Staff loy alty is a correct, sincere and respectful attitude towards management and employees. Formation, evaluation and methods of increasing loy alty

Staff loy alty is a correct, sincere and respectful attitude towards management and employees. Formation, evaluation and methods of increasing loy alty
Staff loy alty is a correct, sincere and respectful attitude towards management and employees. Formation, evaluation and methods of increasing loy alty

Each person, guided by intuition, can distinguish the loyal behavior of someone from the opposite. In general, it manifests itself in devotion to someone or something. If we talk about the loy alty of the staff in the organization, then here we are talking about devotion to the company, management and colleagues. A normal level of loy alty indicates that employees strive to conform to the organizational culture of the firm, accept its policies and are ready to follow the principles defined by management in order to achieve common goals.

However, not always the commanding staff of the enterprise manages to achieve the proper level of loy alty of their own staff, which entails a lot of problems. This article will help you understand what it is, how to determine the level, and also talk about ways to build staff loy alty within the company.

staff loy alty is
staff loy alty is

What is this?

Staff loy alty is a positive employee attitudeor an employee to the management, the policy of the organization and the team in which he works. Professional HR managers note that the basis is the desire of the company's employees to benefit it and avoid those actions that can harm.

Differences from integrity

It is worth noting that such concepts as loy alty and reliability of personnel are often confused. Integrity is following the accepted norms of an organization, doing the right thing to achieve common goals.

staff loy alty assessment
staff loy alty assessment

A trustworthy employee can do his job effectively, but at the same time he can be disloyal to the management, the culture of the organization, its principles. In general, the reliability of an employee indicates the degree of normativity of his behavior towards the company, and loy alty is the degree of tolerance and acceptance of the company.


From the point of view of psychology, staff loy alty is a kind of attitude that develops in employees a commitment and a sense of pride in the fact that he works in a particular company. It should be remembered that such an employee is ready to put up with some requirements and deeply accept others. From this we can conclude that staff loy alty is correct, friendly behavior and respectful attitude towards management and colleagues.

Increasing loy alty in work collectives always leads to the fact that employees begin to seek all internal and external resources and reserves to achieve the necessary, and sometimes evenmaximum performance. The loy alty of the company's personnel often helps in crisis situations and allows employees to constantly develop, improve their knowledge and find non-standard ways to solve any work tasks.

Required attributes

Each company that wants to develop and work in the long term must take care of the proper level and development of staff loy alty. This is due to the fact that, in general, it is a key factor in the formation of professional motivation. Motivated loyal employees value their jobs and strive to develop, they take all issues very seriously and are ready to make every effort to achieve the goals set for them by their superiors.

loy alty of the company's staff
loy alty of the company's staff

Based on the above, it is important to remember that loy alty has its required attributes, namely:

  • an employee's sense of pride for being part of a team or company;
  • blatant, sincere demonstration of a benevolent and respectful attitude towards management and colleagues;
  • willingness to anticipate hazards that could negatively impact the company;
  • sincere feeling for the success of the company and the team;
  • honesty towards the firm, management and colleagues;
  • desire to do your best;
  • willingness in certain situations to make small sacrifices for the sake of the company.

If an employee owns most of theseattributes, then in this case we can say that he is absolutely loyal to the company and management.

Factors of occurrence

The process of personnel loy alty management is unthinkable without knowing what factors can influence its occurrence among employees of the organization. There are such factors:

  • employee's previous experience (model of previous business relationships at previous jobs);
  • personal values;
  • Giving due attention to the employee;
  • a sense of pride.

It is worth dwelling on each factor in more detail. Speaking about the experience, they mean the degree of trust in the company that the person had at the previous place of work. In order to understand how difficult it will be to instill a sense of loy alty in a person, it is necessary to clarify with him during the interview how well he got on with colleagues and management at the previous place of work, what suited him and what resented him, and also what kind of relationship between colleagues should be and leadership. Based on the answers, you can determine how well a person will fit into the existing level of loy alty and how difficult it will be to instill this feeling in him.

The formation of personal values is directly related to experience. A person's beliefs about certain phenomena are extremely difficult to change. If a person is sure that professionalism does not affect promotion, and one can get a highly paid position only with personal connections, then it is difficult to expect behavior from him that says otherwise.

formation of staff loy alty
formation of staff loy alty

Extremely important factor in the formation of staff loy alty is the provision of attention to each employee by the enterprise. Thus, the importance of a person for the company can be noted. Perhaps this factor can also be called human, since in working with people it is important to emphasize that he is not just an employee, but part of one whole mechanism, and that he deserves the trust of the company. It is extremely important to remember here that each person evaluates attention differently, since for one there will be enough congratulations on holidays, and for another there will be nothing better than material incentives, but for the third - the definition of an individual work schedule. But in any case, it must be remembered that the attention on the part of the company to its employees must at the same time be comprehensive, adequate and not harm the general discipline.

The next factor influencing the formation of loy alty is pride in belonging to the firm and the team. When a company succeeds, each employee experiences certain feelings, and if at the right time to indicate to the staff that this is the merit of each of them, then you can increase the feeling of joy for the achieved goals and make employees proud of the team, themselves and the company as a whole.


The higher the level of staff loy alty, the more reliable the employee is for the company. The following levels are distinguished:

  1. The first level, which consists in external attributes, indicating belonging to the company. Wearing branded clothing, using branded ashtrays, cups oroffices - this is where any company should start working to increase staff loy alty. At this level, it is difficult to speak of complete trust in the enterprise, but there is a high probability that the employee will be able to feel part of it.
  2. At the level of behavior, which implies the implementation of rules and compliance with norms. At this level, loy alty manifests itself in the form of a discussion of business events in the company, a collective congratulation of the commanding staff, or a joint snack at lunchtime.
  3. At the ability level, it is expressed in accordance with the ability of each employee to the requirements of the company. A properly selected employee, performing daily work, adheres to the principles that his position requires, thereby reproducing the expected behavior. The formation of this level of loy alty should take place when selecting and hiring personnel, taking into account the personal qualities of each candidate.
  4. At the level of beliefs, it is expressed in the full acceptance of the principles and beliefs of the firm. This level is one of the highest, and achieving it is an extremely difficult task for the leadership.
  5. At the level of identity is the highest degree, since here each employee must believe in himself, the company and colleagues. This level is expressed in the full acceptance of all beliefs, doing their job in the best way, and, most importantly, employees are ready to constantly improve themselves in order to comply with the ideology of the company.

Evaluation of staff loy alty

When studying loy alty in an enterprise, it should be remembered that researchmust be scientifically sound and necessarily complex. Assessing the level of staff loy alty, it is best to resort to indirect methods.

staff loy alty development
staff loy alty development

At the time of study, it must be borne in mind that it is directly interconnected with a sense of satisfaction, which later has a connection with motivation. Thus, it is these indicators that need to be assessed in the first place. Even if the employee is loyal and decent, experiencing any discomfort in the workplace, sooner or later he will leave him.

Just like motivation, loy alty has emotional and rational components, where the former includes faith in an idea, attachment to the team and management, and the latter includes wages, conditions, professional development and social package. Therefore, it is first of all necessary to study these indicators in order to understand what the staff may experience discomfort in. With this data, any manager can eradicate the problem and thereby increase the level of loy alty on the part of the staff.

Determination of staff loy alty

As a rule, in order to determine the level available at the enterprise, various methods are used, but the most popular and effective is the method of O. E. Koroleva and L. G. Pochebut.

staff loy alty levels
staff loy alty levels

Its essence lies in the fact that employees are given cards with affirmative judgments, where they must indicate their agreement or disagreement with them, using a gradation of answers expressed in numericalranging from 1 (disagree) to 11 (strongly agree). It is extremely important that out of 36 questions proposed in this methodology, only 18 are evaluated.

Loy alty Development Programs

Having determined the level, it is important to answer the questions whether it satisfies the company enough today, whether it is worth raising it, and if so, how to do it.

For most organizations, the first two levels are sufficient, since it makes no sense to increase loy alty among those employees whose activities are severely regulated and all processes are controlled. In this case, even with zero loy alty, the company will not suffer. But if we are talking about middle and top managers, then it should be borne in mind that they must have a high level of commitment and faith in the company.

Each company independently chooses ways to increase loy alty based on its capabilities. However, in order to expect a level increase, it is important to satisfy the following three items:

  • increase the level of trust in the authorities;
  • increase job satisfaction;
  • to build fair relations in the enterprise.

Main conditions for increasing loy alty

Increasing loy alty is a complex event, so it is important to remember about special moments and conditions. In this process, the following conditions should be kept in mind:

  1. All managers of the enterprise should be interested in promotion.
  2. Increasing loy alty is profitable only if the company is set up for long-termlabor relations with staff.
  3. The owner must be prepared for additional material costs.
  4. The person responsible for increasing loy alty should have the authority to coordinate and manage this process.

It is best to assign this responsibility to the head of the personnel department or first deputies. In this way, all of the above conditions will be met.

Impact on employee turnover

If a company has set a course for long-term work, then increasing loy alty is one of the first activities that it must perform. Therefore, managers at all levels should keep this factor in mind and make efforts to prevent a deliberate decrease in the level of loy alty.

Dissatisfied, unmotivated and disloyal employees will leave the workplace at the first opportunity, having found a more suitable one for them, which will bring certain losses (temporary, financial) to the enterprise. Conversely, employees who have a good attitude towards the management, the team and the company will not just leave it.

loy alty and trustworthiness of the staff
loy alty and trustworthiness of the staff


Summing up, it is worth noting that staff loy alty is the key to the success of any company. Therefore, it is extremely important to remember that by paying due attention to this issue, you can create a highly professional team that can solve any problem and achieve the necessary goals for the benefit of your company.