Taxes and their types: full information

Taxes and their types: full information
Taxes and their types: full information

Every person who wants to run his own business should know what taxes are and their types. You can learn about what a tax in the Russian Federation is from the eighth article of the first part of the Tax Code. Here, this concept is revealed as a gratuitous payment of a mandatory nature, which is taken from organizations and individuals in cash in order to ensure the activities of state and municipal entities. It is coercive.

taxes and their types
taxes and their types

Knowing what taxes are and their types will not hurt an ordinary citizen, because. most of us pay income tax, vehicle tax and others. The classification of this type of state requisitions is quite extensive. In particular, according to the method of tax exemption, there are direct and indirect taxes, according to who is taxed - taxes from individuals, legal entities, individual entrepreneurs.

Taxes and their types are also different for different objects of taxation. Herewe can talk about taxable profits, income, various property objects, etc. In connection with the intended purpose, special and general fees are distinguished, and according to the levels of taxation - local, municipal, regional and federal taxes.

taxation types of taxes
taxation types of taxes

The main types of taxes are also divided according to the way they are used. For example, general taxes go to replenish the budgets of various levels, without a specific indication of how they will be spent. But target (special) fees can only be spent in a strictly defined way. So, in particular, paid contributions to road funds and for the needs of the social sphere are used.

Specialists also determine the following taxes and their types with further detailing:

- Direct and indirect. Direct income or property is taxed, and it is difficult to transfer them to the consumer (property tax, income tax, etc.). And indirect ones are an addition to the price (environmental payments, customs duties, VAT, etc.).

- Income and lump-sum taxes. Lump-sum taxes are paid without reference to the level of earnings of a person, in contrast to income taxes, which, as the name suggests, depend on income.

main types of taxes
main types of taxes

In turn, income payments are divided into progressive, when the scale depends on the amount of income, and proportional, when there is no such dependence. With a simple progressive rate, the tax is levied in large amounts when the level of, for example, wages rises. When complex - income is divided intoparts, each of which is taxed at its own rate. If a regressive system is used, then the more a person receives income, the less he pays taxes. Conversely, if the income received decreases, then the rate increases. This is a good reason to earn a lot.

For all persons who are professionally involved in such topics as taxation, the types of taxes should be thoroughly known. Since the Tax Code provides for rather strict measures and pen alties in the event that any errors are revealed in the calculation or payment of fees and taxes.
