Seller job descriptions: what should they be?

Seller job descriptions: what should they be?
Seller job descriptions: what should they be?

To make the work of any store efficient, it is necessary to recruit qualified personnel and draw up documents in accordance with which the labor process should be built. When compiling the job descriptions of the seller, it is necessary to understand that there are points that are common to any trade organization, but there are also nuances that vary depending on the specifics of the goods that are sold. Before the employee signs a document that confirms that he has read the instruction, make sure that it corresponds to the position and fully reflects the requirements of the business owner. For example, the job description of a seller of household appliances must include a clause stating that the employee must be able to handle this technique and undergo appropriate training.

seller job description
seller job description

What should be written in the general provisions of the instruction?

Must be clearindicate what are the requirements for a person who will be a seller:

  • level of education (is secondary enough, is higher education necessary);
  • are there requirements for specific work experience or internship period;
  • whether specific knowledge is needed (for example, foreign languages, knowledge of certain information).

In addition, the job description of the seller should include a clause on how he should be guided in his activities:

  • state laws;
  • internal documents (charters, orders).

It is necessary to indicate to whom the seller reports:

  • business owner;
  • manager;
  • direct supervisors (senior salesperson, for example).
cashier seller job description
cashier seller job description

What responsibilities should be included in a salesperson's job description?

An employee must do the following during the working day:

  • maintain order in the shop window and on the trading floor, correcting the layout in a timely manner;
  • make orders for goods (to a warehouse or a supplier);
  • advise customers about the features of a particular product, help in choosing;
  • actively promote those products that are currently in priority;
  • timely change price tags if revaluation was made;
  • monitor the expiration dates of goods.

What is the seller's responsibility and for what?

Must be spelled outwhether the seller is financially responsible person. Most often, all shift sellers are responsible for the safety of goods in the hall. And the job description of the seller-cashier should be supplemented with points on how to deal, for example, with counterfeit banknotes, shortages, and surpluses at the cash desk. It is also necessary to enter and decipher information about trade secrets and how their disclosure is punished.

home appliance salesman job description
home appliance salesman job description

What is the seller en titled to?

The job description of the seller should include information about what he can:

  • make suggestions to improve the store;
  • make reasonable claims to management;
  • require the provision of the necessary equipment, information that will help make the work of high quality;
  • ask for a salary review.

Of course, these paragraphs are rather sketchy, but they will help to draw up exactly the kind of document that is needed in a particular situation.
