What is a shipyard? Meaning of the word

What is a shipyard? Meaning of the word
What is a shipyard? Meaning of the word

The meaning of most words of Old Russian origin can be understood based on word formation. And what, then, to do with words of foreign origin? This is especially true for less common languages. For example, what is a shipyard? This word has Dutch roots and it is difficult to guess its meaning by sound. In this article, we will explain what a shipyard is and give examples of the use of this word.

Meaning of the word

what is a shipyard
what is a shipyard

A shipyard is a place where ships are built and repaired. The second definition is an enterprise for the repair and/or construction of ships, vessels. Often located near large bodies of water: lakes, rivers, seas, oceans. For relatively small vessels, there are floating shipyards. Usually they consist of a number of structures: workshops, docks, boathouses, slipways, warehouses, workshops, and so on. The very first shipyard dates back to 3000-2778 BC. It was built in Egypt. Since the seventeenth centurysuch structures become an integral part of the admir alties. At present, when asked what a shipyard is, you can get the answer that it is a ship repair or shipbuilding plant. It is also customary to abbreviate shipbuilding yards - “shipyard”.

The biggest shipyard in Russia

The most famous and largest is the Northern Shipyard. It was founded in 1912, on the fourteenth of November, and was called the Putilov Shipyard. The purpose of the construction is to provide the navy of the then Russian Empire. From 1948 to 1988 it had the name Shipbuilding Plant named after. A. A. Zhdanova. In 1998, this enterprise was one of the first to obtain a license for all types of construction, conversion, modernization and disposal of ships and ships.

For the entire history of its existence, the Northern Shipyard has been reconstructed several times. During the re-equipment, a unique complex of productions and facilities was created. From its inception to the present day, about four hundred vessels and ships for various purposes have been produced at this plant. Among them, about one hundred and seventy for the Navy of the USSR and Russia, which were equipped with the most advanced weapons systems.


What is a shipyard and what does it do?

The main list of products manufactured at enterprises of this type includes commercial vessels, combat surface ships, passenger and research vessels, trawlers, ro-ro ships, container ships, trawlers.
