T-90S tank: characteristics, photo, export

T-90S tank: characteristics, photo, export
T-90S tank: characteristics, photo, export

After the appearance of "Armata" at last year's Victory Parade, the thoughts of many fans of armored vehicles are chained precisely to the novelty of domestic tank building. At the same time, the Russian T-90S Tagil practically went into the shadows. But in vain, since this tank is wonderful, which is clearly demonstrated by the latest Syrian events. In terms of security and combat effectiveness, it significantly exceeds even the latest modifications of the T-72. It remains only to regret that our troops have almost less of this equipment than foreign buyers.

Machine Advantage

t 90s
t 90s

Enough of the lyrics though. What is the T-90S, which until recently was the best vehicle of the armored forces of the Russian Federation? Firstly, at the first glance at the Tagil, it becomes clear that it has gone far from the simple T-72B3: an impressive "birdhouse" on the tower indicates the presence of a remotely controlled weapon station, a neat and ubiquitous arrangement of dynamic protection plates hints at serious work in the field of increasing combat survivability.

The appearance of the car is very "sleek" and neat, the appearance of "Tagil" is in no way inferior to modern Western cars. But pay attentionon the outside it would be stupid … if the internal contents did not match it.

“Continuity of Generations”

This tank is characterized by following the basic canons of domestic tank building, including the smallest possible silhouette, a very small mass compared to all Western models, excellent speed and maneuverability. The ability of the T-90S (whose characteristics we will discuss later) to immediately overcome many obstacles, forcing which heavier vehicles require preliminary engineering preparation of the terrain, is especially appreciated.

tank t 90s
tank t 90s

To be fair, it should be noted that the "low silhouette", which was the "calling card" of our armored vehicles, in modern conditions provides few advantages. Gone are the days when tankers aimed enemy tanks at the cannon (real cases of the Second World War). Today, all normal anti-tank systems allow hitting targets the size of a car from a distance of several kilometers. So the size of the tank does not play a special role. Mobility is much more important: the photo of the “T-90S tank in flight” clearly demonstrates that the vehicle has this characteristic at its best.

The modification we describe was originally intended for export to the countries of the Persian Gulf and other states of the region, which have long been partners of the USSR and, subsequently, the Russian Federation in the field of arms trade.

Weapon system

We'll tell you right away what exactly one of the most recognizable and respected tanks in the world is armed with. Gun caliber 125-mm model 2A46M-5 orThe 125mm 2A82 is the main weapon capable of firing both standard projectiles and surface-to-air homing missiles. So the machine can hit targets on the ground, water, and can also be used to fire at low-flying air targets. The ammunition load includes up to 40 shells and / or missiles, so the T-90S, the photo of which is in the article, is capable of waging a long battle.

t 90s export
t 90s export

The secondary weapon is the 6P7K (PKTM) machine gun. Designed to destroy enemy infantry located in the dead zone of the main gun. Since it is paired with a cannon, sighting fire can be fired. Its standard ammunition load includes 2000 rounds of 7, 62x54R. All these weapons are mounted on a turret of a completely new layout, which has little in common with that of the "old man" T-72. Where more interesting is the remotely controlled module T05BV-1, which includes another machine gun 6P7K (PKTM). Ideal for operations in urban areas, as it allows you to destroy enemy infantry, located well above the sector of fire from standard weapons. Ammunition includes 800 rounds of 7, 62х54R.

Differences from the T-72 and similar features

The T-90S model is a logical successor to the ideas laid down in the T-90A tanks. But Tagil has enough differences from them, as well as from the T-72. The following nuances are immediately evident:

  • A completely new turret that finally has a developed aft niche for storing additional shots.
  • Brand new gun model 2A46M-5 (exportoption). It is incompatible (!) in terms of ammunition with the 2A82 model, which is generally prohibited for export sales.
  • Relic reactive armor, which proved to be excellent in combat conditions.
  • The Shtora and Arena complexes are absent, since the T-90S is an export version, on which such systems are not installed for reasons of economy. However, rich customers from the UAE receive these systems.
  • For the first time, a domestic tank finally received factory lattice screens, supplemented with remote sensing modules. This system prevents the destruction or damage of the engine when armor is penetrated by a cumulative jet.
  • Previously, tanks of this type were equipped with an anti-aircraft gun based on a 12.7 mm NSVT machine gun. It was replaced by a module based on the 7.62 mm 6P7K machine gun. The reason is simple: you still can’t shoot down a modern plane with a machine gun, and 7.63 mm weapons will be enough to fight smaller targets, to which you can carry significantly more ammunition.
  • Significantly improved engine V-92S2F2 (1000 l/s) robotic gearbox. In 2012, the Ukrainians offered India their modification of the T-90S: 6TD 3 (engine) was supposed to be the main "highlight", but nothing is known about the real advantages of this engine.
  • An additional engine is provided to power combat modules, located in an armored box.
  • System (SEMZ) SPMZ-2E, protecting the tank from mines with electromagnetic fuses.

Other Features

tank t 90s characteristics
tank t 90s characteristics

What else can this car boast?

  • Case almost withoutchanges taken from the old T-72.
  • The running gear also migrated from the T-72.
  • The new Kalina FCS is noticeably better than the Irtysh, which was equipped with the T-90A.
  • The power reserve of the T-90S is 550-650 km. In the second case, external tanks are required.

Security of the new tower

Some "experts" believe that the turret of this tank is noticeably more vulnerable compared to the T-80 or even the T-72. As arguments, they cite an increase in its size. But in practice, everything turns out to be quite the opposite.

The achievement of increased combat survivability was achieved through adequate placement of ammunition. First, additional shots are placed in a niche with knockout panels. Secondly, the automatic loader itself is at the level of the rollers, and therefore its defeat in combat conditions is unlikely. In this way, the T-72/90 tanks compare favorably with the T-64/80, in which the shells are located vertically along the perimeter of the tower. Penetration of the turret armor of these vehicles with a probability of more than 90% causes the detonation of the entire ammunition load. From the stern, the T-90 turret is securely protected by a massive toolbox.

Since the T-90S has already been in combat (Syria), its high security has been fully confirmed in practice.

Benefits of the new OMS

SLA of the domestic tank provides visual detection and tracking of enemy targets at distances up to five kilometers. Unlike previous modifications, both the commander's sight and the gunner's instruments can be used on this tank at the same time. Significantly increased the ability to view the battlefield: on the move, on the move, intotal darkness.

For the first time in the practice of domestic tank building, the mode of interaction between several vehicles, automatic target tracking, and automatic calculation of the most optimal firing mode were used, for which the electronics are guided by temperature, humidity, wind speed and other environmental factors.

Duplicate systems

If the SLA completely fails in combat conditions, or the on-board electrical network is damaged as a result of enemy fire, the crew can use an alternative firing mode, for which duplicate sights are intended. Unlike previous varieties of domestic tanks, it was the T-90S tank that received standard equipment for jamming, radio reconnaissance and jamming systems to repel enemy ATGM attacks.

tank t 90s in flight
tank t 90s in flight

Other benefits

All tank projections received significantly more pronounced protection against hits from anti-tank guns, anti-tank systems and grenade launchers. The designers have foreseen the prospects for further modernization of this equipment, which is reflected in the modularity of the entire structure: if such a need arises, then you can quickly upgrade the tank without spending a lot of money.

So the T-90S, whose exports are constantly increasing, is a very promising machine that will not lose its importance in the world arms markets for a long time.

High mobility

Mobility and handling have been significantly improved by installing a more powerful diesel androbotic gear change. The latter circumstance is a huge relief for drivers, especially in the hot climate of the Middle East theater. By the way, the power plant of the modification described by us was originally designed for operation in extremely hot and dry climates, which is especially appreciated by customers. So the T-90S tank, the characteristics of which provide for the use of the vehicle in such specific conditions, will certainly be in demand for a long time. The high combination of technical and combat characteristics allows you to fight on the T-90 in a variety of conditions, regardless of climatic factors, time of year and day. In many ways, experts explain the improvement in mobility by the presence of a steering wheel on this tank instead of old levers and a robotic gearbox, which makes the Russian T-90S rocket and gun tank one of the most convenient in its class.

t 90s in combat
t 90s in combat

All these "luxuries" make it possible to simplify the training of a driver and, at the same time, make the management of a heavy machine better. On the T-90, the driver can focus on the road and quickly maneuver in combat. As the experience of the first Chechen campaign showed, this is important. So the T-90S "Tagil", the characteristics of which we are considering, clearly should have greater survivability.

Some flaws

As you know, nothing is perfect in the world. There are no perfect tanks either. Among the shortcomings of the machine we are describing can, in particular, include a dense layout. No, in some ways this characteristic is good (lesssize and weight), but when armor is penetrated by a cumulative jet, it is almost guaranteed that something from the equipment will be hurt or someone from the crew will suffer.

Besides, the first modifications had a very bad SLA. Until relatively recently, situations were de alt with by buying components … from France. By the way, similar equipment was installed on the T-72B3. How the situation is now is unknown. Considering that the T-90S tank, the characteristics of which were briefly covered in the article, is one of the most advanced domestic vehicles, such dependence on imported components is not entirely clear.

Other weaknesses

Finally, there is a really strange situation with shells. On the one hand, some of them are located in the aft niche, which is good. On the other hand, the designers completely ignore the opinions of the tankers themselves and the experience of both Chechen campaigns, continuing to stubbornly shove "additional" shots into all corners of the habitable compartment. One more or less "successful" grenade - and the entire crew is guaranteed to come to an end. Of course, increasing the BC is a good thing, but why step on the old rake?

It is also known that early modifications often broke torsion bars on the rear rollers. How things are with this situation on this version is unknown. In any case, the absence of complaints from buyers allows us to conclude that this phenomenon has been eliminated. Given that the T-90S, which is exported to several countries, is willingly bought, it is unlikely that customers would ignore such a drawback.

Key Findings

At the present stagedevelopment, the evolution of all tanks and their means of destruction goes in two different directions: armored vehicles are constantly improving in their qualitative development, while the developers of anti-tank systems focus on overcoming their protection systems. That is why even 10-15 years ago there was an opinion that soon tanks would no longer be needed on the battlefield. However, the American experience in Iraq has proved that the assault on fortified areas in cities without tanks is impossible: only under the cover of heavy vehicles can infantry quickly move inside enemy positions without spending much time to overcome firing points.

t 90s 6td 3
t 90s 6td 3

So the T-90S tank is a kind of compromise between necessity and reality. It is good as a mass tank for a large country with a draft army. With the seeming simplicity of the basis, the machine can be upgraded, as there is potential for this. In addition, dozens of varieties of auxiliary and military equipment can be created on the basis of this machine. So the T-90S is the "star" of the modern tank world.
