Sychevskaya breed of cows: description, characteristics, photos, reviews

Sychevskaya breed of cows: description, characteristics, photos, reviews
Sychevskaya breed of cows: description, characteristics, photos, reviews

All over the world, thanks to the work of breeders, there are more than 1000 breeds of cattle. All of them have different characteristics, productivity and directions. Breeds of cattle can be divided into three groups: meat, dairy, universal (meat and dairy). When choosing an animal for your farm, pay attention to what kind of livestock is common in your area. Today we will consider the most popular breed of cows in our country - Sychevskaya.

Origin story

This breed of cattle dates back to the end of the 19th century. It was at this time that the first Simmentals were started by large landowners on the territory of the Sychevsky district of the Smolensk region. Purebred cows did not live up to the expectations of livestock breeders, but their offspring with local cattle retained the best performance of breeding and local cows, in addition, calves adapted better to climatic conditions.

Sychevskaya breed of cows: photo
Sychevskaya breed of cows: photo

Sychevskaya breed: characteristics of cows

Animals of this breed are distinguished by a strong physique and well-developed muscles. The height at the withers reaches 130-149 cm, the length of the body along the oblique is 154-183 cm. The cows have a large head, a wide forehead, a very deep and wide chest, a voluminous udder, well developed. Animals quickly adapt to any new environment. Most often, animals have the following color:

  • fawn;
  • fawn motley;
  • redhead;
  • red-motley;
  • red-and-white.
Sychevskaya breed of cows: characteristics
Sychevskaya breed of cows: characteristics


A cow of the Sychev breed can reach a weight of 550-590 kg, some - up to 790 kg. An adult goby can have a live weight of 900 kg, and the weight of some of the most prominent individuals reaches 1 ton. At birth, a calf of the Sychevskaya breed weighs 32-34 kg, at six months already 184-200 kg. Cows of this breed have high milk productivity, milk yields are about 3000-4500 kg, with a fat content of 3.6%-4%.

Sychevskaya breed: species

Through selection by livestock breeders, several varieties of this breed were bred, below will be presented photos of a cow of the Sychevskaya breed. Professor M. I. Pridorogin proposed to divide them according to anatomical and morphological features and productivity into the following groups:

  1. Steppe. Animals are distinguished by a strong physique, good milk yield, which has an average fat content.
  2. Privolzhsky. These cows are not of a large build, so they are most often bred for milk production.products.
  3. Ukrainian. This type of animal is the largest among the Sychev breed of cows.
  4. Priuralskie. A characteristic advantage of this variety is a large yield of meat.
  5. Siberian. The most adaptable of all varieties of animals, they perfectly tolerate even the most extreme conditions of detention and temperature fluctuations.
Sychevskaya breed of cows: photo and description
Sychevskaya breed of cows: photo and description

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Among the advantages of Sychevskaya breed cows, the following characteristics can be noted:

  • high meat and milk productivity;
  • adaptation to climatic conditions;
  • high slaughter weight;
  • disease resistance.

Among the shortcomings can be noted the finickiness of animals to feed, heavy calving in heifers, the special sensitivity of calves to a lack of minerals, the voracity of young animals.

Sychevskaya breed of cows
Sychevskaya breed of cows

Sychev cow breeding

In order to preserve and increase the productivity of this breed of cattle, animals are crossed with other breeds or the best representatives of Sychevskaya are brought together. Note that this breed is distinguished by high reproductive functions. Difficulties with calving occur in primiparous cows of the Sychev breed, because the calves have a rather large head. It is noted that in small calves the immunity is not sufficiently developed, so proper attention should be paid to caring for them. The main task of the owner is to comply with sanitary requirements and avoid infection inbarn.


The main diet in the summer consists of pasture grass, which animals eat in the required quantity. In winter, cows are fed hay and silage. During this period, the diet includes mineral and vitamin supplements, for example, Prelak, Trivit. For fattening bulls, it is recommended to give 1-2 kg of compound feed per day.

Sychevskaya breed of cows: reviews
Sychevskaya breed of cows: reviews

Sychevskaya breed of cows: reviews

Cattle breeders who keep the Sychevskaya breed in their yard note that these animals are significantly superior in milk yield to other breeds of cows. They are distinguished by a calm disposition, quickly become attached to the owner and get used to the daily routine. Farmers point to the rapid growth of calves, which at 9 months of age can be slaughtered for meat. The product is non-greasy, excellent quality. Some owners note that sometimes there are problems with insemination.
