How to connect "Thank you" from Sberbank and is it worth it?

How to connect "Thank you" from Sberbank and is it worth it?
How to connect "Thank you" from Sberbank and is it worth it?

Sberbank of Russia is one of the financial institutions that have been proven over the years. Even in times of unstable economy and crisis, this bank was able to save the savings of citizens, which proved its worth and earned respect. Over the years, he continued to develop the segment of his services for both individuals and legal entities, creating the most favorable and comfortable conditions for cooperation.

Today, another product is offered by Sberbank - the "Thank you" promotion, which can be activated by any holder of a valid card of this financial institution.

What is this program?

How to connect thanks from Sberbank
How to connect thanks from Sberbank

The "Thank you" bonus promotion is designed specifically to save money on the cardholder's card. After purchasing goods in stores, 0.5% of each purchase is returned to the client in the form of bonuses to an additional account. The accumulation goes unnoticed by the holder, however, after a couple of months, the amount can greatly please.

You do not need to activate this programdo nothing but connect "Thank you" from Sberbank. Please note that the service is completely free and can be activated both independently and with the help of a bank employee.

How to connect "Thank you"?

activate the thank you service from Sberbank
activate the thank you service from Sberbank

In order to become a member of the bonus program, it is not necessary to contact a bank branch and sign additional agreements, you can do everything yourself. To do this, you can use self-service devices - an ATM or a terminal - and select the "Thank you" service. Then, clearly following the step-by-step instructions, read the rules and confirm your consent to participate by entering the SMS code.

You can also activate the "Thank you" service from Sberbank and in the "Sberbank Online" system by selecting the "My bonuses" section in the client's menu. For the same cardholders who use Mobile Bank to manage their own account, it will also not be difficult to activate the bonus program. For them, it will be enough to send a message to number 900 with the text "Thank you" and the last 4 digits of the active card. And then send the received confirmation code to the same number.

However, if the above methods are difficult for a person, and he cannot figure out how to connect "Thank you" from Sberbank, it is better to contact the nearest branch of a financial institution and activate with a qualified employee.

What you need to know about the Thank You Bonus Program

Sberbank action thank you connect
Sberbank action thank you connect

Many customersthere are problematic situations with banking operations, and the Thank You program is not included in the category of exceptions. And all this is due to the fact that not every cardholder is responsible for recommendations for use. So, for example, some do not know that bonuses for a purchase are accrued within 5 business days, but if the purchase amount exceeded the threshold of 15,000, then the accrual of bonus units will be carried out within 40 days (working).

Also, before connecting "Thank you" from Sberbank, you should remember that only those operations that are equated to a cashless payment for goods at a regular outlet are bonused. And, for example, the repayment of fines, payment of tuition and other bills are not subject to bonuses. In addition, increased bonus rates are provided for active program participants, which they can also use at their discretion.

How and where can I spend Thank You bonuses?

To plug
To plug

The advantage of bonuses is that it is always nice to spend money on purchases without withdrawing them from your monthly budget. Each bonus unit in the stores of partners, of which there are already more than 10,000 in Russia, is equal to one ruble of the discount. Thus, if you exchange accumulated points when making a purchase, the discount on the product can be up to 99%. So, for example, if the cost of the necessary thing is 500 rubles, and the buyer’s card has the same or a larger amount of points, then you will need to pay only 1 ruble.

All this information should be known to the client before connecting "Thank you" fromSberbank, so that the comfortable use of the program is not overshadowed by unforeseen problem situations.
