"Yandex.Taxi": feedback on the work of drivers in the taxi service

"Yandex.Taxi": feedback on the work of drivers in the taxi service
"Yandex.Taxi": feedback on the work of drivers in the taxi service

Many of our compatriots, having their own car and having considerable experience in driving a car, are wondering if it is worth trying to monetize their skills. The demand for the private transport service has been and remains high, and finding a client is quite easy. True, in recent years, services that give access to an order via the Internet have been the most successful, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to earn a lot in private. It makes you think about connecting to one of the big advertised services. There are several of them in our country, the three largest are Yandex. Taxi, Uber, Gett. Which one is better to work with? Let's try to figure it out, focusing on reviews about working at Yandex. Taxi in St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities of our country.

reviews about work in Yandex taxi
reviews about work in Yandex taxi

Modern technologies for modern drivers

If earlier a novice taxi driver tried to find a client near cinemas, bars and restaurants, and was not always sure that the customer at the end of the trip would have something to pay for the road, now everything has become much easier. Users install an application on their smartphone, link a payment card to it, and the driver receives throughyour application information about the order, confirms the trip and takes the passenger. Then it’s a matter of technology, you need to take the person where they asked, and get a benefit, namely, a percentage of the payment made.

Working at Yandex. Taxi (reviews confirm this) is convenient for someone who is not alien to modern technologies, the Internet is always connected on a smartphone, and most importantly, there is a desire to earn money. The system regularly updates the location data of all connected drivers by requesting data from the employee's personal tablet. As soon as the client forms an order, he is sent to the taxi driver who is closest to the starting point. As can be seen from the reviews about working in Yandex. Taxi, when working with this system, you can minimize idle mileage.

Information support

As reported in the reviews of the work in Yandex. Taxi in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities where this service is presented (most recently, Caucasian Mineralnye Vody was also connected to it, however, so far in a limited format), at the time of receiving the order from the client, the driver also has access to information about the distance to the starting point of the trip. In addition, the resource keeps a record of the rating for all drivers and all dispatching offices cooperating with the Yandex office.

When choosing whom to work through, it is better to give preference to dispatchers with a higher rating. This guarantees the accuracy of ordering, the clarity of the workflow. Many negative reviews about working at Yandex. Taxi in Chelyabinsk, both capitals, Yekaterinburg come down to the unreliability of the data provideddispatcher. In order not to run into such a problem, it is important to choose your intermediary very carefully.

What is my rating for you?

As evidenced by the feedback from drivers about working in Yandex. Taxi, the more orders you can get, the higher the rating of a particular taxi driver. The formation of this rating is based on the feedback from passengers. It must be remembered that at the end of the trip, each person who used the service through his smartphone can rate with stars - up to five inclusive. But this is not all the information collected by Yandex. Taxi about its employees. Internal checks are regularly organized, the so-called secret customers sent from the Yandex office. As can be seen from the drivers' feedback on working at Yandex. Taxi, many are unhappy with this system, but passengers like it, as it guarantees a high quality of service.

work in Yandex taxi Yekaterinburg driver reviews
work in Yandex taxi Yekaterinburg driver reviews

It is beneficial for each control room that the drivers connected through it have the highest possible rating. This means that during the next (and extraordinary) verification, you can count on the help of the intermediary employees. At the same time, as folk wisdom says, “trust others, but don’t make a mistake yourself.” As can be seen from the feedback of drivers in St. Petersburg about working at Yandex. Taxi, the best marks are always given to those who treat their work responsibly, are polite with passengers, drive well, without complaints, and do not create emergency situations on the road.

All work on your smartphone

Gone are the days of using cards, numerousphone calls and agree on the meeting point, the price of the trip and the features of the route. Nowadays, a taxi driver needs only a smartphone with Internet access and the Yandex. Taxi application installed in it. It is through this program that the system quickly searches for the car closest to the client, reports information about it, including the driver's rating. At the same time, the user himself chooses what level of comfort for the trip is optimal for him - an economical option, standard or premium. Statistics show that on average, a car picks up a passenger in just 7 minutes.

work in yandex taxi driver reviews moscow
work in yandex taxi driver reviews moscow

The applications are different for the customer and the contractor, so the client cannot see the interface shown to the Yandex. Taxi driver. It is not necessary to use a smartphone, if it is convenient, the application can be installed on a tablet. The main condition is the Android platform. To start working with the system, you will need to replenish your internal account with a small amount - the intermediary commission will be deducted from it in the future. This is easy to do, you can use bank cards or Qiwi terminals. The application has an active link to the latest, up-to-date cooperation rules. As can be seen from the reviews of drivers about working at Yandex. Taxi in Moscow, not everyone reads this information carefully, so they find themselves in unpleasant and even conflict situations. It must be remembered that the service is primarily created to meet the needs of the client, therefore it is focused on quality service. Of course, drivers want their interests to come first,but so far the Yandex. Taxi policy is such that the customer's wishes have the highest priority.

How to get to the service?

It's no secret that Yandex. Taxi does not directly invite anyone to work with them. The company only enters into partnership agreements with other organizations, and also maintains special virtual services that help the driver and the customer find each other. According to drivers' reviews about working at Yandex. Taxi in Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities of Russia, in order to start your career with Yandex, you need to find an intermediary who is willing to connect anyone who wants to the system.

work in Yandex taxi reviews
work in Yandex taxi reviews

When choosing such a company, you need to pay attention only to official partners. All of them are listed on the Yandex website, information about them, indicating the rating and basic data, is public, open to everyone. It is worth remembering that different intermediaries set different conditions, in some cases less favorable than those recommended by the Yandex. Taxi service. In order not to be in the red, you need to pay attention to this and compare offers. In general, when choosing a partner to connect to the Yandex. Taxi service, you need to read the reviews on the work of each company represented in your city. You need to read the reviews carefully and with a "cold head", the information posted in the responses is not always impartial.

Starting a taxi driver career: first steps

As the reviews about working in Yandex. Taxi on your car show, in order to start fulfilling orders, you first need to work on meeting the requirements forservice to their drivers. The car must be licensed. This can be done through intermediaries, many dispatching offices provide such services. If you do not have a suitable car, you can rent a car. Many taxi services offer cars at fairly favorable rates, however, you will have to drive very carefully so as not to be involved in an accident.

As can be seen from the feedback on the work in "Yandex. Taxi" in Nizhny Novgorod, the age of the car, the class are the grounds for classifying a car to one or another level of comfort. For this, Yandex. Taxi uses its own scale. The higher the class, the more expensive the trip, the more money the driver can earn. On the other hand, as a rule, there are more orders for economy-level cars, which means that you won’t have to waste time waiting. It is almost impossible to fulfill orders without a license, as can be seen from the reviews about working at Yandex. Taxi. Of course, you can try to infiltrate the system, but in the queue for orders, such a driver will be at the very tail. There is a chance that he will not get a single passenger for the entire shift - there is too much competition among those who already have the appropriate permit.

work in Yandex Taxi Nizhny Novgorod reviews
work in Yandex Taxi Nizhny Novgorod reviews

Reliable or not?

Many reviews about working at Yandex. Taxi are positive. However, more often such information is published on the websites of dispatch services, intermediaries that connect taxi drivers to a common virtual database. The responses sound inspiring, I want to try it for myself. Still, it is scheduled that work through"Yandex. Taxi" (reviews are extremely promising!) Provides numerous orders, impeccable exam marks, good customer responses in a short time. Many also mention that simultaneously with orders through Yandex. Taxi, they receive customers directly from the dispatch service. It is often mentioned that commission fees when working through Yandex are low, and the reliability of cooperation with the service is impeccable. But is everything as rosy as it looks at first glance?

Like any other job, Yandex. Taxi (reviews confirm this) is primarily suitable for skilled people who know what they are dealing with. A novice driver, even one who has obtained a license, can receive relatively low scores if he drives the car unsteadily on the road, and the customer feels this, feels in danger. And with a low rating, you should not count on a large number of people who want to use your car. A similar problem awaits unfriendly, aggressive people. The first few customers who put on an asterisk will seriously damage the reputation, and then it will be very difficult to earn it.

A spoon of honey in a barrel of tar

From all of the above, as well as from the reviews published on the World Wide Web about working at Yandex. Taxi, it seems that this place is the most bread-and-butter. But after all, in any barrel of honey there is always a fly in the ointment that can spoil all the pleasure. She is here too. The fact is that with an economical tariff, the price of a trip through Yandex is very low. This serviceattracts a mass client who is ready to pay for transportation a little more expensive than using public transport. Yes, but the salary of the driver directly depends on how much the client paid him for each perfect trip. This means that such low prices from the head office, forcing drivers to obey, become an irresistible evil.

reviews about work in Yandex Taxi Moscow
reviews about work in Yandex Taxi Moscow

On the other hand, when working in a taxi using the old method, the high price was formed not only because of the actual cost of the trip. This also included a small compensation for a long downtime while waiting for the customer. When using the Yandex. Taxi virtual application and with a good rating, you will have to wait only a few minutes for the customer, and usually it will take no more than 10 minutes to get to him. That is, in fact, there is no need to include additional costs in the price, which was the reason for Yandex. Taxi to significantly lower the bar for private transportation even in Moscow, not to mention other cities. But if the driver does not think about such technical issues, it seems to him that he works literally for a penny. Which is undeniably disappointing.

Salary: is there a chance to get more?

If there are a lot of people who want to earn money, and even more customers, you can count on an additional increase in the tariff. "Yandex. Taxi" practices accounting for the so-called "peak" hours, when there are a lot of customers. This factor is enabled automatically; on the one hand, it stimulates the driver to work more actively, on the other hand, it allows to normalize the flowrequests, and the service is not unnecessarily overloaded. When providing private transportation services all day long, you can take into account not so much the tariff as the hourly payment. Of course, to calculate it, you need to have little experience of cooperation with the system in order to realistically assess your capabilities, the activity of customers in your city, as well as the client's desire to use exactly the class of services to which a particular driver belongs.

To increase the hourly income of its employees, Yandex. Taxi has introduced a bonus system. It is quite complex, supplemented by the possibility of receiving additional payments subject to a number of conditions. These rules for using the service are regularly updated and are available both on the Yandex. Taxi website and through special applications. Also, they are required to instruct the operators of the control room through which the taxi driver works. If you keep your finger on the pulse, you can qualify for many incentive programs, which will allow you to get more than a decent salary, improved by bonuses.

Cheat or not?

Many drivers, considering the possibility of cooperation with Yandex. Taxi, rightly fear that through such a system where no one signs special papers, they can be deceived. As can be seen from the reviews, in reality, taxi drivers do not complain about this. Of course, there are conflict situations with dispatch services, an unsuccessful client may come across, but it is precisely with the Yandex service that there is no misunderstanding. The exception is those drivers who have decided to work through the system without having read the rules of its operation.

work in Yandex taxi driver reviews
work in Yandex taxi driver reviews

At any time, the user has access to information about all funds received for the previous working hours. It displays not only trips, but also data on bonuses, bonuses, surcharges received in the course of order fulfillment. It also takes into account the commission charged by service partners. The final figure displayed through the application is the value that the driver should receive. If there are discrepancies, you must urgently contact the technical support service - it is likely that an error has crept in, which will be corrected soon. But, as can be seen from the reviews, such situations, if they occur, are extremely rare.
