Severnaya Kazna Insurance Company: customer reviews

Severnaya Kazna Insurance Company: customer reviews
Severnaya Kazna Insurance Company: customer reviews

The company was founded in 1993. Company name "Insurance Company Northern Kazna", organizational form - limited liability company. The abbreviated name of the organization is IC Severnaya Kazna. The current General Director - Merenkov A. V. - has been heading the company since 1996.

Company Details

Severnaya Kazna LLC has 4 founders, these are: General Director Merenkov A. V., Ufimkin A. Ya., CJSC Ural-Avia and LLC Invest-Garant.

Insurance Company Severnaya Kazna Reviews
Insurance Company Severnaya Kazna Reviews

The size of the authorized capital (according to the data for 2012) is 6 269 304 42 rubles. Rating agency "Expert RA" assigned the company "Northern Kazna" reliability level A III. This means that the organization has sufficient financial stability to meet its obligations in the near future. When assessing in the future, the analysis of the company's stability revealed dependence on market relations and the situation in the field of insurance services. Therefore, she was assigned the 3rd level of reliability insubgroup A.

What does Severnaya Kazna insure?

Insurance organization "Northern Treasury" insures both individuals and organizations. There are only 5 areas of activity - this is auto insurance, he alth insurance, real estate insurance traveling abroad and business insurance (risks).

Various programs are being implemented in these areas. A total of 17 products are offered and can be purchased at the company's offices and insurance stores.

Services of the Northern Treasury

Auto insurance

Compulsory insurance policy ("OSAGO")

Expanded insurance policy ("CASCO")

He alth insurance

Voluntary honey. insurance

Insurance policy against accidents, illnesses, death

Tick Bite Insurance Program

Property insurance Personal property insurance against various risks and buildings (houses, baths, etc.)
Holiday insurance Insurance policy for those traveling outside the Russian Federation
Business insurance

Property insurance

Compulsory insurance of hazardous industrial buildings

Insurance company "Northern Treasury". Reviews

Auto insurance is a priority activity of any insurance company, including the Severnaya Kazna branch (Nizhny Novgorod). Customer reviews by 2insurance products - CASCO and OSAGO - are very ambiguous. There are many happy ones who either did not face payments and did not get into accidents, or everything went smoothly according to their insured events. Statistics - a dry thing. Judging by it, ¾ of the clients who signed the OSAGO or CASCO insurance contracts received their amounts. The question, however, is whether they were produced in full and in what time frame?

OSAGO Northern Treasury reviews
OSAGO Northern Treasury reviews

The payout mechanism is the same in all firms. Severnaya Kazna Insurance Company reads customer reviews, listens to them and makes every effort to resolve the issue in each case of dissatisfaction. And it comes down to two aspects - delaying payments and underestimating the amount, the size of which many customers do not know until the very last moment. Why talk about the mechanism? The fact is that after submitting the entire list of necessary papers, the company appoints an independent examination to assess the damage caused. And it is the amount of payment for an "independent" examination that causes dissatisfaction and bewilderment among most customers.

Reviews on OSAGO

July 1, 2003 - the day of the introduction of compulsory auto insurance in Russia. Already on June 10, Severnaya Kazna received a license for insurance under OSAGO. Since then, customer reviews have been leaving in large numbers. And they are not always positive. Many insured people receive their due funds only after lengthy litigation, where the defendant is the Severnaya Kazna insurance company. Feedback on payments and actions of the insurer, it is worth noting, inmost cases negative.

There are several main areas of grievances:

  1. Small payouts.
  2. Long waiting time for transfer.
  3. Refusal or adoption of a biased decision of the appraisal examination, which can only be changed by going to court.
  4. SK northern treasury
    SK northern treasury

Branches of the company "Northern Treasury" (insurance). Job Reviews

Today, Severnaya Kazna has its representative offices in 93 cities of Russia, the central office is located in Yekaterinburg. The main goal of the company's management is to increase the territory of presence in the regions and the emergence of new offices, 2010 is a very vivid example of this (most of the branches were opened at that time). In addition, management also sets very specific goals for employees of the entire branch network:

  1. Customer needs must be fully satisfied at all stages of cooperation - from the conclusion of the transaction to the payment of insurance events when they occur.
  2. Insurance for clients of any income - along with VIP clients, ordinary citizens are also served.

Among the company's employees, a large percentage is occupied by sales managers of insurance services, which is associated with positioning "themselves" as an insurance store. The leadership is not so numerous. And if you look closely at the rating of Severnaya Kazna, it immediately becomes clear where the unfavorable reviews come from.

northern treasury nizhny novgorod reviews
northern treasury nizhny novgorod reviews

Here's the thing, the company is growing,therefore, the funds in her accounts for insurance payments may not be enough. Especially when you consider the scale of the activity. But the money is still paid, because it is the responsibility of the insurance company. Indeed, sometimes payments are delayed to clients, hence the understandable dissatisfaction.

Why are they insured there, or What good is there in the Treasury?

As for insurance programs, the company is trying to minimize the base rates for various products. Conducts campaigns to attract customers, organizes the release of its own printed publication on insurance and service market trends. Among other things, a 24-hour customer support phone is organized. When contacting the call-center, the client will receive a response to his request within a short time.

northern treasury insurance reviews
northern treasury insurance reviews

Severnaya Kazna insurance company accepts customer reviews in real time thanks to the internal quality service. Therefore, objective feedback on activities can be left both on the Internet and by phone. And by the way, every negative review or indignation of the client does not go unanswered - the company's employees are making efforts to resolve the issue. Or they try to do it, but the main thing is that they do not ignore the insured persons.

People's rating

Monitoring of all kinds of resources to evaluate the company's activities by its clients who got into an accident, showed all the same problems - long payments, underestimation of amounts and court cases against the UK.

On a five-point scale, the assessment of an insurance company fluctuatesarea 2 units. At the same time, in percentage terms, approximately 25% of clients recommend Severnaya Kazna and are satisfied with cooperation with it, while the remaining 75% in the majority seek payments only through the courts. In this case, the company loses more money than with a voluntary and timely payment. The plaintiffs claim additional costs, which the UK also has to pay in the event of a court decision not in its favor.

ooh northern treasury
ooh northern treasury

Parting words

Everyone makes a decision about insurance based on their own beliefs and prevailing opinion. Severnaya Kazna is not hopeless, as its position in the rating among 400 insurance companies has been stable for many years and has never dropped below the 40th line.

In 2013, Severnaya Kazna ranked 32nd. Stability is a sign of mastery, as you know. Therefore, every year of the existence of the company, no doubt, becomes better than the past, and the level of service is growing. And the financial problems that exist now, with proper management and focus on improving performance, will be resolved. Sure.
