How to pay taxes online? Everything is very simple

How to pay taxes online? Everything is very simple
How to pay taxes online? Everything is very simple

Practically all entrepreneurs and businessmen are well aware of how inconvenient and impractical the procedure for paying taxes in our country, invented in the era of socialism. You have to “knock down” the thresholds of officials yourself, stand in long lines, fill out a lot of receipts…

All for the convenience of taxpayers

It all took a huge amount of precious time. And now, finally, the situation has changed.

How to pay taxes online
How to pay taxes online

Officers have developed an electronic public services service, and now it is possible to pay taxes using the World Wide Web. Agree, this measure will greatly facilitate the life of a Russian businessman.

However, some remain completely unaware of how to pay taxes online. The tips below will help them do just that.figure it out.

You still have to visit the tax office

At the same time, it must be emphasized that it will not be possible to completely refuse a visit to the fiscal authorities. You will need to sign your tax return yourself. The advantage of this procedure is that a separate window has been set aside for online tax payers, where there is practically no queue.

Surely everyone would like to know how to pay taxes via the Internet, since it is possible that soon most of the entrepreneurs will use this particular service.

Where to start? Everything is very simple. Let's move on to the practical side of the question of how to pay taxes online.

Methods of paying taxes online

The taxpayer will need the Internet portal After opening it, he should find the "Taxes and fees" section and select the "Filing a tax return" option. Then it remains to follow the instructions.

Sberbank paying taxes online
Sberbank paying taxes online

An entrepreneur chooses the best option for himself to submit a declaration (form 3-NDFL) to the tax office - by mail, the Internet or personal visits to officials. To access this service, you must enter a password and login. As the latter, as a rule, the number of SNILS (insurance certificate) is used. In order to "acquire" a password, you will need to indicate the TIN number in addition to SNILS. For the convenience of using the electronic system, it is recommended to create a personal account. However, this procedure may require a certain amounttime, since the password and login are delivered to the addressee by regular mail.

Some may ask: "How else to pay taxes over the Internet?" You can use the Internet resource and, by selecting the "Electronic Services" section, fill out the "payment". Then again it remains to follow the instructions. In this case, you will need a special program "Taxpayer legal entity". Then we enter the code of the tax office where the financial statements are addressed, “attach” the declaration and send it. A unique application number will be displayed on your computer monitor, which will be required when you subsequently submit reports to the tax office. In the "Requests" menu, you can control the status of the addressed document. If all the data in it is specified correctly, then the user will receive the message "Checked", and then "Submitted to the Federal Tax Service".

Pay transport tax
Pay transport tax

Subsequently, financial statements can be sent "on paper", providing tax officials with a unique application number to be able to be served as a priority.

Sberbank: paying taxes online

The service "Sberbank Online@yn" allows you to serve customers of the mentioned financial institution through a global network. With this system, you can pay the transport tax. What does that require? Have a Sberbank plastic card and access to the Internet. How to make a payment? There is nothing complicated! Having opened the Sberbank Online @ yn service, you need to select the “Payments and transactions” option, then go to the “Taxes, traffic police fines” tab. At the next stageenter the number of your tax office, then the data of the taxpayer, after which we select the "Send" option. The above automated service system also allows you to pay land tax via the Internet.

Payment system services

It should be noted that the Qiwi payment system has also legally formalized cooperation with officials from the tax authorities.

pay land tax online
pay land tax online

Clients of the above service can pay fines and make tax deductions directly from their wallet, and at any time. Just three clicks - and there is no need to stand in line at the bank to pay the receipt.

Representatives of the Qiwi payment system reported that they intend to significantly expand the geography of cooperation with the tax authorities so that this service is available to residents of most Russian regions.

A similar service is offered by another payment system - Yandex. Money. It also allows you to make various payments online. To do this, you need to perform two simple steps - move the payment details to the fields of the electronic form and click on the "Pay" button.
