What is the BIC of Sberbank, and where can I find it

What is the BIC of Sberbank, and where can I find it
What is the BIC of Sberbank, and where can I find it

If you need to make any payment using a bank card without cashing out the funds available there, then you will need its details. It seems to many that all the necessary information can be found on its front or back side, but this is not so. Important data is contained in the envelope in which you received your bank card. That is why it is desirable to keep it.

Useful terminology

What is the BIC of Sberbank
What is the BIC of Sberbank

Before you deal with the transfer of funds, you will have to find out what the BIC of Sberbank is. This is the name of the identification bank code, which is a mandatory requisite of any credit institution. Only by this number can you determine where a particular branch of the bank is located. Without it, it is impossible to make non-cash payments.

BIC numbers are assigned according to a certain procedure, which is approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. This code has a clear structure that allows you to identify each bank and its territorial affiliation. All issues are collected in special reference publications, which are updated at least once a month. In addition, identifyeveryone can use the BIC bank directly on the website of the Central Bank, where all the codes are collected.

Required details

How to find out the BIC of Sberbank
How to find out the BIC of Sberbank

When trying to make a cashless payment using a bank card, you will need information on how to find out the BIC of Sberbank. This code can be found in the envelope with documents that came with the card. But if you don't have it, then don't panic. There are other ways to find out this number. For example, you can call the support hotline on 8 800 555 5550 and contact an employee. He will be able to help you find out the information you need, however, be prepared to answer the security question. Do not be afraid of this, the data that you will be asked about, you yourself indicated when filling out the documents. As a rule, this is a question about the mother's maiden name or the nickname of her beloved pet.

Another way to find out which BIC Sberbank has is email. You can send an appropriate request to the department and wait for a response. True, it will be much faster to visit the nearest branch. The staff will definitely help you find out this information.

But if you have the Internet, then the problem disappears by itself. With its help, it is quite easy to find out what the BIC of Sberbank is, for this you just need to go to the official website of this credit institution. By the way, you can also find out this number there.

How to find out the BIC through Internet banking

What is the BIC of Sberbank
What is the BIC of Sberbank

If you want to know the bank branch code,without leaving home, for this you will need to go to the official website of Sberbank. There you will see the ability to select the region and the branches or ATMs you need. You can find the branch you need by entering the address in the appropriate field or by selecting it on the map. By hovering over the department you need, you can click "More" and find out all the necessary information. It contains not only the BIC of the branch, the correspondent account, but also the mode of operation, the list of services provided, even contact phone numbers.

By selecting a specific street, you can view a list of nearby branches. But it is worth noting that the identification number for all of them will be the same.

Structure and decoding of BIC

It seems to many that different branches of the same bank should have different codes. But those who understand what a BIC (of Sberbank or any other bank) is and how it is formed know that this is far from the case.

BIK Sberbank 044525225
BIK Sberbank 044525225

So, the identification code consists of nine digits. In this case, the first two indicate the bank's belonging to a particular country. Russia has this code 04, so for absolutely all banks that are registered on the territory of the Russian Federation, it will begin with these numbers. The next pair means territorial affiliation. For example, for banks in the Moscow region, the first 4 digits of the code are 0446, for branches in Moscow - 0445, St. Petersburg - 0440.

By looking at the code further, you can understand which bank we are talking about. For example, for Sberbank of the capital of Russia, the first six digits of the BIC will belook like this: 044525. Any options between 00 and 99 are suitable for designation. It is under number 25 that Sberbank is included in the settlement network of the Central Bank.

The last three digits of the code are a symbol of a commercial financial structure in which customers can open accounts. They can be from 050 to 999. But note that they must match the last three digits of the correspondent account.

For example, if you know that the BIC of Sberbank is 044525225, then you can understand that we are talking about some kind of Moscow branch of this credit institution.

When you need to know the bank identification number

As a rule, information about the individual code of each financial structure is needed only for non-cash payments. For example, if you try to transfer money from one bank to another, then you will need to specify this particular number. If you are transferring money, then ask your correspondent to indicate the BIC in the payment details, because one account number and the name of the bank will not be enough. And if the transfer is intended for you, then we just told you what the BIC of Sberbank is and where to find it.
