Why is the body of an aircraft made of duralumin tubes? General view

Why is the body of an aircraft made of duralumin tubes? General view
Why is the body of an aircraft made of duralumin tubes? General view

As it may seem at first glance, the cheapest and easiest way to make an air transport hull is to weld sheet metal pipes. Then why is the body of the aircraft made of duralumin tubes? In this article we will try to cover this topic in the most detailed and accessible way.

What is an airplane body?

why the body of the aircraft
why the body of the aircraft

This element of the aircraft is also called the fuselage. It serves to perform a connecting and supporting function, and is considered the main component of the structure. Inside the hull there is a cockpit, compartments for storing cargo and boarding passengers, tanks with combustible material and canteens. In simple terms, the fuselage is the part that sits between the payload people and the atmosphere.

Why are duralumin tubes used in the construction of the fuselage?

the body of the aircraft is made of duralumin tubes
the body of the aircraft is made of duralumin tubes

There are at least five reasons for this. To the mainreasons why aircraft body is made of duralumin tubes include:

  1. Solid sheets do a poor job of thermally protecting the inside of an aircraft body while tubes do a good job.
  2. Duralumin is a strong, lightweight and ultra-reliable material.
  3. If a crack occurs in the body, only one of the tubes will be damaged, not the entire structure.
  4. Wires and cables are often mounted into the cavity of the tubes to provide aircraft systems.
  5. Duralumin material is more elastic and less afraid of deformation.
  6. A manufacturer can save a significant amount of money by using hollow materials.

All these facts are enough to find out exactly why the body of the aircraft is made of duralumin tubes. However, let's take a closer look at the features of this material.

Because airplanes have to maneuver frequently and experience severe g-forces, it is important that the hull material is ductile and resistant to deformation. It is these properties that duralumin has. And one more important point is the provision of thermal insulation of the cockpit and the passenger compartment. On this basis, the body of the aircraft is made of duralumin tubes.

Why not sheet metal?

Sheet metal simply wouldn't be able to maintain a favorable indoor atmosphere, making the flight less comfortable or spending extra money on installing indoor climate stabilisers. In addition, due to the content inside the tubesair manages to achieve additional protection for the crew and passengers from pressure drops, which are especially felt at high altitude.

In addition, in recent years, production technologies have improved significantly, and now the cost of producing aircraft fuselages from duralumin tubes does not hit the pockets of manufacturing companies much. And if a few decades ago, due to the high cost of production, it was necessary to overestimate the price of finished products, or infringe on profits, today this problem has been almost completely solved. The need for cheaper sheet materials has disappeared, and now even low-budget companies can afford the production of hulls from duralumin tubes. We hope that after reading this material, it became clear to you why the aircraft body is made of duralumin tubes!
