Red steppe breed of cows: characteristics, photos, breeding features

Red steppe breed of cows: characteristics, photos, breeding features
Red steppe breed of cows: characteristics, photos, breeding features

Red steppe breed of dairy cows is defined as one of the best in the post-Soviet space. Animals are perfectly adapted to the dry climate of the steppe zones. In terms of numbers in the world animal husbandry, the breed is the fourth and second in the territory of Ukraine and Russia. Cows of this breed can be found in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, the Caucasus.


The history of breeding dates back to the 18th century. At that time, extremely hardy animals, but with low productivity, grazed in the vast steppes. Geographically, these are the southern regions of Ukraine, more precisely, the Zaporozhye region. It is symbolic that such a breed was born on the banks of the Molochnaya River.

red steppe breed of cows
red steppe breed of cows

In order to increase milk yield, it was necessary to infuse the blood of high-yielding individuals. The red steppe breed of cows (photo in the text) has a controversial origin. Experts are unanimous in only one thing - imported cattle took part in the creation. There are several versions of origin:

  • the method of absorption crossbreeding and partially reproductive Great Russian and Gray Ukrainian breeds was applied(both local) with red German cattle;
  • this is a local aboriginal breed, formed 150 years ago and called "red colonist" or "red German", he got his name from his own - the owners of the German colonists;
  • this is a cross between Swiss and Franconian cattle;
  • this is a mixture of other animals - tronder and angelic;
  • this is a complex crossbreeding of gray local Ukrainian cattle, first with red East Frisian, and then with Angeln, Wilstermarsh and some other European breeds.

The array of fairly homogeneous livestock obtained by the beginning of the 19th century was bred "in itself". The breed was registered in 1923, it began to be bred in the breeding farms of the former USSR. The red steppe breed of cows in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus does not fall below the third place in terms of the number of livestock.


Creation and further improvement of the breed is painstaking work. It is inextricably linked with the socio-economic development of the state, and plays an important historical role. The red steppe breed of cows was no exception. Features of breeding at the very first stages were as follows:

  • selected for milk production;
  • carefully selected animals on constitutional grounds;
  • after the birth of calves, they immediately took away and distributed cows without a baby;
  • settlers were confident in the close relationship between productivity and color (it was believed that cows of red and red-brown color give high milk yield), and selected cowsalso on this basis.

The result of a long (more than 100 years) selection in certain climatic conditions was the creation of a breed group of hardy steppe dairy cows of red color with a characteristic exterior and relatively high productivity.

red steppe breed of cows characteristic
red steppe breed of cows characteristic

Massive mechanization of milking processes required the improvement of the livestock according to the criteria of the shape of the udder and the increase in milk yield. In the 60s of the twentieth century, cows of the red steppe were winged by angler bulls. The choice of these animals is not accidental:

  • firstly, the breeds have related genetics;
  • secondly, they have a similar type of metabolism;
  • Third, they have the same direction of productivity;
  • fourthly, Angler individuals have a high milk yield, a high percentage of fat in milk, a greater live weight, and most importantly, a better adaptability to machine milking.
  • red steppe breed cows photo
    red steppe breed cows photo

Further on, blood was added to the Danish breed. In the 90s, three-breed crossbreeds produced up to four and a half thousand liters of milk with a fat content of 3.82%. Not the last role in the formation of today's appearance of animals was played by Holsteins. Each breed left its mark:

  • red steppe cattle - endurance and adaptability to the conditions of detention;
  • anglers – udder manufacturability and high percentage of fat content;
  • "Danes" - long-term use and high milk yield;
  • holsteins - high live weight,improved udder shape adapted to machine milking.


Today, animals are considered among the best on the territory of Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan. What is the red steppe breed of cows? Feature:

  • produced in 18-19 centuries in Ukraine;
  • productivity type - dairy;
  • have a lean build, strong constitution;
  • live weight of bulls - up to 900 kg, cows - 400-500 kg;
  • weight of calves at birth: heifers - 27-30 kg, bulls - 35-40 kg;
  • average milk yield for the breed - 3,500-4,000 kg (in breeding reproducers - 4,500-6,000 kg), with a fat content of 3.5%;
  • economic use - 4, 74 lactations;
  • chickens reach breeding age by 18 months, with a live weight of 320-350 kg.
  • red steppe breed of cows reviews
    red steppe breed of cows reviews


Red steppe breed of cows in terms of milk production is considered good. According to the breed, the average milk yield is from 3,500 to 4,000 kg of milk. Breeding farms have higher rates: average milk yield is from 4,000 to 5,000 kg, record holders are able to produce up to twelve thousand liters of milk, fat content can reach 5%.

Milk yield depends on the quality of pastures and the length of the pasture season. The best indicators can be achieved in the steppe zone. Animals are fertile, in three years from one female you can get four offspring. The break between calving is a little over a year (380 days). To prevent barrenness, cows are run from 40 to 60 days.

Meat qualities of the breedlow, slaughter yield does not exceed 50%. With purposeful fattening of young animals, the meat yield increases, but very slightly. The skeleton of animals is light, with poorly developed muscles. Raising such cows for meat is not economically viable.


Typical external signs characteristic of animals of the dairy direction, has a red steppe breed of cows. Exterior Description:

  • height at the withers - 127-132 cm;
  • bust -183-190cm;
  • oblique length - 154-160 cm;
  • metacarpus girth - 18-19 cm;
  • color from light red to dark cherry, white markings are acceptable;
  • musculature is undeveloped;
  • torso angular, elongated;
  • neck dry, narrow;
  • head light, slightly elongated;
  • back long and straight;
  • feet strong, dry;
  • chest narrow, deep;
  • medium-sized udder, glandular.
  • red steppe breed of cows in kazakhstan
    red steppe breed of cows in kazakhstan


The red steppe breed of cows is characterized by unpretentiousness and rapid adaptation to environmental conditions.

red steppe breed of cows breeding features
red steppe breed of cows breeding features

Animal keeping:

  • Summer period. The best option is free grazing on pastures. Location - within 2 kilometers from the farm. They are equipped with sheds and a watering place. Summer camps are often practiced, with milking points.
  • Winter stall period. Animals are kept in barns with tethered or loose housing. Conditions mustcomply with animal hygiene standards.
  • Feeding. On the pasture, they make sure that the animals have enough food, if necessary, they feed them with root crops and mixed fodder. In winter, the basis of the diet is hay, compound feed, straw are added, silage is used as succulent feed (no more than 25% of the total diet), root crops, and mineral supplements must be included.
  • Disease prevention. Vaccinate against infectious diseases.
  • Care. Periodically, contaminated wool is removed from animals, the udders are thoroughly washed at each milking, and horns and hooves are trimmed before the grazing period.


Animals of this breed are also kept in private farmsteads throughout the post-Soviet space. It is especially popular in the steppe zones of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Altai, and southern Russia. The red steppe breed of cows (owner reviews pay attention to this) is very hardy and adapts perfectly to various climatic conditions. It tolerates dry summers and hot weather.

From the features of the breed are especially noted:

  • strong immunity saves animals from the scourge of dairy farming - leukemia;
  • quick acclimatization;
  • unpretentious content;
  • excellent stamina;
  • good responsiveness to improved maintenance and feeding;
  • high nutritional and palatability of milk.

By the names of offspring that exist today in the breed, one can judge the degree of popularity of the breed: Ukrainian, Kuban, Kazakh, West Siberian, Kulundai(Altai).

red steppe breed of cows description
red steppe breed of cows description


Over the past half century, several dozen record-breaking cows have been registered with indicators:

  • for lactation over 10,000 kg -14 heads;
  • for lactation 9000-9999 kg - 32 head.

The fat content of milk was at least 3.69%. The bulk of this livestock is grown in breeding plants in Ukraine and Kazakhstan. It is not uncommon for the cows of the herd of such farms to have a milk yield of 6000 kg. The red steppe breed of cows boasts amazing record holders:

Storm 6070:

- milk yield – 10 170 kg;

- fat content - 4, 0%;

- farm - collective farm "Proletarian Fighter", Zaporozhye region, Ukraine.

Goosebump 8890:

- milk yield – 10 497 kg;

- fat content - 4, 05%;

- farm - breeding plant named after. Kirov, Kherson region, Ukraine.

Application 1910:

- milk yield - 11 100 kg;

- fat content - 4, 02%;

- farm - breeding plant "Severo-Lubinsky", Omsk region, Russia.

Cloudberry 201:

- milk yield –12 426 kg;

- fat content – 3, 82%;

- farm - breeding plant "Karaganda", Karaganda region, Kazakhstan.
