Addresses of Moscow Industrial Bank branches in Lipetsk

Addresses of Moscow Industrial Bank branches in Lipetsk
Addresses of Moscow Industrial Bank branches in Lipetsk

"Moscow Industrial Bank" occupies a fairly high position among commercial organizations in the country. The institution provides services to both individuals and legal entities. Clients have access to such services as consumer lending, opening and maintaining bank accounts, issuing payroll cards, issuing credit and debit cards, renting safe boxes, currency exchange and much more.

Corporate clients can also use a wide range of services: merchant acquiring, business lending, current account management, international transfers, transfers in foreign currency.

Below is information about the branches and ATMs of the "Moscow Industrial Bank", opened in the city of Lipetsk. For the convenience of customers, information about the opening hours is provided.

Moscow Industrial Bank
Moscow Industrial Bank

Operational office "Lipetsk regional department"

"Moscow Industrial Bank" in Lipetsk is located at st. Gagarina, house 76, A. The office serves both individuals and corporate clients. Opening hours of the Moscow Industrial Bank in Lipetsk for individuals: from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 7 pm, on Saturday customer service is from 10 am to 4 pm, on Sunday the office is closed. Business service is provided according to the following schedule: from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm, office break from 1 am to 2 pm. You can contact the department by the numbers given on the official website. It is important not to forget to add the area code of Lipetsk (4742) if the call is made landline from another region.


Operation Office 54/2

Address of Moscow Industrial Bank in Lipetsk: 28 Boevoy proezd. The branch serves only private individuals. Opening hours of the "Moscow Industrial Bank" in Lipetsk: from Monday to Thursday from 08:30 to 16:30, on Friday customers are served from 08:30 to 15:30. The operations office is closed on Saturday and Sunday. It is important to note that the work break on weekdays starts at 12:00 and lasts for 48 minutes. For advice, you can also contact the bank's operators by phone. You can also call the bank's free customer service.

Branches of the IIB
Branches of the IIB

Usman branch

This branch is located not in the city of Lipetsk itself, but in the Lipetsk region, in the city of Usman. Exact address: Karla Marksa street, 34, B. Service is being conducted as privateclients and corporate.

Office hours for individuals: Monday to Friday from 9 am to 7 pm. On Saturday, for the convenience of customers, the office operates from 10 am to 4 pm. Business service: weekdays from 9 am. The office for corporate clients closes at 5 o'clock. evenings. Break in work - from 13:00 to 14:00. No service on Saturday and Sunday.

Moscow bank
Moscow bank

ATMs of Moscow Industrial Bank

One of the payment terminals is installed at 22 A, Angarskaya Street. It is available to customers daily from 8 am to 10 pm. The terminal on Zamyatina street, building 3, is available to citizens from 8 am until 4 am.

One of the Moscow Industrial Bank's ATMs in Lipetsk is located at 51 Katukova Street. You can use it daily from 10 am to 10 pm. An hour earlier, the payment terminal starts working at the address: Sherstobitova Street, Building 12. It also closes at 22 pm. The terminal of the financial and credit institution, installed at the address: 30 Let Pobedy street, house 52, operates in the same mode.

ATM number A0600013 is installed at the address st. Moskovskaya, house 83. You can withdraw or deposit cash from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. Also at 8 am, you can make a transaction at the ATM of the Moscow Industrial Bank in Lipetsk at the address: Lunacharsky Street, house 14. It works until 10 pm.

Payment terminal undernumber A0600006 is located at 21 Stakhanov Street. It is open daily from 8 am to 11 pm.

ATM number A0600010 is located at: st. Titova, house 10. Works according to the following schedule: from eight in the morning to 3 in the morning.


24/7 payment terminals

The ATM of the Moscow Industrial Bank, operating around the clock, is located at Gagarin, 76, A. It is the only terminal of the organization in question, which is available to customers in Lipetsk 24/7.

A complete list of payment terminals installed in the city of Lipetsk can be found on the official website of a commercial bank in the "Branches and ATMs" section, you also need to select the desired city. It should be noted that the opening hours of offices and terminals may change, in particular, on holidays. It is worthwhile to clarify in advance the working hours on a particular holiday of the desired department.

For the convenience of the clients of the institution, the site provides information on how to get by personal or public transport to each branch or ATM of the Moscow Industrial Bank. To do this, you need to enter the address of your own location, and the system will lay the shortest path to the selected bank office, and you will also be able to use one or another public transport route.
