Perlite is a very remarkable material

Perlite is a very remarkable material
Perlite is a very remarkable material
perlite is
perlite is

Perlite is a rock found in volcanic eruptions. It forms where red-hot lava touches the ground at the edges of its flow. Due to the fact that the hot stream here cools the fastest, obsidian is formed - volcanic glass. In the future, if obsidian is exposed to water, it hydrates and the substance perlite is obtained - obsidian hydroxide.

The chemical composition of perlite (silicon dioxide, water, other elements) allows you to get a kind of "popcorn" at a temperature of 1200 degrees, when water substances expand, and the volume of perlite increases up to 20 times. It turns out the so-called perlite sand, which has unique physical properties. It is fireproof, chemically inert, lightweight, resistant to mould, rodents and microorganisms. Perlite is a material relevant for construction, medical, oil and gas industries, and metallurgy. It is successfully used at temperatures fromminus 260 to plus 1000 degrees.

Perlite sand is mainly used for backfilling cavities during insulation works, during finishing operations to increase sound insulation (3 cm of perlite replaces 15 cm of brick and provides noise absorption of 51 dB), to lighten mortars by specific gravity or increase quality of metallurgical alloys.

perlite sand
perlite sand

After high temperature treatment, expanded perlite retains its properties indefinitely. In appearance, perlite is a white substance in granules from 0.1 to 1.0 cm, having a bulk density of 50–150 kilograms per cubic meter. Maybe that's why the name perlite comes from the word "pearl" - "pearl" (fr.).

How good is perlite? Perlite is a 100% environmentally friendly product. It contains additives in the form of potassium, sodium, aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium, which make it possible to successfully use this product in agriculture, especially in regions with barren lands and arid climates. Agroperlite is used for loosening soils, as an addition to various substrates, and also as a substance that retains up to 600% of water from its own weight, which reduces the number of irrigations. Perlite for plants is used in agriculture such as hydroponics.

perlite for plants
perlite for plants

When we eat some, for example, Dutch vegetables or berries (strawberries), we do not realize that they were not grown in the ground, but in containers where they were servednutrient solution. And partly these containers were filled with perlite.

Various filters are made from perlite, as well as sorbents that have high absorbency and are therefore used to remove stains of oily liquids from water surfaces, clean waste emissions, improve the quality of drinking water and even localize radionuclides in the soil. In addition, materials made from it make it possible to produce vacuum-free insulation of cryogenic blocks, including in metallurgy for the separation of air into nitrogen and oxygen.
