2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
A lot of highly productive breeds of ducks are bred by farmers today. The popularity of this economic bird is primarily due to its unpretentiousness, as well as the relatively low cost of hatching eggs and chicks. In principle, keeping almost all duck breeds that exist today can be quite profitable. But some varieties of such a bird have earned special popularity among farmers.
Three main productivity groups
Which breeds of ducks can be considered the best? Let's look into this in more detail. All currently available breeds of economic poultry of this variety are classified into three large groups:
- meat productivity;
- meat-egg;
- fluff-first.
The most popular ducks today are, of course, meat ducks. Sometimes farmers also grow meat and egg poultry of this variety. Down and feather ducks in household plots today, unfortunately, are bred very rarely. Accordingly, selection work with them is practically not carried out.
Most popular breeds
Most often farmers andhomeowners keep breeds of ducks whose names look like this:
- Beijing;
- musky;
- Moscow whites;
- Ukrainian greys;
- mirror ducks.
Indian runners and mulard hybrids are also very popular with farmers. It is these breeds of ducks for home breeding that are considered the most convenient. Growing such a bird gives the farmer the opportunity to make very good profits, and without any special labor and material costs.

Beijing breed: history and description
As the name suggests, these ducks were once bred in China. The peasants of the Middle Kingdom were engaged in their breeding already in the XV-XVI centuries. Today, it is the Pekinese that is considered the most popular breed in the Northern Hemisphere. Very often these ducks are used in breeding new highly productive hybrids.
The main features of Beijing are:
- very strong physique;
- big head;
- yellow paws and beak.
Sometimes in farmsteads you can also see ducks of this breed with cream plumage.
Beijing female productivity indicators
Ducks of this breed look, therefore, quite impressive. But they deserved their great popularity among farmers, of course, primarily for their very high productivity rates. This duck has long been kept for a large amount of meat.
Peking drakesin adulthood, they can reach a weight of more than 4 kg, ducks - 3 kg. The undoubted advantage of a bird of this breed is, among other things, precocity. With proper care, Peking women gain weight of 3 kg already at the age of two months.
Despite the fact that ducks of this breed belong to the meat direction of productivity, farmers also get quite a lot of eggs from them. In any case, problems with increasing the number of this duck in the farmstead never arise. Peking duck alone can lay up to 120 eggs a year.
Features of keeping and breeding
Beijing is not only a very productive, but also unpretentious breed of ducks. Photos with a description of her, given above, allow us to judge her as one of the best to date. Farmers speak about this bird in most cases only positively.
Peking duck plumage is quite thick. However, in winter in the barn for them it is necessary to maintain a temperature of at least +10 ° C. The presence of a reservoir nearby for the successful breeding of Pekingese is an optional condition. In summer, in the barn of these ducks, the air temperature should not rise more than +25 ° C. The character of the Pekingese is not particularly docile. Therefore, it is desirable to keep them separately from other household animals.
The disadvantages of Peking ducks, in addition to being quarrelsome, also include the fact that they are not very good mother hens. To increase the number of herds, a farmer who breeds such a bird will most likely have to acquire an incubator.
Muscovy ducks: general description
As already mentioned, this birdbreed was brought to Europe and Russia from the American continent. Muscovy ducks differ from European breeds primarily in less noisy. For lack of a voice, they are sometimes even called mute.
A characteristic feature of musky ducks, which makes it easy to distinguish them from other breeds, is the presence of red growths on the head. These clearly visible formations are very similar to those found in turkeys. Therefore, a bird of this species is often also called an indo-duck.
Plumage representatives of this breed may have different. But most often, white musky ducks or black and white ducks are bred in farmsteads.

Reviews of the mute duck breed from the farmer are only positive. Such a bird can reach even more weight than Pekingese. Indochka drakes often gain body weight up to 5 kg. Ducks weigh, of course, a little less - about 4 kg. Some disadvantage of this breed is that its representatives grow rather slowly. In terms of precocity, this duck, unfortunately, is inferior to many European varieties.
Mutes do not gain weight too quickly, but at the same time, they have one important advantage in comparison with European breeds. Indian meat is fattened tender, juicy and completely lean. Actually, it is precisely for this that such a bird has earned extraordinary popularity among farmers.
How to keep and breed
Indout sheds are usually built unheated. This bird is practically not afraid of cold weather. However, in the shed of thesewaterfowl should always be kept dry. Does not tolerate indochka, like representatives of many other breeds, and drafts. In summer, this bird is usually kept just under a canopy.
Muscovy duck eggs can hatch on their own. For successful breeding in a herd of 3-4 females, one drake is usually left. These ducks sit on eggs most often immediately after more than 10 of them have accumulated. The hatchability of chicks of this breed is about 90%. Young mute growers are usually grown from spring masonry.
White Moscow duck: description
This breed in Russia and Ukraine is the second most popular after Beijing. Its main feature is the white color of the pen. This duck was bred by crossing a Peking duck with a Khaki Campbell. The body of the Moscow white is stocky and compact, and the beak and legs are pink-yellow. Outwardly, this duck very much resembles a Peking duck.
Distinguish the Moscow White from other breeds, among other things, by the upturned tail feathers of drakes. The paws of these ducks are short, widely spaced.
What farmers value for
Drakes of this breed can reach a weight of 4 kg. Moscow white females gain body weight up to 3.5 kg. Quite a lot of ducks of this breed also carry eggs. From one female, the owner of a personal plot per year can collect up to 150 of them. At the age of about 50 days, the young of this breed is gaining weight up to 2.5 kg.
The meat of Moscow white ducks is tasty, quite juicy and tender. At the same time, the carcasses of this bird are very neat - compact with clean white skin. Ducks of this breed are valued in thatnumber and for thinness. In the market and in stores, their carcasses are bought up very willingly.
Features of care
Since this breed of ducks is very widespread in Russia and neighboring countries, the young growth of the Moscow White is not too expensive. Farmers do not have to spend much money on growing such a bird. In the care of ducks of this breed are completely unpretentious.

The plumage of the Moscow White is quite thick. Therefore, in winter, such ducks are usually kept in unheated dry barns, the floors of which are covered with a thick layer of straw. In summer, Moscow white ducks are usually released to pluck grass and eat insects in the yard or near the house. In addition to pasture, this bird is offered daily grain mash in not too large quantities.
Gray Ukrainian duck: breed description
This bird is distinguished primarily by the strength of the body and very developed muscles. The nature of the gray Ukrainian duck is very active. But the courtyard of such a bird is almost always in motion. These ducks are bred both on small household plots and on large farms.
In terms of feather coloration, there are three varieties of this breed of bird:
- light;
- clay;
- grey.
Wild-finned subspecies of the Ukrainian gray duck are also known. All types of this breed bred in household plots are not too large in size. The body of these ducks is elongated, and the chest is slightly raised. characteristicthe features of gray Ukrainian are also:
- bicolor black-olive beak;
- short strong orange legs;
- wings tightly pressed to the body.
The plumage and fluff of the bird of this breed are very thick.

Productivity of gray Ukrainian
In terms of weight gain, ducks of this breed are only slightly inferior to Peking ducks and Moscow whites. Ukrainian gray drakes can gain weight up to 3.5 kg. The body weight of adult ducks is 3 kg.
The bird of this breed belongs to the meat and egg productivity group. Up to 200 eggs can be obtained from one individual per year.
How to properly maintain
Breeding the gray Ukrainian duck breed is a relatively simple matter. The method of growing this bird is not much different from the breeding technology of any other species. However, since the gray Ukrainian was bred by crossing ordinary poultry and wild, caring for it has some nuances.
Chicks Ukrainian gray ducks incubate themselves. Therefore, a barn for such a bird should, among other things, be equipped with nests. Experienced farmers recommend keeping young gray Ukrainian separately from adult birds, including from their parents. For the first three weeks of life, ducklings of this breed are usually placed in the warmest place on the farm.
If possible, young fledglings of the gray Ukrainian should be released into the water during the day. But as a pasture for these ducks, it’s not bad and justgrassy area.
This breed of ducks began to breed in the last century in France. The mulards were bred by crossing Peking and Mute. At the same time, this hybrid adopted from both parent breeds all their inherent advantages. The meat of the mulards is as tasty as that of the musky ducks. At the same time, in terms of precocity, they do not lag behind Beijing women.
Mulardy belong to the group of breeds of the meat direction of productivity. The carcasses of this bird are highly valued in the market. However, mulards are grown not only for meat. Many farmers also keep them for their large liver, which, like goose, can be used to make the famous, expensive Foie Gras dish.
Very massive and at the same time quite neat body - this is what, among other things, distinguishes the breed of mulardy ducks. The photo below clearly shows how heavy and well-fed this bird looks. The neck of the mulards is slightly longer than that of the Pekins. The legs of the ducks of this breed are short, painted yellow. Most often, mulards with black and white plumage are grown in backyards and farms.
Advantages and disadvantages
From the description of the breed of mulard ducks, one can already guess that this bird is very productive. As already mentioned, one of the undoubted advantages of this variety is the ability to quickly gain weight. The body weight of mulard drakes can reach 6 kg, ducks - up to 5.5 kg. Already at 2 months, the weight of young animals of this breed, with proper care, can be 3.5-4 kg. The mass of the liver of adults is usually 500-550 g.
Practicallythe only drawback of ducks of the mulard breed is considered to be complete sterility. Breeding chicks of this breed directly on the farm, unfortunately, will not work. Farmers who breed this hybrid must buy mulard ducklings or a hatching egg every year.
Features of care
Specialists who describe ducks of the mularda breed advise, among other things, to grow such young animals in close proximity to other household birds. It was noticed that in this case, the chicks gain weight much faster. A barn for these ducks is built so that 3 individuals have at least 1 m22 of free space.

Usually this bird, like representatives of other breeds, is kept on free grazing. If there is no opportunity to release such ducks for a walk on the grass, they have to be fed at least 4 times a day. At the same time, twice a day, mulards should be given concentrated feed, and twice a mash.
The breed of domestic duck Indian runners
This unusual bird was brought to Russia from Asia. Previously, in our country, such ducks were called penguins. The features of Indian runners are:
- elongated cylinder-like body;
- sunk stomach;
- long strong legs.
Representatives of this breed run very fast and at the same time, unlike other ducks, they do not spread their wings. The color of the feather of this bird can be very different.
Runner productivity
This duck belongs to the group of breeds of meat-egg direction. Drakes-runners gain weight up to 2 kg, females - 1., 75 kg. In the first year, 280 eggs can be obtained from each such duck, in the second - 140-170.
Indian runners deserve their popularity, including for the excellent taste of meat. They grow this breed of domestic ducks if they want to get commercial delicacy carcasses on compound feed.
Content Features
In addition to tasty meat and the ability to carry a large number of eggs, the bird of this breed is also valued by farmers for its unpretentious care. In home conditions, Indian runners may well do without a reservoir. Like most other breeds, these ducks are usually released to graze on grass. This allows you to save a lot on feed.
The nature of the runners is calm and quiet. Therefore, they are allowed to be kept in the yard along with any other not too aggressive bird.

Mirror ducks
This breed, like the Indian runners, belongs to the meat and egg direction of productivity. One of the distinguishing features of mirror ducks is a very beautiful appearance. The plumage of these waterfowl is very smooth and shiny. This is where their name actually came from. The main body color of representatives of this breed of ducks is light brown. The head and neck of the drakes are covered with a dark feather with a pronounced green tint.
Mirror ducks were bred in Russia, at the Kuchinsky poultry farm in the Moscow region. Their progenitors are khaki campbell, Peking and some localbreed.
Productivity indicators of mirror ducks
Adult drakes of this breed can reach a weight of up to 3-3.5 kg, ducks - up to 2.8-3 kg. At two months, a young mirror duck weighs about 2 kg. These ducks lay about 190-200 eggs per year. Representatives of this breed know how to incubate chicks themselves. In the future, ducks also take very good care of their offspring. The survival rate of young in this bird usually reaches 95%.
Content Features
Care for representatives of this breed is carried out according to standard technology. The diet for mirror ducks is developed taking into account the purpose for which they are grown. Birds bred for meat are given more feed. If they want to get high-quality eggs, components containing a large amount of calcium are introduced into the diet of ducks.

Instead of a conclusion
Above in the article, thus, the most popular breeds of ducks among farmers were presented with a photo and description. But of course, today there are many other, no less productive and unpretentious varieties of this waterfowl economic bird. Very good reviews from farmers have earned, for example, black white-breasted ducks, khaki campbell, cayugas and many others.
Choose for breeding in the yard, today, in fact, you can any breed of such waterfowl. But, of course, on the farm it is important, first of all, to properly organize the care of the bird. In this case, almost any modern duck breed will show excellent productivity results. And therefore, good profits canthe farmer himself.
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