Why doesn't Qiwi wallet work lately? Tricks of scammers

Why doesn't Qiwi wallet work lately? Tricks of scammers
Why doesn't Qiwi wallet work lately? Tricks of scammers

Why doesn't Qiwi wallet work since spring 2014? It is this issue that seriously worries many Internet users and customers of the Qiwi payment system (QIWI). For a couple of months, there are not only failures in the site, but also in terminals. What are the reasons?

why qiwi wallet not working
why qiwi wallet not working

Political version

The brand "Kiwi" (QIWI) has become known in Russia since 2008. This payment system and bank can become a strong competitor to Sberbank. This network "won" eight countries: Jordan, USA, Brazil, Belarus, Moldova, Russia, Romania, Kazakhstan. With eleven states (Ukraine, Colombia, Panama, Argentina, Chile, Peru, China, Malaysia, India, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan) it works on a franchise basis and with three countries (Latvia, Bulgaria, Serbia) - under a license.

The official website ends with ".com" (.com), but there is also a Russian counterpart in the ".ru" (.ru) domain zone. Users of the QIWI payment system noticed failures in the operation of terminals and the site at about the same time as the situation in Ukraine began to deteriorate. Manycustomers believe that failures in working with the site are related to the influence of America, which has political differences with Russia. But these are only observations of Internet users, as there are quite reasonable explanations why the Qiwi wallet does not work.

Technical version

Before the failures, one official website (qiwi.com) worked, where there was an English and Russian version. In the spring, the Qiwi wallet team began work on another new site in the ".ru" domain zone (qiwi.ru). That is why it was impossible to enter the official website. However, technical work was not carried out around the clock and without warning their customers.

Those customers who subscribed to QIWI wallet news were informed about possible difficulties in working with the site. The rest of the users, when entering the wallet, saw a warning about technical work and an apology for causing inconvenience. Now both sites work without problems.

Also, many people have difficulties because of browsers. That is why programmers advise updating old versions to new ones so that any service, including Qiwi wallet, works. The QIWI site does not work in this case due to inconsistencies with the browser. In this case, you need to clear your cookies or go to the wallet through another browser (Google Chrome is best).

Why doesn't Qiwi wallet work? Fraud version

does qiwi wallet work
does qiwi wallet work

Due to the popularity of the QIWI e-wallet, fraudulent sites with its brand began to appear on the Internet. This can alsocause a person to be unable to enter their office.

How to distinguish a real site from a fraudulent one? At the moment, the official versions of "Kiwi" include the following addresses:

  • https://qiwi.ru/
  • https://w.qiwi.com/
  • https://visa.qiwi.ru/
  • https://visa.qiwi.com/
  • https://old.qiwi.com/ (old version)

As you can see, the official site ends after a dot in "com" or "ru" and uses the secure https protocol. Pay attention to the padlock in the browser, on real kiwi sites it is green and has official confirmation.

Among the fraudulent sites using the Qiwi brand, the following were identified:

  • https://qiwirus.ru
  • https://new-qiwi.ru
  • https://zqiwi.ru
  • https://visaqiwi.ru
  • https://visa-qiwi.net

Scammers do not use a secure protocol, words are diluted with dashes or written together, as official versions use a dot after each word or letter. To avoid falling into the hands of scammers, listen to browser warnings, which, when you go to a dubious site, display signs about possible errors in security certificates.

When you get to the fraudulent site "Qiwi" and enter your data, you are transferred to another address. This is how scammers get passwords from your wallet. And that's why Qiwi wallet doesn't work when you try to login to the official site again.

qiwi wallet website not working
qiwi wallet website not working

Summary of results

The "Qiwi" e-wallet team offers a simple and convenient interface for work. Any transactions with money are reflected in your account. If there are failures in the terminal or on the site, you need to contact technical support for help.

If you try to hack your wallet, please contact the security system. By the way, on the official versions, in the security section, information is posted about various types of fraud using the QIWI brand (phishing, malware, lotteries, HYIPs, mutual aid funds, etc.).

If you constantly receive news from official websites and study information about the work of QIWI, then you will not have a question: does the Qiwi wallet work? Payment system, bank, wallet work in their own mode.
