How to politely refuse a manager

How to politely refuse a manager
How to politely refuse a manager

Everyday life of an average person working "for an uncle" is inextricably linked with a difficult subordination nuance - the "boss-subordinate" relationship. There is a lot of literature and a variety of advice of a psychological nature, which you can listen to, or you can not, still doing your own thing. The reader is not given the ultimate truth, but is offered only some of the most important nuances of these complex relationships in the vertical of power, regulated by the labor code. Moreover, the conversation will not be about the ethics of industrial or other relations, moral aspects, and so on, but only about how to refuse a leader and at the same time not only keep the job, but, on the contrary, strengthen and maybe even improve the existing position.

How to say no to a manager
How to say no to a manager


In fact, the beginning of this difficult journey is in the reception room or any other room in which an interview is carried out for acceptance into the ranks of future honored production workers. How to refuse a manager when hiring is, generally speaking, a separate topic for another big conversation. However, it is at this stageit is necessary to show a sufficient amount of firmness and show this part of your character, letting you know that the subordinate will not tolerate being treated like a puppet in a puppeteer theater.

How to turn down a manager for a job
How to turn down a manager for a job


So, the first difficult hiring barrier has been overcome, and now we are already in good standing with the boss, having proven ourselves well in a couple of difficult tests, cunningly set up by the new boss. We are in for even tougher times ahead in terms of how to turn down a manager, as not only their respect will now be at stake, but also the rate of wage progress and the increase in all sorts of benefits that are directly dependent on him.

How to say no to a leader with a strong character
How to say no to a leader with a strong character

However, if the boss, already at the stage of hiring, felt that the subordinate was not going to always say “yes” to him, as mentioned earlier, then life will be much easier in this case. After all, it is no secret that a leader can delegate authority, and in general, push menial work onto those who unquestioningly perform it, who do not know how to put him in his place, in a word, those on whom any organization rests, people.

So, here, at the stage of the established workflow, it is necessary to behave even more fundamentally, because any excess of the authority limit on the part of the boss is fraught with repetitions, which, in the end, can turn into what is called a violation of a person’s personal space.

Failure can be compliancechain of command

Consequently, if a subordinate thinks about how to refuse a manager, and to do this not only politely, but also with the preservation of the workplace, he should think about it immediately, at the stage of hiring. If you put yourself clearly and correctly, making it clear that you are not going to be a messenger for all conceivable and inconceivable reasons, then in the future you can count not only on observing subordination, but also on the opportunity to put you in place in a pinch. Thus, refusing a leader can be not only an observance of subordination, but also is such, if carried out within a reasonable framework.

How to turn down a boss for a promotion
How to turn down a boss for a promotion

Increase, what it depends on

Oddly enough, but even a banal promotion depends precisely on how to refuse the leader. There is nothing unusual in the promotion of a subordinate, from the point of view of a leader, especially a rank above his immediate superior. On the contrary, if an employee takes the initiative, honestly performs duties, achieves good results, then a reasonable boss with great pleasure will not only raise him, but also honor an ambitious ally with other honors.

Of course, there are many other factors, and often the ability to refuse is far from the most important role in an employee's promotion, but it is important to be aware of this and skillfully use the ability to talk with the manager on an equal footing in terms of fulfilling the employee's basic duties. Yes, it is the ability to correctly and clearly say “no” in the place of the conversation that will make it clearto the boss, where is the subordination, and where is the abuse of it, and determines the opportunities for promotion.

Family & Business

Another important factor often wedged into the relationship "leader-subordinate" is family ties. It is no secret that a person who has won a place under the sun begins to pull those whom he loves closer to him, the cherished one. And here the most interesting begins. How to refuse a leader if he is your close one, or maybe not very much, but still a relative. And often neither politeness nor harshness can save in such a situation.

How to refuse a man's boss
How to refuse a man's boss

In this case, many reasonable experts recommend following a very simple rule. Namely: to clearly separate the areas, since they are really practically unrelated. Family and work are incompatible, many employers have managed to make sure of this, someone from their own bitter experience, someone - watching this conflict from the outside. So, at home - family, at work - colleagues, which means that the inevitable obligation to adhere to subordination. And therefore, no familiarity, which, by the way, significantly confuses professional relations and significantly impairs the ability to achieve the goals of both sides.

Gender of leader

There are a lot of aspects of relationships between people. However, the most important, determining the vast majority of them - gender differences. Indeed, how to turn down a male boss is very different from how to turn down a female boss. It is not surprising, because even the approach to executingwork is very different depending on this.

How to turn down a boss
How to turn down a boss

And if a direct refusal, polite and adamant, can cause respect from a man, then a woman can be expected to have the most diverse and sometimes unpredictable consequences. I would not like to go into the differences in the psychology of the sexes, but the fact remains. If you know how to refuse a leader with a strong character, you can predict how a man will behave. If we are talking about the weaker field, then only his natural ingenuity can come to the aid of a subordinate, and, of course, honesty and directness. These things always inspire respect and a desire to cooperate, even in the most difficult situation.


So, in this short article, we looked at how to refuse a leader. There is nothing difficult in work, especially if it pleases and brings pleasure. Nevertheless, every person should know these simple rules of cooperation and mutual management in relationships with his boss. I would like to hope that they were not only presented in an accessible way, but will also be useful to every employee who dreams of a good job, an adequate leader and opportunities for professional and career growth.
