Rye field as a concept

Rye field as a concept
Rye field as a concept

The article examines a rye field from the point of view of different people: grain growers, ordinary people of Russia, poets, artists. The color and other sensations caused by a field of ripe rye are analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages of the wooden bread box "Rye Field" are considered.

Bread Miracle

The phrase "rye field" in a person who grew up in Russia evokes a clear image of the vast expanse, fullness and joy of being, boundless to the horizon. Apparently, this is an atavistic feeling, the feeling of our ancestors, rejoicing in complete freedom and the fact that the winter ahead will be full. After all, it was rye that was grown on our Russian soil, it was it that gave excellent harvests in the region, where early and late frosts, bad weather, thunderstorms destroyed wheat, a more capricious and less cold-resistant crop.

rye field
rye field

Sung by poets

“Rye, rye… The field road leads to no one knows where, above the field, sagging low, lazily groaning wires. The rye was leaving, the deadlines were close, it became heavy and to the edge, with its whole body leaned towards the road, hung over, at least prop it up. These lines by Alexander Tvardovsky simply sing about a rye field, as about a woman "in demolition", readyis about to give birth to a he althy baby.

This is just the echoes of the memory of our ancestors, for whom the earth was the breadwinner, which they cherished and cherished in order to get more harvest and survive.

It's hard for us who buy bread in the store to understand, but to feel it - we feel it. How Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin felt in his painting “Rye”, where a huge rye field with a large pine tree in the middle is flooded with sun, where everything is full of will and contentment, happiness and joy.

Shishkin "Rye"
Shishkin "Rye"

What color is the field

Why is the color of the rye field hot? In addition to the fact that all Russians love fast driving, they all also prefer to walk and drive through fields and meadows, admiring their herbs and colors. Each field has its own color. Chamomile is white, poppy is red, wheat is golden yellow.

What color is the rye field? Ignoring seedlings and unripe rye, which will be green, let's go straight to the field of ripe rye, when the shades of yellow-green of the ripening crop are replaced by yellowish-red. Rye, rust, red. The resemblance is undeniable. So it will be red. And you can also see gold and brown, ocher yellow.

And all this beauty shimmers under the sun, goes under the wind in waves, giving also shades of red. Warm colors, very warm. And all because orange-red, and even a little reddish, is a shade of very hot fire. That is why the color of the rye field is hot, just as bread baked from rye flour will be hot and tasty.

Suffering is from the word "suffering"

Suffering was called the time of harvesting in Russia. Such harvesting was hard: manually, with sickles, bent in half, the women reaped all day, trying not to drop the spikelet, not to lose the grain. Also, don't get hurt! “The village suffering is in full swing. Your share, Russian woman's share, is hardly more difficult to find! - wrote Nikolai Nekrasov.

Even now, those who know about cleaning firsthand are unlikely to call the harvest easy, despite the ultra-modern cleaning equipment.

why is the color of the rye field hot
why is the color of the rye field hot

It is hard for combine operators to work from dawn to dusk in the grain dust, there is nothing to breathe in the cab hot by the sun, but they also have to manage rather complex equipment that can fail at any moment. Smiling combine operators at the cab of their car against the backdrop of a rye field look fake. If a worker gets out of the cab, he, covered in dust, grimy and tortured by the heat, will immediately look for shadows where to sit down and drink. He will wash and eat only in the evening, after sunset. And back to work tomorrow. And so the whole suffering.

And women shovel grain to blown and dry, all in headscarves tied "up to the eye", in dust from straw, sometimes under a canopy, more often - in the open. And drivers carrying grain and simply falling asleep at the wheel from fatigue are also a sign of suffering, hot and heavy.

In the picture and in the photo, the rye field should look like this: beautiful, hot, full-bodied, but also reminiscent of the hard work of grain growers.

There is such a breadbasket

"Bread is the head of everything" - has long been said in Russia. It's reallyso, one must be able to save bread, like the labor of thousands of people, and store it correctly.

There are a huge number of bread bins made of glass and aluminum, plastic and wood. Their color is also very different: white, yellow, red, striped, polka dots, etc.

Avanty-stile "Rye Field" bread box is made of wood, equipped with a swivel lid, painted with loaves of bread, ears of ripe wheat with a poppy head in addition. It looks hot, appetizing and bright, as the colors used are orange, yellow, brown and their shades that fade into red. And on top it is varnished.

bread box rye field
bread box rye field

Natural wood well protects the bread from drying out, but also prevents it from becoming moldy. The bread box is easy to clean inside and out. The design of the appliance allows you to slightly open the lid, at high temperatures in the kitchen, for example, so that the bread does not soak. The bread box is stationary, as it is too heavy to carry. It has a small but very comfortable handle that easily opens it to the desired angle.

It is a pity that the bread box will hardly fit into the fashionable modern kitchen in the style of "high-tech" or "Provence".
