NPF Sberbank. Reviews about NPF Sberbank

NPF Sberbank. Reviews about NPF Sberbank
NPF Sberbank. Reviews about NPF Sberbank

Those who have not yet determined their funded part of the pension are interested in the question of whether to trust NPF Sberbank with their future payments. According to the new system adopted in Russia, part of the payments must be transferred to third-party funds to form future pension savings. Recently, a lot of non-state pension funds have been opened. All of them offer their programs and conditions, so making a choice can be quite difficult. You can do this by reading the countless reviews of NPF Sberbank.

NPF Sberbank reviews
NPF Sberbank reviews

Fund Description

Reviews about this non-state pension fund are rather contradictory. However, the reputation of Sberbank plays a role, so there are a lot of positive reviews.

NPF of Sberbank is an ordinary non-state pension fund. He collects funds transferred by future pensioners, invests them, multiplying them somewhat, thus forming the funded part of his clients' pensions. Upon reaching retirement age, the client of the fund will have two options for how to manage their savings: withdraw the entire amount at a time or receive monthly payments.

Reviews on NPF Sberbank are of interest to many.


The reliability rating is a very important indicator of the performance of a non-state pension fund. It indicates the stability and profitability of the fund, as well as the trust of clients. Regarding the degree of reliability, reviews of NPF Sberbank are mostly positive. This is because his rating is A++, which is the highest rating from the rating agency.

NPF Sberbank reviews
NPF Sberbank reviews

Thus, the trust in this fund is quite high. Stability and sustainability only increase this figure. Many clients are attracted to the fund by the fact that it is supported by Sberbank, which, in turn, is the largest bank in the country. Many lawyers believe that such a tandem guarantees the payment of funds even in the face of financial problems.


Another important indicator of NPF is the yield. Often this factor attracts customers. The purpose of non-state pension funds is not only to preserve the accumulated funds, but also to increase them. For this reason, many prefer them to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. However, Sberbank specifically did not receive good reviews for these indicators.

Investors note that the fund's return is rather modest. Approximately 7.5% per annum on average. Employees of the organization, however, promise up to 12%, and this leads to the fact that customersare actually misleading. Therefore, you can meet a lot of negative reviews on this subject. Work in NPF Sberbank is very prestigious. More on that below.

NPF Sberbank employee reviews
NPF Sberbank employee reviews

In defense of the fund, we can say that such a consistently low yield is inherent in many other organizations. Here it is also necessary to take into account that inflation can eat up the difference between the promised income and the actual one. Low profitability is also associated with the organization's policy aimed at the security of deposits. Highly risky transactions with deposits are not carried out. Therefore, if the main indicator by which the fund is selected is profitability, then this is not the best option.

Reviews from NPF Sberbank employees

An important indicator when choosing a fund are the reviews of people working there. Indeed, in fact, it is they who can objectively assess the integrity of the organization. Opinions of employees of NPF Sberbank differ. Someone likes to work in the fund, and they transfer their savings to this structure. Other employees strongly dislike the policy of inducing them to contribute to their retirement savings fund. By force, it should be noted, this is not done. However, propaganda is carried out regularly.

For all other points, everyone is satisfied with the work in the NPF Sberbank. There are reviews on this. Especially noteworthy is the support from the leadership. Comfortable working conditions are created for the fund's employees and a good social package is provided. The work is stable and reliable, like Sberbank itself.

work in NPF Sberbank reviews
work in NPF Sberbank reviews

Conclusion of the contract

Many lawyers speak positively about the terms of the agreement with NPFs, which is concluded with depositors. The document prescribes all the nuances regarding the transfer of funds to the fund's account. The agreement also details all compensations and refunds that will be accrued to the client in the event of termination of cooperation in favor of another NPF. In addition, the agreement very clearly and clearly describes how payments will be made when the client reaches retirement age. The conditions are flexible, the program is tailored to the needs of each client individually. The fund showed very good returns in 2013.

Reviews on NPF Sberbank confirm this.

Negative comments

You can find on the Internet reviews of depositors who express dissatisfaction with the fact that they were not notified about the transfer of the funded part of their pension to the NPF Sberbank. However, in this case, the actions of the fund are legitimate. The fact is that he has the right to conclude contracts with employers of various organizations. In this case, it will not be necessary to obtain the consent of each subordinate. If an employee has no desire to cooperate with the fund chosen by the employer, he has the right to terminate the contract and transfer his savings to another organization. Many clients are extremely dissatisfied with the lack of cooperation notifications, which they write about in their comments.

NPF Sberbank reviews 2013
NPF Sberbank reviews 2013

What other reviews are there about NPF Sberbank?


Implementation of accumulated pension payments -also an important factor. It is still too early to judge this, since quite a few investors have retired, however, there are already some complaints here. They are not critical, but still it is worth considering them when choosing an NPF.

Thus, the negative point of the non-state pension fund Sberbank is the delay in the payment of accumulated funds. However, this is a typical situation for large NPFs. Therefore, this fact is not surprising, although it is a rather unpleasant moment of cooperation with the fund. However, although with a delay, the fund begins to pay its depositors their money. And some institutions may delay the process of starting payments for years.

The terms of the contract not only describe how payments will be accrued, but also describe their approximate amount. Even the fact is not hidden that when transferring from one fund to another, savings will suffer some damage. The latter is also spelled out in the terms of the contract.

Here are the reviews about the NPF of Sberbank.

reviews about NPF Sberbank of Russia
reviews about NPF Sberbank of Russia


Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the non-state pension fund Sberbank is among the top ten NPFs in Russia. It occupies this position due to its reliability and stability, a long history of existence in the market and the support of PJSC Sberbank. All this together attracts a large number of investors who show confidence in this particular fund. From a legal point of view, it is impossible to find fault with the fund. Yes, and stability is its leading feature.

However, there are also disadvantages, inIn particular, this applies to profitability. According to this indicator, the leading positions of the fund are disputed by other organizations. In addition, on the Internet you can find complaints about the speed of work of the fund's employees. Representatives of the company do everything very slowly, however, at the same time they provide all the information of interest.

Thus, the fund is a reliable way to save the funded part of your pension. To multiply it, however, will not work very well.

We reviewed reviews of the NPF of Sberbank of Russia.
