Branches of Sberbank in Orel: a complete list of branches, opening hours, addresses and reviews

Branches of Sberbank in Orel: a complete list of branches, opening hours, addresses and reviews
Branches of Sberbank in Orel: a complete list of branches, opening hours, addresses and reviews

PJSC "Sberbank" in Orel is represented by more than 20 branches of the company with the ability to serve individuals and legal entities. Bank customers can make transactions in offices from 08:30 to 19:00. For status clients, VIP service is provided at a specialized branch on Komsomolskaya Street.

Where are the branches of Sberbank in Orel?

Branches of the largest bank in the country are located mainly in the central part of the city. Most of the branches are located on Komsomolskaya street. It is the most significant: the largest retail outlets are located here, tram lines and public transport stops.

branches of Sberbank eagle
branches of Sberbank eagle

Addresses of Sberbank branches in Orel are indicated in the memos at the stand of any branch. Customers of the bank can get acquainted with the full list by calling the support service. The telephone number of Sberbank branches in Orel and other cities is the same - 900 (contact center).

Offices for legal entities in Orel

Likein all cities, Sberbank in Orel is represented by branches for individuals and legal entities, large and small offices.

Since 2017, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs have been served only in one branch at 24 Oktyabrskaya Street. Nearby there is a public transport stop called "Sports Palace", "Atoll" shopping center, financial and economic institute.

The branch number of Sberbank Orel for entrepreneurs is 8595/017. Individuals can also be served here - the office is divided into two parts: for legal entities and ordinary citizens. Office for individuals - 8595/0110.

branch 8595 of the Savings Bank of Russia
branch 8595 of the Savings Bank of Russia

Branch opening hours for organizations - from 09:00 to 18:00. Individuals can be served at the branch from 09:30 to 18:30.

Office for Eagle VIP clients

Clients with a high stable income can appreciate the benefits of the Sberbank Premier service. The service office is located at: st. Komsomolskaya, 189.

Additional office 8595/014 is open from 9:00 to 18:30. Outside the prime zone, individuals can be served. The 24/7 zone and the bank's standard office are located at the same address.

Previously, branch 8595/014 was located on the street. Dostoevsky, but in 2016 it was moved to the central part of the city. You can get to the office by going to the Zavod Transmash public transport stop, located opposite the Construction College of the Agricultural University.

Orel's customers highly appreciated the high-level service -online visitor reviews are only positive.

Largest branches in the city

The list of branches with full functionality for individuals is presented by the following branches:

  1. 8595/001. Branch on Brestskaya street, 12. The office is open from 08:30 to 18:30. Public transport stop - "Trefoil". Nearby are: the head office of the bank (at Brestskaya St., 8), cafe "Kakhovka", jewelry store "Sarkiz".
  2. 8595/007. The office is located next to the square of Tankists, cafe "Labyrinth", shopping center "Rainbow". The working hours of the Sberbank branch in Orel are from 09:00 to 18:30.
  3. 8595/010. The office is located on Oktyabrskaya street, 134. Nearby there is a law institute, grocery stores "Magnet" and "Sberegayka". Customers can be served according to the schedule from 9:00 to 18:30.
  4. 8595/018. This is the largest office in Orel. It is located at the stop "Chaika" (former store) and is open from 08:30 to 19:00. Near the branch there are cafes "Venice", jewelry stores and pharmacies. Branch address: st. Komsomolskaya, 66.
  5. 8595/020. Another one of the Orel leaders in terms of the number of customer visits. The office is located on the street. Metallurgov, 32. It is open from 08:30 to 18:30. This is the largest branch of the Eagle.
  6. 8595/021. Located at: st. Komsomolskaya, d. 229, not far from the city bus station. In the office, they work with clients from nine in the morning until six in the evening.
branch of Sberbank eagle komsomolskaya
branch of Sberbank eagle komsomolskaya

Offices in the city center

Service close to home is one of the advantages of the country's largest financial institution. Residents of Orel can also experience the service of Sberbank by visiting Sberbank branches in Orel on Komsomolskaya.

These are offices 8595/011 and 8595/009. The first one is located at the "Strela" stop and, like most banks, offers the service only for individuals. Office 8595/009 is located at: st. Komsomolskaya, 247, opposite the Eldorado and Korablik stores, stop - Uyut store. The office is open from 09:00 to 18:30.

Other branches of the city of Orel

In addition to the largest central offices, customers can be served in other branches of the city. For example, branch 8595/005 of PJSC Sberbank receives visitors not far from the railway station. The office is located opposite the public stop of the Tekmash plant. Branch address - st. Moscow, 155.

Office 8595/023 is located on the street. Matrosova, 9. Near the building there is a center for learning foreign languages "BIG BEN", as well as a 3D dental clinic.

A small branch operates at 82 Naugorskoe Highway - 8595/0103. It is located near the fitness club "Fitness TREK", next to the shops "Magnit", "7 days". The department operates on the territory of the Mayak shopping center (opposite the branch of the Polytechnic Institute).

Formerly known as a branch in the lane. Voskresensky additionaloffice 8595/051 is now located on Gostinaya Street at number 3. This is a small office for individuals, which moved to a new building in 2018. Not far from it is the central market of the city.

Sberbank branches in Orel mode
Sberbank branches in Orel mode

Outside the city, in the village. Znamenka, on the street. Sovetskaya, d. 24 Zh, there is one more of the bank's offices. It provides its services to clients from 09:00 to 18:00 on weekdays.

Mortgage center from Sberbank PJSC

Clients who dream of acquiring their own housing at the expense of mortgages can apply to the Mortgage Lending Center in Orel. The bank's specialists will not only help you submit an application for a mortgage, but will also provide full support for the transaction from purchasing a home to repaying the loan.

The Center for Mortgage Lending (CEC) in Orel operates in a building near Shchepnaya Square. Nearby there is a large office - 8595/0102, collection department of Sberbank, direct sales specialists (SPP department).

A new branch of the mortgage lending center was opened on the basis of office 8595/003, which is located at pl. Polikarpova, 10. The new office of the CEC began its work in June 2018. The operating hours of this branch are from 9:00 to 18:30. The office is open on Saturday until 1 pm, Sunday is a day off.

sberbank branch chip area eagle
sberbank branch chip area eagle

Sberbank Orel branch on Shchepnaya Square in house number 1 is open six days a week, except Sunday. On weekdays, the office accepts clients from 9:00 to 18:00, on Saturday - until 13:00.

Mortgage Applicationsloans are accepted at any time, including on Saturday.

Does Sberbank work on weekends and holidays?

Most branches in the city provide services to customers 6 days a week, including Saturday. Branches 8595 of the Savings Bank of Russia in Orel, which work every Sunday, are additional offices 8595/018 (on the Seagull) and 8595/020 (near the Alyosha monument).

Clients can find out the opening hours of the branch 5-10 days before the holiday date. The schedule is located on the front door of each branch. The numbers and addresses of branches that operate under a special regime are also indicated there, giving customers the opportunity to receive banking services in Orel even on holidays.

Self-service areas and terminals

In addition to Sberbank branches, Orel has about 200 terminals and ATMs within the city. More than 80 of them are located in 24/7 zones inside the branches. Such zones are also located in the largest retail outlets - the RIO shopping center and the Europe hypermarket (on Karachevskoye Highway).

Sberbank branches
Sberbank branches

Terminals in the city are also located at public transport stops (TSNTI), in municipal institutions (Polyclinic No. 3, railway station), on the territory of private outlets.

Individuals and legal entities can install a terminal on their territory. The issue is de alt with by a special customer service department at the address: st. Brestskaya, 8 (stop "Three-leaf").
