Central market in Sevastopol. Opening hours and product range

Central market in Sevastopol. Opening hours and product range
Central market in Sevastopol. Opening hours and product range

The central market of Sevastopol offers residents and guests of the city a lot of goods for everyday life. There are marketplaces with clothes and shoes, food and cosmetics, small household appliances and modern gadgets.

As in any other resort town of the Crimean peninsula, souvenir products are also presented on the market here. Customers can buy mountain herbs, medicinal teas, local fruits, wine from nearby factories at low prices.

Location and opening hours

You can easily get to the central market of Sevastopol from anywhere in the city. The market is unique in that urban transport passes through its territory, in particular, fixed-route taxis, buses and trolleybuses. So, having spent a little time, you can easily get to the central market of Sevastopol, the address on the map is Shcherbak Street, house 1. There are such cultural attractions nearby:

  • Vladimir Cathedral.
  • Museum of the History of the Black Sea Fleet.
  • ChF Control Plant.
  • Komsomolsky Park.

The central market of Sevastopol is open from Tuesday to Sunday, with oneWeekend - Monday. The opening hours of most shopping pavilions are from 7 am to 5 pm, but some changes are possible.


Product range

The central market of Sevastopol offers customers various groups of goods. Most of them are food products that are bought daily.

Product rows in the Sevastopol market
Product rows in the Sevastopol market

The assortment includes:

  • dairy products from local factories;
  • meat, fish and convenience foods;
  • vegetables and fruits (local and imported);
  • confectionery and bakery products;
  • different types of cheeses.
dried fruits on the counter
dried fruits on the counter

Also, the Sevastopol market offers products that are typical only for Crimean cities. Tourists can buy here at loyal prices:

  • various herbal preparations collected in the Crimean mountains;
  • wine and chacha made at local factories, in particular in Inkerman;
  • souvenirs such as figurines, paintings, beads, necklaces, magnets and more.

Due to the proximity to the sea, dozens of sites sell sunglasses, beach umbrellas, hats, sundresses. As for the latter, here is the largest selection.

There are comfortable cafes on the market where you can relax. Prices are inexpensive, in comparison with the embankment and the center, the difference can be two to three times.
