High-tech company American Megatrends - what is it?

High-tech company American Megatrends - what is it?
High-tech company American Megatrends - what is it?

American Megatrends, Inc. (AMI) is a North American high-tech company. The oldest manufacturer of low-level software. Specializes in PC hardware and software solutions. Widely known for her historic product AMIBIOS, or BIOS by AMI.

Success story

Founded in 1985 by Pat Sarma and Sri Subramonian Shankar (Current President and CEO).

Shri Sabramunya Shankar was born in India, in the state of Madras, now Chennai. He received his bachelor's degree from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) in 1971. Speci alty - electrical engineer. He started his career in the R&D (Research and development) department of the Indian conglomerate Tata Electric Company.

In 1974 he moved to Canada. In 1976 he received a master's degree from the University of New Brunswick. For the next 10 years, Shri Sabramunya Shankar, in an English-speaking environment, Samuel Shankar, worked in the USA, then returned to India. When the Kolkota Company, in which Shankar worked upon his return to his homeland, went bankrupt, Samuel takesdecision will return to the States again.

Here in the small town of Montclair, New Jersey, Shankar and partner Pat Sarma found American Megatrends Incorporated in 1895.

what is american megatrends
what is american megatrends

Fateful meeting

At that time, AMI was a group of young enthusiasts who were passionate about the idea of the basic input / output system (basic input / output system), which later made them famous BIOS.

In the same year, a fateful meeting between Sam Shankar and young Michael Dell - at that time the owner of PC Limited, in the future - the CEO of the world famous DELL corporation. The meeting takes place at the industry's largest computer exhibition Comdex. The main theme of the exhibition is computer technology. Shankar convinces Michael to use American Megatrends motherboards and wins the first major contract. This is how the success stories of American Megatrends begin. What is it - Shankar's gift of persuasion, his talent as a developer, or the favor of fortune?

The successful deal with PC Limited is a huge success for a zero capital company. A team of young entrepreneurs receives a powerful impetus for development and begins to grow rapidly. For several years, AMI has repeatedly entered the TOP-50 of the best companies in terms of growth rates and is actively expanding its product line.

computer technology
computer technology

AMI today

AMI is now a key BIOS developer and market leader in storage and computing innovation. The company headquarters is located in Norcross,state of Georgia, USA. AMI has international offices in 6 countries: China, Germany, India, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. The company's staff is about 1500 thousand people. 1,200 of them are working in India at a research center near Madras.

Company products

The interests of American Megatrends are very broad. The company makes key hardware and software solutions, remote controls, memory controllers, Android solutions, and even VitalsFit fitness gadgets. American megatrends' unerring market sense tells us this is the best way to lead the market.

american megatrends inc
american megatrends inc

The main product line of the company:

BIOS/UEFI utilities, computer hardware

Best-in-class BIOS and UEFI Firmware.

Debug and diagnostic tools.

Pre-boot engineering networks and development systems.

MegaRAC Firmware remote control.
Android Solutions Android for Windows and native code for x86 platforms.
EMC Backboard controllers.
StorTrends Data storage systems.
Linux Solutions Engineering and support solutions for Linux development projects.
VDI Solutions Virtual desktops.
Technical Solutions Hardware, software and hardware solutions design services, mobile application development, support service.

Employee Wellness

American Megatrends is a modern socially responsible company. Claims to be "Atlanta's He althiest Employer" and never stops in its quest to create the perfect workplace for its employees.

The company has an Employee Wellness program ("He althy employee"), in which any specialist can make suggestions to improve the working atmosphere in his company. There are incentive programs for maintaining a he althy lifestyle. The company professes an innovative team spirit. American Megatrends has proven that this is the best way to keep staff engaged. Thirty years of history is proof of this.

american megatrends incorporated
american megatrends incorporated

Green Thumbs in American Megatrends - what is it?

AMI has launched a number of environmental initiatives through the Green Thumbs environmental project. The company has taken a number of measures to save energy and reduce the harmful impact on the environment. The company operates on the principle of Power Down - all employees, leaving work, turn off the appliances or put them on standby, saving energy as much as possible.

The company uses recycling bins for its products at all sites, and reduces consumption by using reprocessing andrecycling.

AMI Mission: The first time, every time

American Megatrends Incorporated is truly a unique company. AMI products are capable of providing the full functionality and manageability of a personal computer system. AMI components are present in almost every PC in the world.

The company sees its mission in the development of high-quality modern computer solutions and advanced technologies. AMI slogan: The highest quality products the first time, every time. What translates: the highest quality products for the first time and forever.
