Hoteliers - who are they?

Hoteliers - who are they?
Hoteliers - who are they?

Currently, the profession of a hotelier is considered one of the highest paid and prestigious in hotel-type establishments. It is simply impossible to do without these specialists in the mentioned business. Managers with many professional responsibilities are the staff without whom it is impossible to establish the ideal operation of any hotel. And in this article we will talk about who professional hoteliers are, as well as highlight the specifics of this profession.

Facts from the history of the profession

There were times when travelers dreamed of staying in a hotel, characterized by comfort, serenity and safety. Hoteliers (these were innkeepers in those days) were mostly ill-mannered, greedy and untrustworthy people. The quality of living conditions also did not please visitors.

In the middle of the 19th century, the situation changed for the better - the staff became more polite and hospitable, new services appeared. This led to a significant increase in prices. But on the territory of the hotels now began to be located beauty salons, establishments providing entertainment services, restaurants.

A modern hotel of a new level was opened in Paris at the end of the 19th century by a SwissCaesar Ritz. For that time period, it was a significant step forward: the hotel rooms had bathrooms, meals were brought to the room, and on Sundays you could enjoy Viennese muffins here.

Hoteliers are
Hoteliers are

Such institutions began to flourish, representatives of the noble classes and royal families stayed in them.

Professional duties of hoteliers

Hoteliers are high-level professionals who occupy a place at the top rung in the hotel business. The duties of these people include:

  • Ensuring a comfortable stay for guests;
  • creating the necessary conditions for the work of hotel staff;
  • increase the amount of profits.

These professionals are responsible for maintaining the hotel's image and reputation.

Hoteliers develop an advertising policy for the activities of their establishment, determine the main functions of its business services. This position is also referred to as hotel manager or hotel director.

hotel manager
hotel manager

Methods of managing a hotel-type establishment of various levels of service and amenities directly depend on its general concept. Depending on the established rules of conduct, the hotelier can behave with guests like a hospitable host or, conversely, like a reserved hotel administrator.

Hoteliers daily tasks

Hoteliers are professionals in the hotel business who, along with global tasks, solve many issues every day. To theminclude:

  1. Organization of hotel work.
  2. Monitoring the level of guest service.
  3. Staff coordination
  4. Maintaining equipment operation.
  5. Organization of repairs.
  6. Maintaining financial and reporting documentation.
  7. Control over cash flow.

Necessary Personal Qualities

The hotel business is a special service sector in which the personal qualities of employees are of great importance. Outgoing, friendly, stress-resistant people with competent speech and good manners have real chances to climb the career ladder.

Hoteliers are high-class specialists who during the working day have to solve many emerging issues, overcome many non-standard situations and at the same time always show hospitality towards guests and hotel staff.

hotel manager
hotel manager

A hotel manager must have a special ability to receive and accommodate guests properly, regardless of any circumstances.

Criteria for implementation in the profession

The main condition for successful employment as a hotelier is fluency in one, and in priority - several foreign languages. Knowledge of the English language is necessary to work in almost all hotel services.

Hoteliers should have higher education, confirming the level of their intelligence. The most demanded is education in the field of hotel business and tourism, which can be obtained inmany specialized schools. Work experience and recommendations are welcome.

After receiving a diploma, it is almost impossible to immediately get a position as a hotelier. There are examples when a hotel administrator started his career as a dishwasher. To reach the top rung in the hospitality business, you need experience and a reputation to match.

Profession hotelier
Profession hotelier

Working in a hotel as a hotelier (pros and cons)

Competent specialists should have information that there are positive and negative aspects in this profession. So, the advantages of the work of hoteliers are considered to be:

  • constant demand in the labor market;
  • prestigious profession;
  • high wages.

The disadvantages of working in this position are as follows:

  • Maximum level of responsibility for decisions made.
  • Irregular working hours.
  • High emotional stress.
  • Constant communication with different people.

Hotelier (hotel manager) is a rather difficult and responsible profession. This person should know in great detail the work of each employee of the hotel and skillfully coordinate it. He must have an idea of what events are happening within the walls of the hotel every minute.

The salary of this specialist depends on his competence.

Hotel work
Hotel work

Good hoteliers are diplomats, marketers, psychologists and managersrecruiters, administrators and financiers rolled into one.
