What are the responsibilities of a call center operator?

What are the responsibilities of a call center operator?
What are the responsibilities of a call center operator?

It is not always possible to find a job in the speci alty. But somehow you have to live. So people go to work in call centers. The salary there is not bad, and there seem to be few responsibilities. Is that so? In this article, we will tell you what duties a call center operator must perform.

Receive incoming calls

duties of a call center operator in a bank
duties of a call center operator in a bank

A call center operator has many responsibilities. One of them is answering the phone. This is the easiest task. A person needs to competently advise the client. If the operator's work phone rings, he can be sure that the person on the other end of the line has a problem. So, it needs to be solved. The specifics in each call center are different. Somewhere the operator helps to set up the modem, somewhere he fixes problems with the TV. It is also the responsibility of the operator to process any overlays on the order. For example, a client has submitted an application for an Internet connection. But the assembly team did not show up on time. In this case, the call center employee must quickly respond, find a freecommand and send it to the address or find out where the installers have gone and why they did not show up to the client on time. In such situations, you need to not only solve the problem, but also try to reassure the client. After all, people are different, some may decide that if the company had an overlay at the first stage, then such troubles will continue to happen. The call center operator is the face of the company. It is on him that all complaints and accusations will fall.

The duties of the call center operator in a taxi are to receive applications. A person must react quickly, form an order and enter it into the database. Finding the car in person is not his responsibility. The main thing here is not to make a mistake in writing the address, because often taxi operators are not in the same city where the order is made from.

Outgoing calls

What are the responsibilities of a call center operator?
What are the responsibilities of a call center operator?

Also, the duties of the call center operator include calling customers personally. What to talk about with people? Well, it's definitely not about the weather. Each call center operator has a job description. It spells out his duties. One call center can deal with different projects. Internet connection, lending, ordering a taxi - this is only a small part of what operators are working on. Most often, people offer services to customers. For example, one of the tasks of an operator who works in a bank is to call people and offer them to take out a loan. Each call center employee has a client base, that is, they do not call everyone, but potential buyers. If a person thoughIf he had already borrowed from the bank once, it is likely that he may need another loan. The task of the operator is to instill in the soul of the client the desire to take money at interest. But a call center employee who works on an internet connection project calls customers in a certain area to suggest they switch providers.

Processing Applications

bank call center operator duties
bank call center operator duties

After the call is completed and the client has agreed to connect the service or accepted any other offer, the operator draws up an order form. This reporting is carried out in a special computer program. The duty of the call center operator is to correctly fill in certain columns. Most often they include full name. customer, his address, the type of service he agreed to, and the date when the order will be placed. Depending on the specifics, the information that needs to be entered into the database may vary. For example, it is the responsibility of a bank call center operator to fill out an application for a loan or fill out a form stating that a call has been made with a reminder to the client to deposit money into the account on time.

All the operator's work is concentrated in one, maximum two computer programs. And they need to be very well understood. Each employee is required to undergo trainings and consultations from time to time, where they talk about updating the software product.


duties of a call center operator
duties of a call center operator

The duties of a call center operator include not only receivingcalls. The employee must process accepted orders. For example, the operator has agreed to connect a new tariff for the Internet, but for this it is necessary to change the equipment. The call center employee must place an order, in which he prescribes the date of arrival of the master, all the materials that will be required for installation, as well as the amount that the client will have to pay. And he does not just bring all this information into the program. He must inform the client about everything so that he is at home on the appointed day, has a passport with him and does not give money to employees, but put them on a new personal account.

Maintaining a customer base

The duties of the MTS call center operator and similar projects include calling customers. Why are they disturbing the citizens? Operators offer people to switch to new tariffs. Some agree, others refuse. In order to somehow separate refuseniks from those who agreed, call center employees have to maintain a customer base. Information is entered there that the person was called, that he was offered. If the client refused the service, then the reason for the refusal must be recorded. Perhaps the too expensive tariff did not fit. If new services appear in the company, the person will be called again and offered cheaper package options.

In our example, call center operators offered people to connect a new tariff, but still more often their duty is to lure customers away from another operator. And in this case, again, it is impossible to do without a base. It is bought from the telephone operator, and the call center employees start calling. Here is their goal.– not only to lure customers to a competing operator, but also to collect information why they use the services of a particular company.


call center operator duties for resume
call center operator duties for resume

What other duties does a call center operator still have to perform? Maintain reporting. If the operator works not only on receiving incoming calls, but also independently calls customers in order to offer them some kind of product or service, then in this case his salary directly depends on successfully completed applications. So, the call center employees themselves enter their achievements into the table and calculate their average score. Of course, these data are cross-checked. The data entry procedure should help the person track their progress and regression.

It is also the responsibility of employees to mark their days off. During the week, each operator must fill out a weekend form, so that later this table can be approved by the highest authority and a schedule can be drawn up.

Make your own decisions

call center operator job responsibilities
call center operator job responsibilities

It is easy to imagine an adult who cannot be held responsible for his actions. So, such persons have no place among call center workers. People who give advice and accept applications must understand that their words are not an empty phrase. If the client remains dissatisfied, then a reprimand from the authorities is still the easiest punishment for wrongdoing. The duties of a call center operator in a bank include handling people's personal data. Soas this is classified information, it cannot be disclosed outside of work. After all, every person hopes that information about his financial well-being will remain a secret.

Of course, the call center operator does not work alone, and in case of any emergency, he can turn to a superior person for help. But after all, the working day rarely goes according to routine. Clients ask questions every day that are not in the standard brief. You have to strain your imagination so as not to let a person down and not disgrace the company in his eyes.

What qualities should an applicant have?

What information should I provide to an employer for a resume? The person applying for this position knows in advance the duties of a call center operator. So what should be indicated in your resume, what qualities does the employer want to see there? The HR manager always pays attention to the word "responsible". After all, it is precisely such people who can be entrusted with complex tasks and understand that they will be completed. Sociability is simply a necessary quality for a call center operator. A person who applies for this job must not only be able to speak correctly, but also love this occupation. Stress resistance is a big plus in working with any people, and especially those who call with complaints. A person who wants to work in a call center must not only have the art of eloquence, but also have competent speech. After all, parasite words and lowing are unpleasant to listen to.

Other operator duties

duties of a call center operator
duties of a call center operator

A person who works in a call center must not only do what is written in the job description, but also follow the unspoken rules of the company. For example, not only do not be late for work, but also come 15 minutes earlier. Many call centers prohibit eating or drinking anything other than water in the workplace. Operators should not make noise so as not to interfere with the work of their neighbors. A call center employee does not have the right to raise his voice when talking with a client, just as he cannot hang up, even if a stream of obscene language is being poured on him. The operator must keep his work area clean and work equipment in good condition.
