How to get a job as an electric subway train driver

How to get a job as an electric subway train driver
How to get a job as an electric subway train driver

The subway electric train driver is the working elite of the enterprise. A speci alty can be acquired by a man who has reached the age of 18 and is fit for he alth reasons. To do this, they undergo a professional examination in a specialized clinic,

subway train driver
subway train driver

by submitting certificates stating that you are not registered in narcological, tuberculosis and neuropsychiatric dispensaries. The commission considers such points as the stability of the visual apparatus, ECG, bicycle ergometry, blood and urine tests, and fluorography. A preliminary conclusion is given by specialists: a neuropathologist, an ENT specialist, a surgeon, a dentist and a therapist. The final summary is made by the chairman of the WEC. With a positive conclusion, the subject is allowed to take courses in the specialization "subway electric train driver". Already before the start of training, a contract is concluded with a future student, according to which, upon completion of classes, he is obliged to work in this position at the enterprise for at least a year. If a person wants to terminate the agreement, then he is obliged to reimburse the amount that was spent on his education.

Classes on coursesdivided into theoretical and practical. First

subway train driver job
subway train driver job

training takes place at the desk, and after the student receives the necessary amount of knowledge, he goes directly to the place of future work. From that moment on, an experienced subway electric train driver became his teacher. The student receives a monthly scholarship, as a rule, it is adequate to academic performance (according to the average score). Careless students with unsatisfactory grades receive accruals in minimal amounts. If a student regularly misses classes, breaks the schedule and systematically “does not have time” in subjects, he may be expelled. At the end of the training period, a specialist certificate is awarded and a qualification is awarded. From this moment the real work begins. The subway electric train driver performs not only his direct functions (transports

Moscow metro electric train driver
Moscow metro electric train driver

passengers), but also other duties: hauling rolling stock at junction and end stations, going to a shift to replace an employee and on duty in reserve. As you know, the metro is a secure enterprise, and work on it is associated with the strictest discipline.

The subway electric train driver can work in three shifts: day, evening and night. The time, place and duration of work determines the schedule that is issued to the employee at the end of the month. Before the shift, each electric train driver undergoes a medical examination to determine the degree of his suitability for work. If any violations are revealed (for example, residual effects of alcohol, drugs), then the employee is removed from work. In recurring situations, a person is fired from the enterprise. As a rule, people hold on to such a prestigious and highly paid job as a subway electric train driver. Moscow, as a huge metropolis, can offer especially great benefits to a person who owns this speci alty.
