

In November this year, "Daughters-Sons" will be twenty-two years old. Is it a lot or a little? From which side to look. However, during this time, a small Chita store has turned into a huge branched network with points of sale throughout the country: there are "Daughters and Sons" in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Krasnodar and Crimea, Volgograd and Kostroma, Krasnoyarsk and Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk and the Republic of Sakha … Total stores networks are represented in more than seventy regions of the country, and their total number exceeds one hundred and sixty pieces. And that's a lot!

Daughter-Son Shop
Daughter-Son Shop

Besides, the leadership of the little "children's paradise" does not intend to stop there: they plan to develop even further and more, and this despite the fact that the company's online store (the "Daughters-Sons", of course, has such) is one of the top 100 Russian online stores and the top three children's online stores in the country, and the reviews about "Daughters and Sons" for the most part (because there is never only one opinion) are positive.

Network Features

What interesting things can boast of "Daughters-Sons"?

First, an incredibly wide range. Is it a joke: in the catalog of the store "Daughters andSonny" presents more than sixty thousand different items (we will return to them later) from more than seven hundred different suppliers!

Secondly, among all this we alth, approximately half of the products are produced under their own brands: for more than ten years, "Daughters-Sons" has had its own production. Eminent brands also successfully coexist with the goods of their products, which is another feature of the network.

Daughter-Son Department
Daughter-Son Department

The "Daughters-Sons" catalog contains goods for newborn babies and for older children, up to sixteen years old. In addition, the chain of stores offers some things for expectant mothers - you can find them both in the online store and on the "live" shelves. Any product can be ordered from stock if it is currently out of stock.

Another unique feature of "Daughters and Sons" is the presence in some stores of the network of so-called assistants in the form of terminals. What is help? In the selection of the necessary goods according to the specified criteria. If such a product is not available, the terminal offers to arrange delivery from the warehouse. So far, only a few stores can boast of having such assistants, but the company plans to place such terminals in absolutely all its points in all cities of the country.

One cannot fail to mention such a service provided by the online store "Dochek-Sonochkov" as trying on ordered goods. It works, unfortunately, not in all cities, butexclusively for courier delivery in Moscow and the region or in Nizhny Novgorod. Having tried on things and found that something did not fit, you can return them to the courier. You can learn more about the rules of fitting and returning when ordering a product.

Company Policy

"Daughters-Sonochki" - the store that can be found in a large shopping center, and next to your own home. The company's management strives to cover the entire spectrum of potential buyers: from mothers who suddenly ran out of diapers and rushed to the store closest to their homes, to families with children who came on the weekend to buy and relax in the mall. By the way, many parents take their children with them for shopping. That is why the design of the Daughter-Sonochki stores is so bright - kids love everything that attracts attention, and it’s hard to resist the colorful shop windows.

The pricing policy of the company is also aimed at different categories of buyers: among the products of "Daughters and Sons" there are things that are both more budgetary and more expensive. To satisfy customers with any wallet.

Shop "Daughters and Sons": product catalog

So we got to the most interesting thing: to talk about what is so interesting you can "profit" in "Daughters and Sons". Actually, anything. It has already been mentioned above how wide the assortment of the store is. Pampers and potties, bath toys and swim rings, overalls and bodysuits, hats and booties, jeans and tracksuits, wet wipes and cotton buds, milkmixtures and bio-yogurts, Barbies and coloring books, scooters and strollers… In general, there is nothing to find among the goods of the Daughter-Sonochki store! Next, let's take a closer look at some positions.

Daughters and sons: product catalog
Daughters and sons: product catalog

Kids clothes

As mentioned above, you can dress anyone in "Daughters and Sons" - both a one-year-old toddler and a fourteen-year-old tall man. The number of brands represented in the store is pleasantly surprising: Pelican, Lucky Child, Play Today, and many other brands of children's and teens' clothing. By the way, now "Daughters and Sons" replenishment: for the first time clothes from Acoola appeared on the hangers of stores.

Prices, as already mentioned, are different. So, jumpers for crumbs up to a year or two can be purchased for three hundred rubles, or even for a thousand. There are ordinary sweaters, there are turtlenecks, and there is a polo. They all have different prices too. Girls' skirts, depending on the material, length and cut, can be bought for eight hundred rubles or one and a half thousand, and some models are even sold for three hundred. Dresses and sundresses for older girls are sold for about a thousand rubles, shirts for teenage boys are available for five hundred rubles, T-shirts are the same price, but suits (sports pants and a jacket) can be found from one and a half thousand rubles.

Baby clothes
Baby clothes

nine), and even carnival costumes. In general, there is really a huge variety in the product catalog of the "Daughters and Sons" store, and if you wander here without a specific purpose, but just to "take a look", then you can very easily just get lost in this incredible variety of assortment. "Eyes ran up" - this phrase is very appropriate if you need to describe the impression of contemplating the shelves of "Daughters and Sons", bursting with the amount of goods. Just know buy!


Nutrition, of course, belongs to the baby category. What standard teenagers eat - buns, chips and Coca-Cola - is certainly not found in "Daughters and Sons", but you can buy food for the little ones in a jiffy. And any: milk formulas for artificial people, and cereals - dairy-free and dairy, and vegetable, fruit, meat, fish purees, and curds, and kefir, and tea, and juices - in general, everything that is usually given to babies up to a year, before you start accustoming them to "human" food.

Among the cereals offered in Daughters-Sonochki, there are representatives of Kabrita, Fleur Alpine, Heinz, Nestle, Bebi, BelLakt, FrutoNyanya, Malyutka … The first two are from the category of more expensive, the latter are cheaper. You can purchase both monocomponent porridge (rice, buckwheat, corn), and polycomponent (multi-cereal) or with additives (apple, banana, prunes, etc.).

Pureshki are also different: meat ones from "Theme", "FrutoNyanya", "BabushkinoBasket". From the last two - vegetable and fruit, and also from Hipp and Gerber - these are an order of magnitude more expensive. But, according to some, they are supposedly better.

Children food
Children food

There are different mixes. "NAN", "Nutrilon", "Frisolak", "NANNIE", NestoGen … Moreover, they differ in one line: for example, "Nutrilon" is ordinary, dairy, and there is hypoallergenic; there is "Pepti Gastro" - completely lactose-free, there is "Sour-milk" - for those who need to stimulate the tummy. Thus, even if the baby refuses to eat one mixture, in a wide range of "Daughters-Sons" you can find something that will still appeal to the little capricious.


One has only to read this list: toys for cribs and strollers, educational mats, musical mobiles, rattles, teethers, bath toys, books for the little ones, walkers, bouncers, carousels, tumblers, puzzle mats, musical tools, cubes, mosaics, sorters, laces, pyramids, play centers, matryoshka dolls… And that's all - not a complete list of toys in "Daughters and Sons" only for the little ones!

Store assortment
Store assortment

And if you look at toys for older kids? Boys can forget about time, having fun with the railway or the designer, girls will have to dress up dolls or fiddle with houses, making them "lived in", just like real ones. Sold in chain stores and bodyboards for a little narrowergrown-up crumbs, and weapons for little robbers, and doll accessories for mother's princesses. Fans of "smart" entertainment will love board games, those who like to squeeze plush bunnies and cubs - a direct path to the soft toys department, and those who imagine themselves to be adults and like to play a brave firefighter, a talented doctor or a skilled cook, Be sure to visit the part of the store that sells role-playing games. The list can be very, very long. We hope it became clear to everyone: no one will leave Daughters and Sons without a package with purchases, because this is simply impossible.

Methods of transportation

Vehicles in the points of this network are a dime a dozen, and it's not just about wheelchairs. In "Daughters and Sons" it is possible to choose scooters, and bicycles, and roller skates, and hoverboards - for every taste. So, a children's tricycle with a handle, depending on the brand and the bells and whistles available, can be bought for four thousand, or you can buy it for seven or ten. The cheapest such bicycle will cost here two and a half, the most expensive will cost twelve thousand rubles. Two-wheeled bicycles with small additional wheels for older children in "Daughters and Sons" can be found in the price range from four to ten and a half thousand rubles, tricycles - within two.

Scooters are much cheaper than bicycles. Their cost, as a rule, does not differ so much and ranges from a thousand to four thousand rubles. This is when it comes to scooters for kids. However, in"Daughters and Sons" also sells scooters for older children, for example, the most expensive such transport, designed for extreme teenagers, costs neither more nor less than eighteen thousand rubles. This is an off-road scooter, you can ride it in the forest, for this it is equipped with special large wheels.

Strollers in Daughters and Sons
Strollers in Daughters and Sons

Strollers in "Daughters and Sons" are presented, like everything else, in a large assortment. They are here for every taste: transformers, canes, "two in one" and "three in one", cradles, walks … The cheapest are strollers, canes, they can be purchased for sixteen hundred - one thousand seven hundred rubles. The cost of "three in one" (this is a cradle, a walking block and an infant carrier) starts from eighteen and ends with seventy-three thousand rubles. Transformers (there was a cradle - there was a walk) are in the range from five to sixty thousand - cheaper than "three in one", however, user reviews of such strollers claim that they are the most bulky, heavy and, therefore, uncomfortable.


in Children's World. For such goods, there is a special network of Japanese stores. What can you buy in "Daughters and Sons"?

A lot of things actually. Representatives of brands such as Huggies, Libero, Pampers - both diapers and panties - are waiting in the wings on the shelves. There are also the most popular Japs: Moony, Goon, Merries, Genki.

Promotions and discounts

The one who says that he is indifferent to sales and all kinds of bonuses will lie. Realizing this, large stores often attract customers in this way. There are promotions and discounts in "Daughters and Sons" - but what about without it?

Firstly, there is an opportunity to accumulate bonuses in the store. To do this, you need to get a special card called "" - by the way, you can pay with it not only in "Daughters and Sons", but also in some other stores. Let's clarify right away: we are talking about online shopping. For these purchases, bonuses accumulate, and these bonuses can then be exchanged for prizes. This is such a very profitable system!

Promotions in "Daughters and Sons" are permanent. The "Generous Weekend" sale is very popular: from Friday to Sunday, the price of a certain range of goods is significantly reduced. This allows you to attract more customers and significantly increase sales. In general, each network store in each individual city often invents something of its own in order to pleasantly surprise and delight regular customers and attract potential customers.

"Daughters-Sons": store addresses

As mentioned above, there are more than one hundred and sixty stores throughout the country. It is impossible to name all the addresses of "Daughters and Sons", however, some- is quite real. Let's start from the capital. There "Daughters-Sons" are located in the following places:

  • Markus Mall shopping center on Altufevskoe Highway, Leninsky Prospekt, 99.
  • ZigZag shopping center on Lobnya (a total of thirty-five outlets of the aforementioned network in the capital).

In Astrakhan "Daughters and Sons" is on Zvezdnaya street, 17.

In Barnaul - in the shopping center "BOOM" on Georgy Isakov.

In Vladimir - in the Megatorg shopping center on Traktornaya.

"Daughters and Sons" of Yekaterinburg are located along Blucher Street, 39, but in Krasnoyarsk they can be found in the MEGA shopping center on the avenue named after the Krasnoyarsky Rabochiy newspaper.

In Lipetsk, you can see "Daughters and Sons" by visiting the shopping center "Armada" on Petr Smorodina Street, in Nizhny Novgorod, the store is located on Sovetskaya Square, at number five.

Ulitsa Kuibysheva, 37 - this is the address of the store in Perm, and in Ryazan - the shopping center "Bars" on the Moscow highway.

There are eleven outlets in St. Petersburg, one of them is located on Leninsky Prospekt, house 128.

Reviews about chain stores

Reviews about "Daughter-Son" are mostly positive. Basically - because even a barrel of honey will be inferior without a fly in the ointment. The rating of the network on "Yandex. Market" is 4, 1 out of 5 possible, which is a rather high rating. Most of all, people like the fact that the description of the product on the site corresponds to it in reality, and they also approve of the convenience of pickupshopping.

Toys in Daughters and Sons
Toys in Daughters and Sons

Positive reviews about "Daughters-Son" also include those in which buyers note a rich assortment of products, big discounts, convenient location, and beauty of design. Customers like the quality of service in these outlets.

The negative reviews about "Daughters-Son" mainly include words about long delivery when ordering goods. Also among the minuses - sometimes unreasonably, according to buyers, high prices.

Interesting and funny facts about the first children's stores and goods

  1. It is believed that the very first children's store in our country was "Children's World", which appeared back in 1947 and was a kind of branch of the Central Department Store - they sold exactly those goods that could previously be found in the central department store of the capital.
  2. But the first diaper appeared a little later - for nine years, it was made from … sawdust.
  3. In the Pampers line, by the way, there are diapers not only for babies, but also for teenagers over ten years old.
  4. The world's first artificial nutrition for babies appeared thanks to the German pharmacist Heinrich Nestle, who in the late sixties of the nineteenth century made for his child, who suffered from a lack of mother's milk (she had little), a mixture of powdered cow's milk, wheat flour and sugar.
  5. And the first rattle existed in ancient Egypt - that's how old this toy is! The rattles of that time were, of course, not like that,as we are accustomed to seeing them now. They were made of wood and crowned with bells. By the way, a fun fact: they said about this toy in those distant times that it is necessary to “rattle at the ear” to a child. Hence its name.

"Daughter-Sonny" firmly occupies its niche in the market of children's goods. For the third decade in a row, they delight their direct customers - the kids. Does that mean anything!
