Speci alty "Innovation" - the direction of training high-class analysts

Speci alty "Innovation" - the direction of training high-class analysts
Speci alty "Innovation" - the direction of training high-class analysts

This science is represented by a field of knowledge about the essence of innovation, its organization and management, ensuring the transformation of newly acquired knowledge into innovations demanded by society. This process can be based on both commercial and non-commercial interests (an example would be use in the social sphere). As epistemological roots, the speci alty "innovation" uses many sciences and various branches of knowledge. Among the main ones are the following: economics and entrepreneurship, philosophy and psychology, sociology and pedagogy, organization of production, marketing and logistics, as well as computer science.

speci alty innovation
speci alty innovation

Speci alty "Innovation"

This subject is quite successfully used as a theoretical and methodological basis for modeling and formal description of the activities of any organization and its management. Unlike other scientific fields, the theory of innovation explores the progressive developmentvarious objects, their transition from one type of socio-economic system to another, from one state to another, more stable and characterized by high parameters. This area of science will ensure the use of the results obtained with the subsequent increment of intellectual capital.

Specific subject matter

innovation speci alty
innovation speci alty

The speci alty "Innovation" refers to a special subject area that has an independent object of study, represented by the process of innovation in the socio-economic system. At the same time, specialists in this field of knowledge take into account the result of their use with the subsequent dissemination of new knowledge, the results of scientific and technical activities. The speci alty "Innovation" is based on the systematic conduct of scientific research, which has the following properties: novelty, demand, feasibility, useful effect.

The subject itself in educational institutions considers the laws, patterns and principles of all innovation processes in various systems. Also, studies are being carried out on models and methods for describing an organization with subsequent management of innovative activities at various levels of the economy.

Aspects of innovation

Innovation itself is a speci alty introduced into scientific circulation by the Austrian economist Schumpeter. In the Russian scientific literature, this term was first encountered in the 80s of the twentieth century. A new speci alty "Innovation" has been opened in the leading higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation.


This science contains the following aspects:

- the theoretical basis of activity in the field of innovation;

- modeling of various processes containing some novelty;

- organization and management of the introduction of all new technologies at domestic enterprises;

- state regulation of these issues;

- management of investment processes in this area of research;

- building the principles of scientific and technical activities on a commercial basis.

Summing up, it should be noted that innovation today is a powerful potential that can transform a gray reality into an interesting, rich life.
