Why does the onion feather turn yellow and how can I deal with it?

Why does the onion feather turn yellow and how can I deal with it?
Why does the onion feather turn yellow and how can I deal with it?

Every year, many gardeners are faced with the fact that the onion feather turns yellow. If you do not take action in time, you can be completely without a crop. This is especially worrying for people who grow onions in large quantities for sale. To choose a way to get rid of this scourge, you need to determine why the onion feather turns yellow. The wrong method will not help save the crop, a significant part of which may die.

why do onion feathers turn yellow
why do onion feathers turn yellow

So, why does the onion feather turn yellow? There are three main reasons that lead to this. Two of them are related to the work of pests. We are talking about the onion secretive proboscis and the onion fly. How to determine who exactly spoils the bow? Damaged plants should be carefully examined.

The larvae of the secret proboscis eat long longitudinal passages inside the onion feathers, similar to whitish stripes. And adults eat holes around which, as the leaf dries, white spots form. As a result of the activity of these pests, the tips of the onion feathers turn yellow, the feather itself curls and dries out. Beetles can spend winter in an unharvested bow or top layer.soil. Therefore, it is recommended to destroy the remains of onions. If possible, move onion crops every year by 200-300 meters so that the beetle does not reach them. If the onion has already suffered from a pest, cut off the feathers, leaving only 3-4 cm. Loosen the soil more often, including between rows.

onion feather turns yellow
onion feather turns yellow

Why does the onion feather turn yellow? The cause may be an onion fly. Garlic can also be affected by it. If the onion is inhabited by larvae, it will begin to turn yellow and fade early. At the same time, the onion fly also damages the bulbs, which then rot, and the plant is easily pulled out of the ground. As we can see, the signs of pest damage differ from the previous ones, so it is possible to diagnose which one will have to get rid of. In this case, we can recommend the early sowing of onions, the destruction of plants that are already damaged, deep plowing. Sow onions next to carrots, with their smell, the plants will drive pests away from each other. Do not leave plant residues in place. You can sprinkle the beds with onions with ash, shag or tobacco dust. Based on popular experience, it can be advised to water the onion with saline (1 cup per bucket of water) three times, with an interval of 20 days.

Why does the onion feather turn yellow if there are no signs of pest damage? The most common cause is a lack of nitrogen. Heavy rains can cause nitrogen compounds to go with water into the lower layers of the soil, from where onion roots cannot reach them. Therefore, it is recommended to feed onions with nitrogen fertilizers.

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Now we know enough to determine the correct reason why the onion feather turns yellow. If there are no beetle larvae in the feathers, and fly bulbs in the bulbs, it is worth fertilizing the beds with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. And do not forget that by the end of July, the yellowing of the feathers is associated with the natural aging process of the plant. If the onion began to turn yellow only during this period, no action is needed. The main thing is to recognize adverse signs in time and establish the cause of their appearance so that the harvest is a success.
