Renaissance insurance company: CASCO reviews

Renaissance insurance company: CASCO reviews
Renaissance insurance company: CASCO reviews

"Renaissance" is one of the leaders of the Russian insurance market. The most requested services are property protection, he alth and auto insurance. Reviews about the Renaissance insurance company are left by both satisfied customers and those who did not like the services of the insurer.

About company

"Renaissance" began its activity in 1997. The company immediately became one of the significant structures in the insurance business. At the beginning of its activity, its assets amounted to 2.2 billion rubles, and 20 years later, in 2017, their size doubled and amounted to 4.4 billion rubles.

During the existence of the company, several subsidiaries of the Renaissance Insurance group were created:

  1. Medcorp medical insurance company.
  2. ""Renaissance Life" is an insurer specializing in protecting the life and he alth of customers.
  3. Foundation of NPF "Renaissance Life&Pensions". The fund was later sold.
reviews aboutinsurance company renaissance life
reviews aboutinsurance company renaissance life

According to reviews of the Renaissance insurance company, in 2017 the insurer merged with one of the largest non-state pension funds in Russia - NPF Blagosostoyanie. They created a joint project, Baring Vostok was also a partner.

Renaissance insurance organization management

According to the employees of the insurance company "Renaissance Life", the involvement of Boris Yordan as the director of the insurance company was an important step towards increasing the brand's influence. Boris Yordan is a well-known businessman who previously headed NTV and Gazprom-Media.

His connections in the TV industry and other media have created an effective advertising campaign. The advertising activity resulted in an increase in the number of Renaissance Insurance clients by 15%.

Achievements in the insurance business

Early at the beginning of the journey in the insurance business, "Renaissance" attracted customers with favorable insurance conditions. Therefore, it is not surprising that according to the results of its activities, the Renaissance insurance company has always been among the top 15 Russian insurers in terms of capital and products sold.

insurance company renaissance customer reviews
insurance company renaissance customer reviews

In 2014, Renaissance was the first insurance organization in Russia to successfully sell an eCASCO electronic policy. Now CASCO can be issued in almost every major insurance company within 15 minutes.

Due to assets over 3billion rubles (in 2005) "Renaissance" was able to buy out one of the leaders in insurance in the North-West region of Russia - the Progress-Neva group. This made it possible to enter the top 3 insurers in the North-West of the Russian Federation in 2005-2007.

Renaissance Insurance Products

In "Renaissance" the client has the right to insure:

  • he alth;
  • property (house, apartment, cottage);
  • car and driving responsibility;
  • interests while traveling (including abroad);
  • mortgage collateral.

According to the feedback from the clients of the insurance company "Renaissance", all services can be issued at the office of the insurer. Some products are available to order online.

Peculiarities of car insurance at Renaissance insurer

9 out of 10 times, insurance company customers are looking for auto insurance information. The CASCO policy in "Renaissance", together with the OSAGO insurance service, is especially popular.

insurance company renaissance life customer reviews
insurance company renaissance life customer reviews

To issue a policy, it is not necessary to contact the office of the insurance company. The policyholder can insure his interests under CASCO or OSAGO online.

How to buy CASCO with a 50% discount?

According to reviews of CASCO in the Renaissance insurance company, it follows that the policy is available for customers to order at a discount of up to 50%. Only drivers who do not take risks while driving can buy a policy at a special price. This requires a unique app to be installed. SafeDrive.

The application allows you to track the nature of the customer's driving in order to take into account the possibility of obtaining a discount. Before installing the application, the insured must purchase a CASCO policy with a deductible of 15,000 rubles. Deductible is the amount by which the insurance company reduces the payment upon the occurrence of an insured event.

After purchasing the policy and installing SafeDrive, the client must earn the trust of Renaissance. To do this, you must adhere to the rules of careful driving for 3 months from the date of installation of the application. Based on the results of driving, the application will evaluate the driver's skills on a 10-point system.

Evaluation will reduce the deductible to 100%. If the driver received from 7.5 to 10 points, the deductible of 15 thousand rubles will be completely canceled. Ride scores of 6.5-7.4 will reduce the deductible by 50%.

Additional savings on CASCO

More than 2/3 of drivers get CASCO insurance with a 5% discount. These are those who do not include more than 3 clients in their insurance. Reviews of the Renaissance insurance company describe other ways to save.

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True drivers deserve a 10% discount. Prior to the sale of the CASCO policy, the company studies the insurance history of customers under the OSAGO policy. Those who have not been the initiator of an accident for 1 year or more are given a discount.

For drivers who have previously concluded a CASCO insurance contract with another company, discounts of 20 or 30% are provided. The condition is relevant only for customers who do not havethere were insured events for the previous insurance period. A 30% discount is provided to residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Drivers from other regions can extend CASCO at Renaissance for 20% cheaper.

Features of auto insurance in "Renaissance"

According to reviews of the insurance company "Renaissance Insurance", the client can regulate the terms of insurance for CASCO. This is very convenient, since there is no need to pay for those options that are not of interest to the policyholder. In addition, the choice of risks allows you to reduce the cost of CASCO to 70%.

What can be included in CASCO from "Renaissance":

  • Protecting damage. A feature of insurance is not just payment for technical repairs, but the ability to receive cash compensation in case of significant damage to the car. This applies to cases where, as a result of an accident, the car cannot be restored. The money is paid out in an amount not exceeding the insurance coverage.
  • Payment as a result of damage to the car without the possibility of restoring the vehicle. If the damage exceeds 75% of the amount of insurance coverage, the client receives compensation. Minor damage will not be covered.
  • Vehicle theft insurance.
  • Protection of additional equipment. Paid for parts, devices that do not belong to the standard set of car production from the manufacturer. It can be a radio or a video recorder, for example.
  • Public liability insurance. Unlike OSAGO CASCO in"Renaissance" allows you to protect the client in the amount of up to 2.5 million rubles.
  • GAP insurance. The service is available only for cars no later than the previous year of manufacture. In the event of an insured event, the client receives compensation in the amount of 100% of the insured value of the vehicle.
  • Protection of he alth and life. If the driver or passengers are injured, disabled or die as a result of an accident, the payment will be transferred to the beneficiary.

Peculiarities of policy formation

According to the reviews of the clients of the insurance company "Renaissance", life and he alth include almost everything in the CASCO policy. More than 2/3 of payers prefer to supplement the risk by protecting the vehicle from theft, significant damage. Every 3rd includes additional civil liability protection in CASCO.

insurance company renaissance reviews on OSAGO
insurance company renaissance reviews on OSAGO

Not all services can be included in the policy by the client online. GAP-insurance is available only at Renaissance offices. The cost of the package and the included risks affect the possibility of obtaining insurance via the Internet.

Additional CASCO features

The possibilities of the CASCO program are not limited to individual risks. According to reviews of the Renaissance insurance company, insurance allows customers to:

  • Repair elements of glass and on the body without references. The service is available if the cost of replacing damaged parts is less than 5% of the insurance coverage.
  • Use the service of a commissioner from an insurance company. The policyholder can come at the choice of the client: for each accident with his participation (issued only in offices) or an accident with 2 or more participants.
  • Get roadside assistance in case of an emergency. For example, if the engine does not start due to severe frost, Renaissance will help solve the problem by hiring a specialist. The service is limited: no more than 3 thousand rubles for each situation.
  • Reimburse your car rental expenses. "Renaissance" allows you to receive up to 10 thousand rubles for a temporary replacement of a vehicle during the repair of a client's car.
  • When evacuating a client's car, refund the taxi payment in the amount of no more than 2 thousand rubles.

OSAGO insurance in "Renaissance"

Unlike CASCO OSAGO is compulsory insurance for every driver. Without it, the client does not have the right to drive a vehicle. Therefore, having valid OSAGO insurance is a necessity, not a privilege.

renaissance insurance company customer reviews OSAGO
renaissance insurance company customer reviews OSAGO

In "Renaissance" customers can order eOSAGO - an electronic version of the document. It is no different from classic driver insurance, but it saves the client time. OSAGO registration is available online on the Renaissance website.

According to the feedback from customers on OSAGO in the insurance company "Renaissance", the insurer offers a favorable rate and fully complies with the requirements of the law. According to the law, compensation is carried out within the limits of 400 thousand rubles, if the damageinflicted on the vehicle, and 500 thousand rubles - if another driver or his passengers were injured.

OSAGO from "Renaissance" allows you to receive a payment if the insured is the culprit of the accident. In this case, it is not the client himself who should apply for compensation, but the victim.

Conditions for purchasing an OSAGO policy at "Renaissance"

Reading feedback on OSAGO in the insurance company "Renaissance", customers want to know how much it will cost them to buy or renew compulsory insurance. The following factors affect the cost of the policy:

  • who concludes the contract: an individual or an organization;
  • car model and power;
  • car service life;
  • number of drivers included in the policy, experience and age of clients;
  • city of residence of the insured;
  • carefulness of the driver (have there been any accidents with his participation).

You can buy a policy by presenting the required documents:

  1. Passport (if there are several drivers, you will need documents for each).
  2. PTS and STS.
  3. Driver's license.
  4. Diagnostic card (only for vehicles older than 3 years).

Legal entities are also required to provide a certificate of registration of the organization.

When buying an OSAGO policy, you should take into account new changes in legislation. This is relevant only for the electronic version of OSAGO. As stated in paragraph 7 of the Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation 4190-U dated 2016-14-11, issued on the website of the insurance company OSAGO will become valid no earlier than on the 3rd day after purchase.

When buying eOSAGO, the driver must print out a copy of the policy and always have it with him when he is driving.

OSAGO or CASCO? Customer Feedback

According to reviews of the insurance company "Renaissance", the life and he alth of the insured are not risks when buying OSAGO. Therefore, every 10th driver in Russia prefers to protect himself and his car by additionally purchasing a CASCO policy.

reviews about insurance companies renaissance insurance
reviews about insurance companies renaissance insurance

Customer opinions about the benefits of OSAGO and CASCO are divided. At the same time, those who insured at Renaissance were 85% satisfied with the conditions of the insurance company.

What Renaissance customers write in their feedback about OSAGO:

  1. The electronic version of the policy after payment was sent to the post office without delay.
  2. The insurer fulfills the requirements of the law regarding the price and tariffs of OSAGO.
  3. Those who applied for payment (accident victims) in 8 out of 10 cases received a refund within 6 months of the accident.
  4. The support service promptly responds to customer requests. According to feedback on OSAGO from the Renaissance insurance company, in Moscow, the average time for processing a client's application does not exceed 15 minutes (when contacting the hotline).

The MTPL tariff is up to 10 times more profitable than the conditions for purchasing CASCO. But insurance is aimed at protecting the interests of not the client, but those who suffered as a result of an accident with his participation (including property). Life, according to insurance reviewsof the Renaissance company, it is impossible to insure under OSAGO (meaning the life and he alth of the insured). Therefore, customers prefer to pay extra and buy a CASCO policy.

He guarantees:

  • compensation for damage up to 2.5 million rubles;
  • protecting the interests of the insured and his passengers;
  • additional guarantees for customers (paying for a taxi, renting a vehicle).
