Nigella sowing: photo, cultivation, sowing dates

Nigella sowing: photo, cultivation, sowing dates
Nigella sowing: photo, cultivation, sowing dates

Nigerushka in the common people is usually called onion seeds. Being planted in the ground, by the end of the season they give a small set. The latter next year can already be used for growing large heads. In some cases, you can get a real onion from the nigella sowing in one season. However, this is possible mainly only in the warm regions of the country with a long growing season.

How to choose a variety

Some gardeners use purchased sets to get heads of turnips. But using nigella, growing it yourself, of course, is much more profitable. Good yields of onions from their own seeds in the future can, of course, be obtained, however, only with the right choice of variety. The best varieties of onions for the Middle Strip, the Urals and Siberia, for example, are Myachkovsky, Odintsovets, Zolotnichok. Also, Dutch varieties of this crop give very good yields in the Russian climate.

nigella sowing
nigella sowing

Selecting planting material

To get nigella seedyou should take only he althy, even and large heads of turnips. Before planting, they need to be placed in a warm place for three weeks. After this period, approximately 1 cm of the juicy part of the top should be cut off from each bulb. This will speed up the release of peduncles and feathers. Before planting, it is advisable to soak the bulbs for about half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This procedure will avoid many problems with pests and infectious diseases in the future.

Timing of planting heads

Growing onion seeds - sowing chickweed - on your own in the country is not difficult. You can plant this crop for this purpose both in spring and before winter. In the latter case, the bed, after deepening the bulbs into the soil, is necessarily mulched with organic matter. When using this method of planting, flower stalks with nigella can be obtained by the middle of next summer. Plant onions before winter before frost. Most often this is done somewhere around mid-October. Before winter, to obtain seeds, onions are planted mainly only in the southern regions. In the north, this is usually done in April.

nigella onion seeds
nigella onion seeds

In spring, planting is done as early as possible - immediately after the ground has thawed. So that the bulbs are not beaten by frost, they should be thoroughly crushed on top of the earth.

How to plant seeds

So, we figured out when to sow black cumin. Onions from it can be grown only in the second year. In order to get it guaranteed, you should choose the sunniest place on the site. In the shade, onion seeds may simply notripen, and all the efforts of the gardener will be in vain. The best predecessors in this case are cabbage, tomatoes and legumes.

You should definitely add well-rotted cow manure to the garden bed. It would also be nice to fertilize the ground under the onion with ash. It contains just a huge amount of trace elements useful for this culture. The bulbs are planted on a nigella to a depth of about 4 cm.

Helpful advice

Growing Nigella sativa is a relatively simple matter. However, in this case, there is still one difficulty. When ripe, the onion inflorescences open with a rupture of the protective shells. As a result, the nigella falls to the ground. To avoid loss of seed material, it is advisable to tie the inflorescences with gauze after reaching the maximum height of the peduncle. You can do it a little differently. Sometimes summer residents simply cut off the inflorescences and leave them to ripen indoors. This way you can also get high-quality germinating onion seeds.

nigella sowing cultivation
nigella sowing cultivation

The nigella begins to ripen around mid-July. It is at this time that the operations described above should be done. It is best to cut flower stalks with seeds from plants using scissors. You need to store them in a dark place. At the same time, it is worth making sure that mice do not eat the blackberry in winter.

How to plant: preparation

Onion seeds are used, as already mentioned, for growing sets. Before planting chernushka in the ground, it should be carefully prepared. In this case, it will be possible to get a better quality sevok. Tosowing nigella sprouted quickly, before planting on the garden bed, it must be soaked, wrapped in gauze in 0.5 liters of warm water. Next, the seeds should also be held in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for about 15 minutes.

At the final stage, the nigella is placed directly in gauze in a lighted place and covered with a film. After 4-5 days, sprouts will sprout from the seeds. Next, the nigella can be planted in the garden. It will germinate very quickly.

Date of planting

It should be planted in the ground on time, the photo of which is presented on the page. It is worth doing this in May, when the soil warms up to at least +7 C. Nigella plants develop best in cool weather.

nigella sowing photo
nigella sowing photo

How to care

Nigella is sown on the beds in grooves about 1.5 cm deep. The distance between individual seeds should be 5-10 cm. At the final stage, the grooves are covered and the soil is slightly compacted. After that, the bed is watered with warm water. This must be done carefully so as not to wash the planting material. In the future, planting will need to be periodically weeded and loosened. Watering the seedlings is carried out as the top layer of the soil dries up. After the appearance of leaves, the nigella is thinned out in such a way that a distance of about 4 cm remains between individual plants.

Feed onions from seeds twice a season - 20 days after planting and in the second decade of July. The first time the ground is fertilized with chicken manure, the second time - with a complex mineral composition.

nigella sowingwhen to sow onions
nigella sowingwhen to sow onions

One more blackie

Nigerushka sowing is not only onion seeds. This is also the name of a very interesting spicy plant used to prepare various kinds of dishes and all kinds of medicinal formulations. It is the only member of the Buttercup family that can be eaten.

Hot India is the birthplace of spicy black cumin. In this country, it still grows freely in the wild. This culture got its name for black, onion-like seeds. As a spice, the latter can be used for pickling and s alting. For medicinal purposes, they are used for hepatitis, restless sleep, female diseases, etc.

Of course, if you wish, you can grow this southern plant in the garden. Plant the seeds of black sown in the ground in April, planting to a depth of 2 cm. You can grow this plant in the garden as a spice and at the same time an ornamental crop. Often, for example, they are decorated with borders.

nigella seeds
nigella seeds

You can fertilize this plant in the same way as regular nigella - with chicken droppings and purchased mineral compounds. This must be done at least twice a season. Seeds of nigella sowing are harvested as they turn black - around September. Store them in the usual way - in a dark, dry, cool place.
