What is wmz and why is this wallet so popular

What is wmz and why is this wallet so popular
What is wmz and why is this wallet so popular

In recent years, due to the rapid development of the Internet, non-cash money transfers have become very popular. Increasingly, people around the world are making purchases online in online stores, investing their finances in online exchanges and sending transfers from their card accounts to electronic wallets. One of the first electronic systems on the Russian market was the WebMoney system. What is wmz in Webmoney, this article will explain.

what is wmz
what is wmz

History of "WebMoney"

Many believe that the WebMoney system is Russian. In fact, there is no reliable information about who was the creator of the project and who owns it now. In fact, anyone can be. What is wmz is no longer a secret. Perhaps the project has Russian roots, and perhaps not. It is only known that the company was registered in an offshore zone, and after that its legal address moved to London. So legally the project belongs to the UK. The head office of the company, however, is located in Moscow.

whatwmz wallet
whatwmz wallet

The beginning of the history of "WebMoney" began back in 1998, when the first successful transaction was made. The Internet was then not at all so numerous, and the news about the new project spread quickly enough. And this is not surprising, at the dawn of its activity, the system was much more loyal to the participants and generous with gifts and bonuses. So, for registration, each new participant was credited with 30 WM. Then there was no separation by currency, and there was only one payment unit - WM. It was equal to 1 US dollar. The division into rubles and dollars appeared only in 2000. And other currencies joined them even later.

What wallets are there

In the system "WebMoney" there are so-called virtual wallets, they are divided into types of currencies. What is wmz, now almost any student can explain. This is a purse of the "WebMoney" system, on which funds are accumulated in conditional US dollars. In addition to it, there are ruble wallets, in euros and other currencies. Funds can be transferred within the WebMoney account and exchange one currency for another by transferring funds from one wallet to another.

what is wmz in webmoney
what is wmz in webmoney

Features of wmz

And yet, what is a wmz wallet and how to use it? By registering in the system, any participant receives a so-called formal passport. With this level, you can deposit rubles to your account and, by internal transfer to the wmz wallet, turn them into dollars at the system rate in a matter of seconds.

Then you can pay with these virtual dollars in any foreign online store or auction. With a formal passport, there are fairly broad restrictions on the withdrawal and transfer of funds, but having received other certificates, they can be removed. The owner of a personal passport already knows perfectly well what wmz is and what its advantages and nuances are. To obtain a personal passport, you must confirm your identity by providing a passport to the representatives of the system.

what is wmz
what is wmz

Nuances of working with wmz

Having a formal passport, a system participant will not be able to transfer money to a real debit card, but after confirming his identity, this is quite possible. A personal passport opens up the widest possibilities for the system participant to pay and transfer funds.

But there is a caveat. In the text of the agreement between the participant of the system and the system there is a clause that the system can unilaterally change the working conditions. This point alarms many, and for good reason. Although electronic currencies are convenient and operational, their use is still associated with a number of difficulties and risks. To take risks or act in the old fashioned way, paying with cash, everyone decides for himself. What wmz is and whether it makes sense to use them is an individual question, and everyone has their own answer to it.
