Earn from shortening links - is it real?

Earn from shortening links - is it real?
Earn from shortening links - is it real?

The topic of making money on the Internet excites the minds of many - both those who dream of additional income, and those who would be happy to leave the office forever and work where there is a laptop. Making money by shortening links is one option. What is it, is it really possible to make money in this way - read the article.

Link shortening - what is it?

If you open any site right now, you will see that there are quite a lot of characters in the address bar. Sometimes there are so many of them that they can take up several lines of the message.

Obviously, this is extremely inconvenient if you want to quickly convey information to someone. It is simply impossible to dictate such a set over the phone, and it is also impossible to write on paper. Posts on social networks are limited by the number of characters, and, in the end, all this looks ugly, and sometimes suspicious.

The way out of the situation was found. Links can be shortened using special services. A long set of characters turns into a beautiful address,consisting of a maximum of ten characters. Such an address is convenient to distribute on a social network, it is easily perceived by ear, and looks attractive.

earn money by shortening links
earn money by shortening links

There are a lot of services that allow you to make links beautiful. We will not deal with enumeration, information is easy to obtain by contacting any search engine.

Earn by shortening links

The essence of the method is simple. Money pays for people who view ads by clicking on the link you posted. There are only four steps to follow:

  • Shorten link.
  • Enable ads in the shortened link settings.
  • Place a link anywhere on the Internet.
  • Get paid for people clicking on it.

Payment for conversions is small, up to 50 kopecks. The advantage of the method is that it is passive. That is, it is enough to publish once, and then just wait and watch how the money drips. You need to understand that earnings from shortening links, as a rule, are small. You can’t make a huge capital on this.

link shortening program
link shortening program

You can withdraw what has accumulated for transitions to the mobile phone account of all Russian mobile operators. No commission is charged. You can also make a withdrawal to the main payment systems: WebMoney, Yandex and many others. The withdrawal starts with a small amount, even from the ruble. Payouts are instant.

Also, don't forget about making money from users invited to the system. In other words, explain to your friends that making money on the Internet by shortening links is good, register them in the system using your referral links, get a percentage of their income.

Earning sites

It is logical that in order to make money, you need to place links where people can see them. First of all, these are social networks. You can use the features of your personal page. It's even better if you have a band, especially if it's popular.

Another platform that will allow you to earn money by shortening links is a forum. If you like to communicate, do it often, then why not? Even better if you have your own website or blog. Of course, it should be visited not only by you.

earn money by shortening links reviews
earn money by shortening links reviews

If you post links to download any materials, then this option can also be used. In email newsletters. You can also post on third-party popular resources, if this is not prohibited by the rules. Even sending links in private messages and letters, you can earn.

You need to share really valuable information, then users will forgive you the forced need to watch ads. It can be articles and photos, anything.

How much can you earn?

The question is difficult. Depends on whether you have visited sites. Or you will have to invest first in order to become the owner of such a site.

What do they write on the Internet about making money by shortening links? Reviewsfound varied. There is an example that in three hours 8 rubles were “called out”. Simple arithmetic allows us to conclude that one link can bring 1800 rubles per month. Three dozen well-placed links - you can already write a letter of resignation from the office and go to warmer climes.

make money online by shortening links
make money online by shortening links

Of course, there are reviews that this is a waste of time. What conclusion will you come to?

Earning on link shortening: program

If there is demand, there will be supply. There are fully configured services on the Internet that allow you to earn on links. One of them is called Catcut. Registration is instant, you only need to enter your email address.

In one place, the service for shortening links, the service for making money on them and the system for withdrawing money are combined. It is convenient that all actions can be performed in one place.

What conclusions can be drawn? Shortened links are perceived by social networks as suspicious, and a warning is displayed about this when you try to navigate. "VKontakte" as a result simply blocks transitions. Friends can very quickly become offended that they can only get any useful information from you after 13 seconds of watching a commercial. But in general, if you are interested, then try it, of course. Maybe you'll be good at it.
