Watermelon: cultivation in the middle lane in compliance with agricultural technology

Watermelon: cultivation in the middle lane in compliance with agricultural technology
Watermelon: cultivation in the middle lane in compliance with agricultural technology

Everyone knows that watermelons are he althy and tasty. And many summer residents would like to grow them on their plots. But since the culture is thermophilic, not everyone knows how to do it right. Watermelon, which can be grown in the middle lane only if a suitable variety is chosen, can be planted both in seedlings and directly in open ground.

watermelon cultivation in the middle lane
watermelon cultivation in the middle lane

The first option is preferable, since in this case a good harvest seems more likely. In this case, of course, you should choose only early ripening varieties. Under seedlings, it is best to use peat humus cups. Pre-soaked seeds are planted to a depth of 2 - 3 cm. For a guaranteed result, sprouted watermelons need as much light as possible. Therefore, it is best to put the cups on the windowsill. It is also desirable to maintain a suitable temperature around +20 degrees.

Growing watermelons in the middle lane is distinguished by its nuances. One of the important conditions is the use of virgin land for planting. However, if this is not possible,you can move the seedlings to any place. The main thing is that the soil is fertile.

growing watermelons in the middle lane
growing watermelons in the middle lane

Before planting in the beds, it will be useful to add a little peat and humus.

Using sand for this purpose will also be very beneficial for a finicky crop like watermelon. Cultivation in the middle lane begins immediately after warm weather sets in. Usually it is the end of May - the beginning of July. During this period, seedlings are transferred to open ground. Watermelon seeds are planted around the same time. In any case, this is done according to the scheme 50 x 50.

Watermelon, growing in the middle lane of which does not require abundant watering, you only need to feed. Do this with the help of mineral fertilizers. Sometimes a solution of mullein or chicken manure is used for this purpose. The first time fertilizer is applied about a week after planting the seedlings in the ground, the second and third - with an interval of two weeks.

watermelons growing in the middle lane
watermelons growing in the middle lane

In the event that the summer is rainy, watermelons, growing in the middle lane of which is quite a risky business, may not give such an abundant harvest as we would like. To increase the likelihood of a good result, you need to pinch, leaving no more than two fruits on each lash.

Cleaning is also not worth rushing. Even a very large watermelon can be unripe. Cultivation in the middle lane of this crop ends at the end of the summer season. Already in early August it will be possible to get the first result. However, the peak of maturation isusually in the middle - the end of this month. To determine the maturity of the fetus, you must first examine the tip of the whip. If it is dry, most likely the watermelon is ripe. You can also tap on the fruit itself. If the sound is muffled, it could mean the same thing.

Experienced summer residents advise not to despair even in case of failure. Growing watermelon in the middle lane is a rather difficult task. And, as they say, once in a while it is not necessary. Perhaps through trial and error, you will eventually find your own way to effectively grow this rather finicky crop.
