Company "European Travel Insurance": types of insurance, reviews

Company "European Travel Insurance": types of insurance, reviews
Company "European Travel Insurance": types of insurance, reviews

Everyone who plans to spend their holidays abroad, of course, thinks only about how they will have a good time and have fun. However, the reality is that sometimes life brings unexpected and very unpleasant surprises, and rest turns into a real test. For example, on the way to the beach, you tripped and broke your leg. In this case, you will need emergency medical attention. But the services of a doctor to a foreign citizen are far from free and cost a lot of money. Therefore, reasonable tourists, before going "over the hill", prefer to visit a reliable insurance company and take advantage of its services.

ETS - insurance company

Today in the Russian Federation CJSC "European Travel Insurance" is the only company specializing in travel insurance. Over the years of its existence, the company has managed to fall in love with millions of devoted Russian tourists. "European Travel Insurance" is one of twenty members of the so-called ETI group. Officesinsurance companies that are part of European Travel Insurance are located in the capitals of many European countries and have been successfully operating for many years. The 100% owner of ETS shares is the Munich Reinsurance Group. In Moscow, ZASO "ETS" began its activities in 2006.

European travel insurance
European travel insurance

History of the emergence and formation of UAS "ETC"

At the origins of the European Travel Insurance company lies the idea of the Hungarian Max von Engel, which arose from one interesting incident that happened to him in 1905. On one of the hot summer evenings, he and his son waited for 15 years on the platform of the Lucerne railway station for the train to depart. Suddenly, a spark flew out of the locomotive's chimney, falling directly on Engel's suitcase. Fortunately, the suitcase remained intact and unharmed. But it could have happened otherwise: it could well catch fire, and one could say goodbye to important documents, personal belongings, souvenirs. And who would be responsible for this? And after all, a fire at the station is not the only trouble that can happen to travelers. It was this thought that visited Engel at that moment. He thought, "It would be nice if people could insure their luggage." Engel shared these arguments with his friend, the head of the Munich Reinsurance Society, Carl von Thieme. The result of this was the opening on May 9, 1907 of the European Joint Stock Company for Luggage Insurance. More than a hundred years have passed since then, however, the European Travel Insurance Companycontinues to care about travelers and considers it a priority.

European travel insurance
European travel insurance

Types of insurance offered by ETC

European Travel Insurance Company differs from other insurance companies in a wide range of services offered to tourists, among which every traveler can find what best suits his needs, from insurance policies to guaranteeing assistance in case of a terrorist attack.

zaso european travel insurance
zaso european travel insurance

Tourists can take advantage of both short-term and long-term travel insurance. Within the framework of short-term travel insurance, the OPTIMA, Standard Plus, and Sports Risk programs operate. As for long-term travel insurance, European Travel Insurance offers tourists the Multi Trip program and the equally well-known Business Trip program.

The duration of the Business Trip program is one year. A tourist can travel an unlimited number of times, but the period of one trip should not exceed 91 days. The problem with the restriction on the duration of the trip disappears by itself if the tourist prefers the Multi Trip program. In this case, the client of ZASO "ETS" has the opportunity to independently determine the period of stay in a foreign country.

ETS: customer reviews

Like any other company, people in various forums discuss "European Travel Insurance". Customer Feedback Overwhelminglymost are positive. Satisfied customers do not get tired of thanking the ETS insurance company for the high level of service, liberal prices for the services offered, as well as for timely assistance and full performance of their duties at the time when an insured event occurs.

european travel insurance reviews
european travel insurance reviews

The official website of ZASO "ETS" provides complete information about the activities of the company.