Passage is a shopping arcade, a virtuoso game and a kind of gait

Passage is a shopping arcade, a virtuoso game and a kind of gait
Passage is a shopping arcade, a virtuoso game and a kind of gait

"But what a passage!" - this expression is now rarely used, it can often be found in sentimental novels describing a "past life." It is clear in meaning that it means an extreme degree of surprise or surprise. On the other hand, in many cities there are commercial buildings with this name, in which, if there is something unusual, it is only an architectural feature. Entering them on one street, you can exit on another. And the word "passage" is also used in reviews of literary works. The passage of a horse at a high trot during equestrian competitions is again called the same. The virtuoso part performed by the musician is again a passage. What a versatile word! So what does it mean?

mall mall
mall mall


The original meaning of the word "passage" comes from the French word "transition". In the Russian language, this concept also has several meanings, from the most direct to various figurative ones. The place where pedestrians cross the roadway or change the calendar, change the clock from winter to summer time, overcome the Alpine mountains by the army of A. V. Suvorov, the beginningdecisive offensive actions, re-equipment of the enterprise with the latest equipment and a change in the assortment of its products, all this, as a rule, is called a transition. But the passage is something quite different. This word has several meanings, some of them are given below.

Trading "Passages"

In many large and not very cities there is a shopping center "Passage", or even more than one. The construction of such houses in Russia began in the 19th century, and some of them are still in use today. The famous GUM, formerly known as the Upper Trading Rows, has become a classic of style. The Gostiny Dvors of many Russian cities can also be attributed to the passages, although they were not called that way.

the meaning of the word passage
the meaning of the word passage

To attract buyers, sellers create conditions for them to purchase a variety of things, placing stores in a line, usually consisting of two rows with entrances and exits on different streets. An example is the "Passages" in St. Petersburg and Odessa, cities that were originally built according to the European principle and adopted many features of foreign capitals. As of 1917, in South Palmyra there were a dozen shopping centers with this name, of which only one continues to delight Odessans and city guests, on Deribasovskaya, the corner of Preobrazhenskaya, built in 1899. It is very beautiful, light and comfortable.

The "Fruit Passage" of Privoz has been preserved as a building, but is not used for its intended purpose. There are now administrative premises and warehouses, only on one side there are shops, and even those sell mainlyhousehold goods.

Odessa "passage rows" can be used to judge other "Passages" in all cities and villages, from Brest to Vladivostok.

Passages in art

But the arcade is not only shopping arcades in places that shop owners today call "passage". In art, a sharp or smooth change of the main theme to a secondary branch (plot, color or melodic) is denoted by the same word. An unexpected passage in the text enlivens it and serves to interest the reader more, to attract his attention. Usually the pace and rhythm of speech in these places changes, passions run high, the characters utter temperamental monologues, in general, the informational saturation of this fragment reaches intensity, sometimes turning into a climax.

passage in the text
passage in the text

The same thing happens in music. The tempo increases, the sounds alternate rapidly, the rhythm changes. Not every musician can flawlessly perform a passage; this often requires a virtuoso mastery of the technique of playing the instrument.

In painting this is called, although not often, the color transitions of shades characteristic of landscapes, especially when the artist depicts the sky and the sea.

Horse Passage

Most closely reflects the meaning of the word "passage", oddly enough, its interpretation as the designation of the type of gait. The sight of a running horse, almost floating in the air, fascinates anyone who has ever seen this spectacle at the races or equestrian competitions.

passage it
passage it

Feature of the gait is that the hoovesmove diagonally: front rear and right front, and immediately vice versa. At the same time, if the passage is fast, but the moments of touching the horse's legs on the ground alternate with a brief “hanging”, when the rider seems to be flying. The speed of such a run is almost the same as that of a car - 55 km / h. True, even a good horse can develop it for a short time, only four hundred meters. Passage, or "high lynx", is a very beautiful sight to behold.

Other uses of the word "passage"

A man famous for his gift of eloquence, and sometimes just an empty talker, is often said to "give out passages", comparing the agility of his language with the virtuosity of the vocalist. Well, the comparison is quite reasonable, in some speakers the speech organ is really well developed.

A failure that occurs during the execution of a seemingly correct plan is referred to as a "passage". In this case, this word is a full-fledged synonym for the well-known slang "span".

The root of the word "passenger" is still the same French word for "passage".
