Nutrition Al - what does it mean? All about food types

Nutrition Al - what does it mean? All about food types
Nutrition Al - what does it mean? All about food types

Types of food - a fairly broad concept. They may mean the consumption of energy sources and nutrients in general, the characteristics of human eating, as well as certain points - types of food in hotels, airplanes, etc. In this article we will try to analyze all the classifications in detail and answer some questions. Nutrition Al - what does it mean? What are its varieties? What does autonomous power mean? Consider many other nuances.

Biosphere-scale nutrition

Nutrition is a process of consumption of substances and energy, characteristic of absolutely all organisms inhabiting the globe. It is divided into two large groups - autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition. Within themselves, they have smaller varieties.

Autotrophic. This is the ability to create organic elements from inorganic ones - carbon dioxide, mineral s alts and water. Not to be confused with autonomous power supply. The last one concerns the power supply. Autotrophic "skill" characterizes plants, some protozoa, bacteria. Autotrophs are divided, in turn, into two categories:

  • Phototrophs are used for biosynthesissubstances the energy of the sun. These are plants, cyanobacteria.
  • Chemotrophs use the energy of chemical reactions resulting from the oxidation of inorganic compounds to form organic elements. These include nitrifying, hydrogen, sulfur, iron bacteria.
nutrition al what does it mean
nutrition al what does it mean

Heterotrophic. These are organisms that consume ready-made organic substances, since they themselves are not able to form them from inorganic ones. These are most bacteria, viruses, fungi, animals, including you and me. These living beings are classified according to two criteria:

  • Food Source:

    • Biotrophs feed on living organisms. These are phytophages (food - plants) and zoophages (food - animals). Parasites are also commonly referred to here.
    • Saprotrophs feed either on the secretions (excrement) of living beings, or on the substance of their dead body. These are saprophytes (plants), saprophages (animals), necrophages (eating animal corpses), coprophages (eating excrement), etc.
  • Eating:

    • Osmomotrophs get their food in solution through their cell walls. It is part of bacteria, fungi.
    • Phagotrophs are able to swallow pieces of food on their own. This characterizes animals.

You can also highlight creatures such as mixotrophs. They can both consume ready-made organic substances and synthesize them on their own. This includes euglena algae, carnivorous plants, etc.

Types of human nutrition

In light of the latest food trendsa person is divided into the following categories:

  • Omnivorous. This type of food historically characterizes us. This refers to a person who eats the most varied, but at the same time allows fast food, products containing preservatives, dyes in his modern diet.
  • Separate (he althy, proper) nutrition. What is meant by this term? What does "proper nutrition" mean? This is a strict combination of different types of food, the time of consumption of food, the calorie content of meals.
  • Vegetarianism, including lacto-vegetarianism, ovo-vegetarianism. Faithful to this type of diet, people refuse to eat the flesh of animals. However, dishes from fish, shellfish, eggs, milk and its derivatives are not taboo for many of them.
  • Veganism. Vegans eat only plant foods. Like vegetarians, they allow their food to be cooked.
  • Raw food (including vegan raw food, lacto-ovo raw food, raw food, etc.). People who adhere to this type of diet, which is in many ways a certain worldview, consume only plant foods and only in raw form - without heat treatment. It is important to note fruitarians here: they exclude plant seeds (beans, seeds, nuts, etc.) from their diet, eating only fruits and vegetables.

what does proper nutrition mean
what does proper nutrition mean

The very last stage is the so-called Bigu state (sun-eating, prano-eating, breatharianism) - "non-eating", refusallater liquid food. Needless to say, it is achieved through long spiritual practices.

Main food categories in hotels

Now let's get to the bottom of what this means - power Al, FB, RO, BF, etc.

Meal type Characteristic
FB Full board - full board. The guest is offered breakfast, lunch and dinner in the form of a buffet. Alcoholic drinks are not included in the price, only some hotels provide free champagne with breakfast.
HB Half board - half board. Means that breakfast and dinner are included, and free soft drinks, and in some cases champagne for breakfast as a gift.
BB Bed breakfast - "bed + breakfast". The room rate includes accommodation and breakfast. The latter is usually buffet style.
AL What does AL nutrition mean? This is all inclusive - "all inclusive". The system of multiple meals included in the cost of living. This is not only a buffet for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but also unlimited access to the bars, restaurants, grills and barbecue eateries of the hotel. It also includes free alcoholic drinks - local and less often imported (the latter for the most exclusive hotels).
AIP All inclusive premium - "all inclusive premium". Similar to the previous one, but with a larger selection of spirits.
UAL Ultra all inclusive - "allincluded ultra". Multiple meals in restaurants of various cuisines of the world, bars, hotel cafes. Provision of sweets, ice cream, free alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, both local and imported, throughout the day.
RO, OB, RR, AO Room only - room only. Accommodation at the hotel without providing food at the expense of the tour.

Now we know what Al nutrition and its other varieties means. Consider additional classifications.

Additional food classifications in hotels

In addition to the above, you can find the following types of food:

  • HB+. Extended half board - not only breakfast and dinner, but also an additional serving of drinks at certain times of the day.
  • FB+. Extended board - drinks, as in the previous case, can be served additionally throughout the day.
  • Mini all inclusive. Full board + 24 hour local liquor service.
  • CB - continental breakfast. Continental breakfast offers a minimal morning snack - coffee, tea, muffin, butter, cheese, jam, etc.
  • AB - american breakfast. American breakfast additionally includes cold cuts and hot dishes.
  • EB - english breakfast. English breakfast is a complete morning meal.
  • Pocket lunch - "dry" breakfast, snack.
  • MAI - maxi all inclusive. Everything is included except medical care, laundry, telephony and hotel shops.
  • HCAL - high class all inclusive. Higher nutritionclass + providing all hotel services for free.
food al what does it mean
food al what does it mean

Meals at the hotel

Let's consider the issue in more detail. What does nutrition Al mean? This is the so-called buffet. One of the types of food service in hotels:

  • A-la carte. The guest chooses his dishes, based on the positions in the menu. Helps with the choice and serves his waiter.
  • Buffet. Self-service system - several varieties of dishes are taken out to common windows. Guests choose whatever they want and put food on the plates themselves, moreover, you can do this in unlimited quantities.
What does limited food on an airplane mean?
What does limited food on an airplane mean?

What does limited airline food mean?

Another interesting moment. Meals for passengers on airplanes - two types:

  • Full. It is usually served if the duration of the flight is more than 2 hours. Includes hot meals.
  • What does limited airline food mean? These are sandwiches, sandwiches, water, tea, coffee, juice.
what does autonomous power mean
what does autonomous power mean

Please note: on low-cost short-term flights, only drinking water is provided free of charge to passengers.

This concludes our story about different types of food. As you have seen, this is a fairly broad concept, different from the aspects of the approach to it.
