Texel sheep breed: description, breeding, care, advantages and disadvantages

Texel sheep breed: description, breeding, care, advantages and disadvantages
Texel sheep breed: description, breeding, care, advantages and disadvantages

Sheep have been bred by mankind for thousands of years. To date, a huge amount of good meat breeds of these animals has been bred. At the same time, texel sheep is one of the best. From these animals you can get a large amount of meat and wool. At the same time, the Texel sheep breed is distinguished by unpretentiousness and endurance. But, of course, these farm animals, like any other, must be properly cared for.

History of the breed

Texel sheep were first obtained during the Roman Empire. However, this breed gained wide popularity only in the 19th century. It was at this time that the quality of the breed was significantly improved. In the Netherlands, in the province of North Holland, Texel sheep were crossed with Lincoln and Leicester sheep. The result of selection work was the emergence of three varieties of the breed: Dutch, English and French. All these groups are very popular with farmers and are bred everywhere. Texel sheep in particular are widespread in Europe. These animals are also raised in Australia, North America and New Zealand.

texel sheep breed
texel sheep breed

Dutch meat-wool texel sheep have shorter legs than English ones. At the same time, their muscle mass is better developed. The advantage of the French variety of this breed is precocity.

Features of the texel breed

Since this breed belongs to the meat direction of productivity, its main distinguishing feature is a large muscle mass. The torso of texel sheep is rectangular, massive, harmoniously developed. Sheep wool is usually quite long and curled in ringlets. Texel is no exception in this regard. Also, the features of the breed include:

  • short muscular neck;
  • small head with a very wide forehead;
  • wide back;
  • deep chest;
  • strong lower back;
  • wide back;
  • muscular hind legs.

There are texel sheep in three different colors:

  • white;
  • with a bluish tint to the coat, dark head and legs;
  • golden brown with white legs and head.

Texel sheep breed is different from most others, including polled. Rudiments of horns in rams are found, but quite rarely. The head and legs of the sheep of this breed are not covered with wool. The tail can be either long or short.

sheep's wool
sheep's wool

Character traits

Texel sheep behavior is significantly different fromrepresentatives of other breeds. The fact is that these animals almost completely lack the herd instinct. Texel sheep do not like to graze in large groups. They feel much better in meadows and forests alone or in company with cows or other farm animals. Sometimes texel sheep are grazed even with horses.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

The advantages of texel sheep in the first place include:

  • good adaptability to outdoor cultivation;
  • endurance;
  • ability to tolerate almost any, even the most severe climatic conditions.
  • forage unpretentiousness;
  • disease resistance.

Texel lambs are born active and he althy. The advantages of sheep of this breed include good resistance to internal parasites.

ram weight
ram weight

Breed productivity

Keeping texel sheep on farms can be quite profitable. Animals of this breed grow very large. The height of a ram at the withers can be 63-83 cm. Sheep grow up to 58-75 cm. The weight of a texel ram is about 115-130 kg. Sheep can gain 70-90 kg. The average daily weight gain of young animals of this breed is approximately 300 g per day.

Sheep texel wool is middle class in quality. The length of the hair can be 7-15 cm. It can be cut from a ram about 4-7 kg. Sheep give 3.5-6 kg of wool. Animals of this breed are sheared once a year, and absolutely naked. The collected sheep's wool is washed and combed. The yield of this product is usually 60% of the original weight.

lamb price
lamb price

Texel sheep meat

Thus, the productivity of the MRS of this breed is really very high. In addition, the Texel sheep breed is also valued for its very tasty meat. Its advantage is that it is absolutely devoid of the smell characteristic of lamb. In addition, the meat of sheep of this breed is distinguished by juiciness, its own unique taste and is cooked very quickly. The fat of this lamb hardens rather slowly.

The lamb meat of this breed is especially tasty. Marbling, juiciness and tender texture - this is what distinguishes such lamb. The price for it can be from 500 to 1500 rubles per 1 kg.

Very often Texel is crossed with other breeds. At the same time, the excellent taste of meat is passed on to offspring in the first generation.

meat-wool sheep
meat-wool sheep

Cost of meat

Thus, the main product that brings profit to farmers who breed texel sheep is lamb. The price for it, since it has excellent taste, is quite high. When buying live weight, meat costs 150-200 rubles per 1 kg.

Content Features

Texel lambs can be released to pasture the very next day after lambing. Newborn babies do not need special care. After lambing, babies must be allowed tomother. The milk of sheep of this breed is very fatty and nutritious, so the lambs quickly gain weight. In a day, one cub can add up to 250-300 g. The weight of a texel ram at the age of one is 100-110 kg.

Absolutely any fields and meadows are suitable as pastures for texel sheep. For outdoor cultivation, this breed is very well adapted. Despite the fact that texels prefer loneliness, they do not disperse in pastures. It's all about the very phlegmatic and calm nature of these sheep. Animals of this breed easily find their way home even from remote places. For sheep, this is quite unusual. After all, most often the MRS of this variety is not particularly smart.

Winter cold such lambs endure very well. However, their owner should definitely make sure that it is dry in the koshara for animals. It is not necessary to equip the heating in the room. Sometimes this breed of sheep is kept in winter and simply in an open paddock. These animals tolerate low temperatures well. Due to the high humidity, they can easily catch a cold.

sheep meat
sheep meat

In terms of feed, these animals are unpretentious. In summer, they may have quite enough grass in the pasture, and in winter - hay. But, of course, in order for animals to gain weight faster, they should be fed with vegetables, root crops, bran and mixed fodder. In this case, texel sheep meat will be more delicious. Of course, animals should also receive various kinds of supplements containing vitamins and microelements necessary for their body.

Help withokote

Texel sheep breed has not only advantages. She has, of course, her shortcomings. The main thing is that childbirth in the uterus is very difficult. Therefore, during lambing, the sheep must be helped. Before giving birth, you should prepare a strong rope and gloves. You may have to pull the lamb by the legs. Warm water should also be prepared.

Lambing in texel sheep always takes place at night. It often happens that the lamb shows its head first. In this case, it should be rotated to the correct position. This can only be done by a veterinarian. Therefore, on large farms, round-the-clock duty is organized by the time the queens give birth.


Thus, keeping Texel sheep can be really profitable. These animals gain weight well. In addition, they are distinguished by unpretentiousness and resistance to diseases. Sheep of this breed tolerate winter cold well, and therefore are excellent for growing, including in Russia.
