Doors "Condor": reviews, review of models, photos

Doors "Condor": reviews, review of models, photos
Doors "Condor": reviews, review of models, photos

The times of jousting tournaments and the construction of fortress walls are long gone, but the desire of people to feel at home or at work under reliable protection remains. Today you can order durable and beautiful metal doors "Condor", in the reviews, buyers note that these designs will help turn your home or office into a "fortress", while decorating and ennobling the entrance.

Condor: guarding your peace of mind

What is a good front door? First of all, it is a guarantee of safety. Later we think about silence and keeping warm. The first selection criterion is safety. The company "Condor" is ready to become your guarantor of safety and quality. Having established its own production of entrance doors, the company offers reasonable prices and a wide range of products. The high quality and variety of finishes have earned steel doors the trust and recognition of thousands of customers.

Buyers of metal doors "Condor" in the reviews note that these reliable designs are reallywell made, reliable and serve the benefit of the peace of mind of the owners for many years.

entrance condor doors
entrance condor doors

Price and quality - what is the ratio?

Immediately it is worth mentioning the second most important after safety: the cost of metal entrance doors from the manufacturer. Here you will also not find the usual “price corresponds to quality”: prices are not an indicator of quality and not a hole in the family budget. Buyers of the Condor entrance doors in the reviews say that the prices here are a profitable and interesting offer. It is combined with a free departure of a master measurer, fast delivery and high-quality installation of a metal front door.

Iron quality assurance

An important factor in the quality of steel entrance doors is the material, namely steel, from which the entrance door is made. For the production of doors with high burglary resistance, the Condor company uses Russian-made steel, the thickness of which is not less than 1.8 mm. Such a sheet of metal is able to withstand any mechanical stress, as well as hacking using a special tool. If you wish, you can choose especially durable structures, the production of which uses two sheets of metal of different thicknesses. Buyers of the entrance doors "Condor" in the reviews prefer designs with a 3 mm thick metal sheet installed on the outside, while inside such a door is additionally reinforced with a steel sheet of 1, 5 or 2 mm.

For iron doors to provide iron protection to your home or workplace, in the factoryonly high-quality materials are used (steel with a thickness of 2 mm or more, fittings from leading manufacturers) and modern technologies. In addition, the production strictly complies with all existing norms and standards. By ordering Condor steel doors, you will purchase high-quality products that meet state standards and building codes.

condor entrance doors
condor entrance doors

Big, solid and deaf - this is your door

The door, the task of which is to provide reliable protection to the house and peace to its owners, is a combination of correctly selected components and taking into account important factors. For example, when determining the size of the opening, you should not rely solely on the fact that the tallest member of the family should enter the door. Entrust the calculation of the parameters of the door and opening to a measurement specialist, especially since his departure is free.

When accepting and fulfilling an order for the production of an entrance structure from the Kondor door factory, your wishes are taken into account:

  • on the quality and appearance of the door (the design of the outer and inner sides of the door);
  • for security (a complexly bent profile and a continuous anti-removal system) and a reliable locking mechanism;
  • on the filler, which will provide heat and noise insulation;
  • for fittings and additional security elements (armor pads, anti-vandal films, etc.);
  • according to other performance characteristics of the door.

For the exterior design, you can choose from traditional wood panelling, dusting, faux leather or equally attractivean innovative option - the effect of twinkling stars or crocodile leather trim.

metal entrance doors
metal entrance doors

Large selection of entrance doors

In stores of branded products, you can purchase Condor entrance metal doors for any object by ordering a solid inexpensive model or opting for a deluxe class door structure. Here are iron doors with powder or nitro enamel coating, fire-resistant steel doors, as well as door structures with various decorative coatings: natural veneer, laminate, panels and other finishing materials. Reliable locks and high-quality beautiful fittings help make entrance structures even more reliable and beautiful.

Typical models and standard solutions are not for you? As a manufacturer with extensive experience and wide capabilities, the Condor factory will be happy to produce custom-made metal doors for you.

entrance doors condor
entrance doors condor

Condor Cottage

The Condor Cottage door is distinguished by a thoughtful design, which makes it possible to use this design in country houses. Two sheets of extra strong steel are additionally reinforced with vertical and horizontal stiffeners. A frame made of square pipes will provide reliable protection of the building, creating insurmountable obstacles for burglars. The triple seal around the perimeter and complete insulation (the door leaf and frame are filled with mineral wool sheets) perfectly protect against cold air, noise and dust entering the room. In addition, the owners of this model of the Condor entrance door note reinforced fittings and a reliable lock with a high burglary resistance class.

Exterior finish of the door "Condor Cottage" is very effective and emphasizes the high reliability of the design. Anti-vandal powder coating is able to protect the door from any mechanical damage, and a durable double-glazed window provides a safe view and is reinforced with an elegant forged lattice. The inside is finished with light oak colored MDF board.

door condor prestige
door condor prestige

Condor Prestige

Another popular model was the entrance metal door "Condor Prestige". In the reviews, buyers note the absolute safety and elegant design of the structure. A high-quality exterior finish may seem inconspicuous, but exquisite MDF panels with a mirror are installed on the outside. Despite the sophisticated design, the security of the Condor front door remains at its best. The door leaf, made of two sheets of steel, is equipped with two locking systems that have a maximum degree of protection against burglary, as well as three special anti-removable pins. Reinforced hinges are able not only to hold the powerful weight of the leaf, but also to guarantee the softness of the door.

door condor prestige
door condor prestige

Futura Light

The lightweight model of the entrance metal door "Futura Light" is based on a sheet of durable steel 2 mm thick. The door structure is reinforced with additional stiffening ribs, anti-burglary pins, and reinforced fittings. Locking system introducedinternal latch and two different types of locks with a maximum level of burglary resistance. The inner part of the door leaf is filled with a mineral wool board, and three sealing contours around the entire perimeter can protect your room from noise, foreign smell and drafts, as well as ensure a snug fit of the door leaf and its silent operation.

The finish of this Condor door model (photo below) consists of durable dark MDF panels. A special refinement of the design is given by the original ornaments applied by the cutter.

door condor futura
door condor futura

Condor doors are profitable

  • Free departure of the master for measurement and consultation on the selection of the door.
  • Guaranteed safe doors - with relevant documentation and an experienced development team.
  • Quality installation of Condor doors is carried out only by highly qualified specialists.
  • Guarantee for all metal entrance doors from the manufacturer - 10 years from the date of installation.

People who have already installed Condor doors in their homes note the well-coordinated work of the entire company team. Highly qualified specialists are always ready to help customers in choosing a door model, conduct a competent consultation and make a decision based on the taste, needs and financial capabilities of the client.
