Hatching eggs: requirements, features, storage

Hatching eggs: requirements, features, storage
Hatching eggs: requirements, features, storage

Selection selection has led to the fact that many breeds of chickens known today have almost completely lost their maternal instinct. Because of this, there is a need for artificial rearing of day old chicks. So, the hatching egg can develop without a hen in a special incubator. Let's talk with you about the requirements for such eggs, how to properly store them, etc.

hatching egg
hatching egg

Egg weight and shell quality

Nowadays an experienced breeder must determine the weight to the nearest gram. For this, accurate electronic scales are used. It is desirable to select the largest eggs, due to the high content of nutrients that are necessary for the survival of the specimen. But despite this, such stringent requirements are somewhat relaxed for eggs of meat chickens, due to reduced egg production.

The hatching egg should be well protected. Mosta reliable barrier is a shell. An important indicator is the integrity of the structure. This not only provides protection from external influences, but also allows you to implement the necessary heat and gas exchange processes. So, it is strictly forbidden to select cracked or beaten eggs for incubation. First, they quickly deteriorate, which leads to the development of bacteria. Secondly, moisture quickly leaves such an egg, which minimizes the chances of the embryo surviving. In addition, it is not recommended to choose irregularly shaped eggs with scratches, etc. defects.

Using an ovoscope

broiler hatching egg
broiler hatching egg

As noted a little above, the hatching egg should not have defects. But it is quite difficult to detect a small scratch by eye. Therefore, it is best to use an ovoscope. This is a device that glows brightly and allows you to notice the smallest defects in the egg. As a rule, spoiled specimens should be immediately discarded, because it is almost impossible to get he althy offspring from them.

But it happens that some eggs are of great value, so you don’t really want to throw them away because of a crack or scratch. In this case, it makes sense to seal the crack with starch-based glue. Pay attention to the marbling on the shell, which indicates that a he althy chicken is unlikely to hatch from such an egg. The problem lies in the low level of development of the embryo, which does not have time to develop in 3 weeks. It is very important that the hatching egg has an air chamber, which is responsible for the shelf life. But in the ovoscope this zone is visibleas a dark spot.

About egg disinfection

Almost all specimens contain pathogenic microflora. If it is not removed, then a fungus or bacterium can enter and damage the embryo. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to disinfect the surface. If we talk about industrial scale, then formaldehyde vapor is used here. They take enameled dishes and pour about 30 ml of formalin and water into it. Then the same amount of sodium permanganate is added. All this is mixed and placed in a special chamber, where prepared eggs are already standing. As a result of a chemical reaction, steam is released, which destroys all pathogens. This amount of mixture is enough to process a chamber with an area of 1 square meter. The disinfection procedure should proceed at a constant temperature of 37 degrees Celsius for half an hour. Of course, in addition to this, broiler hatching eggs can be treated with 1% iodine solution, 3% chlorine solution, etc. Let's go further.

chicken hatching eggs
chicken hatching eggs

Hatching eggs of hens: storage rules

It is extremely important to maintain the optimal temperature and humidity. According to studies, it is best to maintain a temperature of 18 degrees Celsius, as it has the highest hatchability of young animals. Relative humidity in this case should be at least 85%. It is desirable that between the laying of an egg and its laying, not a lot of time passes. This is due to the fact that it begins to age and at the same time lose weight. Chick hatchabilitydeteriorates somewhat, in part because water is lost from the protein. Permissible weight loss - no more than 0.2% of the total mass. Based on the foregoing, it must be said that the incubation egg of a broiler, quail and other birds should be stored outside the incubator for no more than 6 days. Over time, the hatchability of offspring drops dramatically. Consequently, the productivity of the farm will also deteriorate, so do not forget about it.

hatching chicken egg
hatching chicken egg

How to lay a hatching chicken egg

Most experts say that you need to lay eggs directly in the incubator in the evening. This is due to the fact that in the morning you can choose dried, that is, unsuitable chickens. But despite this, you can perform this procedure when it is convenient for you. It is extremely important to choose eggs of the same weight. This is due to the fact that large eggs should be in the incubator more than medium and small ones. In this case, before laying it is necessary to take into account the temperature difference. If storage was carried out in a cold room, you need to put the eggs in a warmer room, which will avoid large evaporation of moisture. The laying should be carried out in an upright position, and if the tray is not completely filled, then the eggs are fastened with a metal strip. This is to ensure that the eggs stay in place while turning.

quail hatching egg
quail hatching egg


Do not forget that a certain microclimate must be observed in the incubator. This is the humidity, which should be at least 75%, andalso good ventilation. According to statistics, one chicken egg consumes approximately 4 liters of oxygen and releases 3.5 liters of carbon dioxide into the environment. That is why supply and exhaust ventilation is a must. The hatching egg of a quail, chicken, goose and other birds needs this. Do not forget that a wet thermometer should show a temperature of at least 29 degrees, and a dry one - about 37. Somewhere after 6 days of incubation, you will be able to observe a network of blood vessels. At the same time, the embryo itself is not yet visible. You can notice it approximately on the 11th day of development. Well, that, in principle, is all that can be said about how to store eggs for further incubation.
