IPK (individual pension coefficient). Calculation formula

IPK (individual pension coefficient). Calculation formula
IPK (individual pension coefficient). Calculation formula

As you know, in 2015 the final reform of pension insurance was carried out and today a special formula is used to determine the amount of payments that pensioners will receive. It seems to many that it has become more difficult to calculate the amount, but this is not so. In order to figure out what payments a pensioner can count on, it is enough to determine the IPC (individual pension coefficient). To do this, it is not necessary to contact specialists, since today all the data is in the public domain. Let's try to independently determine the IPC and the amount of the expected pension.

individual pension coefficient
individual pension coefficient

The essence of the coefficient

Back in 2013, it was decided to divide the pension received by citizens of the Russian Federation into 2 parts: funded and insurance. The first component of payments is calculated in the same way as before the reform. This means that everyone who was born after 1967 will have the funded part of pensions.

The situation is different with insurance accruals. Now this part of the payments is determined by a special formula for calculating the individual pension coefficient, according to which, each citizen receivesa certain number of points. The main condition, as before, is that the employer pays certain contributions annually for each employee.


The individual pension coefficient is determined by dividing two values:

  • The numerator is all contributions paid by the employer for the year. At the same time, payments can be made according to one of the two currently existing tariffs (10% or 16%).
  • The denominator is ten times the amount of insurance payments per year. This takes into account the size of the salary.

The maximum value of this indicator is determined by government agencies. To date, wages from which pension contributions can be taken can be no more than 80% higher than the average salary in the country.

ipk individual pension coefficient
ipk individual pension coefficient

The employer is obliged to pay 22% of the employee's salary to the pension system. At the same time, 6% of this amount is a mandatory part. The remaining 16% can be divided into several shares (depending on the wishes of the employee). Most often, 6% is allocated to the funded part of the pension, and 10% goes to the insurance account. However, at the request of the employee, all 16% can be left for the insurance part. In this case, the maximum IPC (individual pension coefficient) will be 10 by 2021. If the funded part is formed, then this value will already be equal to 6.25. To date, the maximum value of the IPC cannot exceed 7.39, if we are talking about 10% perthe insurance part and 4, 62, provided that all 16% are allocated for insurance.

Features of calculating pensions

After the introduction of the individual pension coefficient, the algorithm for calculating funds for the elderly has changed. The old model meant that the settlement period of cash payments could not exceed 19 years. However, such an approach could destabilize the insurance system. That is why a new model was developed, which is based on the number of points scored during the work.

Based on the sum of the individual pension coefficient, it is possible to calculate the insurance share of the pension. This value also includes special social charges that were made for certain periods.

individual pension coefficient calculation formula
individual pension coefficient calculation formula

If a citizen retired later than the accepted term, then the IPC is additionally multiplied by one more value, depending on the excess of the period of labor activity. Fixed bonus payments, if any, are also added to this amount.

Maximum and minimum IPC in 2017

The individual pension coefficient, taken into account when calculating a pension, has acceptable limits. If a pensioner refuses the funded part and transfers everything in favor of the insurance share, then the IPC will grow annually and reach 10. If the pension is divided into 2 parts, this value will reach 6.25. However, when the reform started in 2015, for all groups pensioners had the same maximum individualpension coefficient (equal to 7.39).

For 2017, one IPC point costs 78.75 rubles, and the fixed pension amounted to 4813 rubles. To start receiving payments at a higher rate, a citizen must confirm work experience (at least 8 years) and have at least 11.4 points. These numbers will change slightly next year. In order to receive the insurance part of the pension in 2018, you will need to confirm already 9 years of work experience and get at least 13.8 points in reserve.

individual pension coefficient is equal to
individual pension coefficient is equal to

By 2025, the minimum IPC threshold will be about 30 units. Accordingly, if a citizen does not score the required number of points, then he can only count on the minimum payments at the base rate.

Individual Pension Ratio: Calculation Formula

As mentioned earlier, you can calculate the IPC yourself. In order to get the value of the insurance pension, you must use the following formula:


According to this calculation, the fixed payout is multiplied by the bonus factor. The latter is accrued at a later retirement. After that, the number of accrued points is multiplied again by the bonus payout ratio and by the cost of one IPC unit. After that, the values are added up and the final value of the insurance pension is obtained.

According to this formula, it becomes obvious that going on a well-deserved rest a little later is much more profitable.


Let's consider the calculation of the individual pension coefficientmore. Suppose that a certain citizen Petrova worked as a technologist and now plans to retire. In 2016, she submitted all the necessary documents to the pension fund, which accrued 6,099 rubles to her. the insurance part of the pension and 4001 rubles. instant payment.

To calculate points, you need to clarify how much at that time the cost of 1 unit of IPC was. In 2016, this value was 71.41 rubles. Based on this, it is enough to divide the insurance part of the pension by the coefficient. The result is 85, 4 - this is the number of points earned.

what is the individual pension coefficient
what is the individual pension coefficient

However, it should be borne in mind that citizen Petrova worked not only after the pension reform, but also before that. Based on this, it is necessary to add up the IPC until 2015 and a similar coefficient after this period, then it will be possible to obtain the current value.

Non-insured events

When calculating the pension and the coefficient, it is necessary to take into account some subtleties that were also included in the new bill. These include periods when a citizen received social contributions that were allocated to him in connection with:

  • Caring for children up to 1.5 years old.
  • Conscription service. In this case, for each year the coefficient is additionally multiplied by 1.8.
  • Care for the elderly over the age of 80 and the disabled of group 1.

System flaws

As with any other model, the new reform has certain disadvantages. For example, today it is quite difficult to accurately calculate the sizepayments that await future pensioners. This is because no one knows how much 1 point will be worth in a few years. According to the old model, the pension could be calculated without problems even in youth. To do this, it was enough to divide the savings by 19 years.

sum of individual pension coefficient
sum of individual pension coefficient

In addition, under the new system, the points threshold will increase annually. This will reduce the number of people who can expect to receive larger cash payments.

In conclusion

Knowing what individual pension coefficient a citizen will receive, one can roughly determine the future pension on his own. In order not to get confused in the numbers, just go to the PFR website and use the ready-made calculator.