We draw up an employment contract with the seller

We draw up an employment contract with the seller
We draw up an employment contract with the seller
employment contract with the seller
employment contract with the seller

An agreement between an employee and an employer is an official document confirming the fact of the conclusion of cooperation between the two parties on certain conditions. Information about them is mandatory recorded in this agreement. In addition, the obligations of the parties and their rights are prescribed here. So, let's consider in more detail the information that is preferable to fix when drawing up an employment contract with the seller.

employment contract with director
employment contract with director

An agreement concluded with a potential employee should both take into account the interests of the employer and protect the rights of the employee. First of all, the seller's employment contract contains information about the duties that he must perform while at the workplace. Also, this information can be recorded in detail in the job description, which should appear in the agreement as an integral part of its application. The employment contract with the seller must also include information regarding the work schedule of the potential employee. Provided that the specifics of trading activities involve the performance of labor duties on weekends, holidays or overtime, information about thisshould also be fixed in an agreement between the employer and the employee. Also, the employment contract with the seller must necessarily include information about the payment system, indicating the amount of monetary rewards. As a rule, this section contains information on the amount of the salary part of the salary and the bonus system for a specialist.

seller's employment contract
seller's employment contract

When drawing up an employment contract with the seller, it is very important to remember the responsibility placed on a potential employee. It can be divided into partial and complete. In the first case, the seller will be liable solely for the property entrusted to him during the work shift. If the employer's property is damaged in any way, the recovery of the amount of compensation from the employee cannot exceed the amount of his monthly salary. Provided that the contract with the seller will imply full liability, the boss will have every right to recover from him the entire cost of the damaged property.

In addition, when drawing up an employment contract, you can fix the relationship between the effectiveness of the seller's work and the plans established in the company. For example, when the sales volumes set by the management are met or exceeded, the employee is paid an additional bonus. In case of non-fulfillment of the task for the sale of products, the seller may be fined in the amount of a certain percentage of the monthly bonus. It is also possible to indicate in the employment agreement specific reasons for terminating the contract if they differ from the norms.civil code, but are characteristic of the industry in which sales are conducted. These norms can be formulated by the legal department of the company, taking into account the requirements of the head. The employment contract with the director, as a rule, contains information about such powers.
