Means "Lapis Lazuli" from weeds - saving potatoes

Means "Lapis Lazuli" from weeds - saving potatoes
Means "Lapis Lazuli" from weeds - saving potatoes

Anyone who has a garden knows what weed control is. With each coming of spring, in addition to pleasant troubles, this irreconcilable battle awaits us. And not always a person comes out a winner in it. Weeds are less demanding on growing conditions, they are more likely to survive than cultivated plants. For example, potatoes will not survive without human care, without water, feeding.

lapis lazuli from weeds
lapis lazuli from weeds

And weeds grow next to him, on his territory and are his rivals in the fight for nutrients and moisture. If they are not destroyed, then, in addition to reducing the commercial quality of tubers, the appearance of various diseases, inconvenience when harvesting potatoes, crop losses can be up to 50%. And it's pretty sensitive. Therefore, poor summer residents every weekend spend several hours of their time weeding the garden, instead of spending these hours on more interesting activities.

Properties of the drug "Lazurite"

Some categorically do not recognize chemistry,fearing to poison both the soil and themselves, they fight weeds mechanically. Others start looking for helpers. There are several effective recipes for killing weeds when growing potatoes. One of them is the use of herbicides, special preparations to combat harmful plants. For processing potatoes, there is a group of such products from different manufacturers. To date, the drug "Lazurit" from weeds is the main herbicide. It perfectly destroys annual weeds in potato plantings. Penetrating into the leaves, kills them. Also works for 1-2 months through the soil on growing weeds.

drug Lapis lazuli from weeds
drug Lapis lazuli from weeds

The drug suppresses annual dicotyledonous and cereal pests (cornflower, quinoa, ragweed, gauze, thistle, dandelion, chamomile, sow thistle and others). However, when used correctly, it does not have a negative effect on potatoes. The agent "Lazurit" from weeds is produced in the form of a powder, which includes metribuzin 700g / kg. Packaged in bags of 20g.

Processing methods and times

There are two ways to apply the "Lapis lazuli" weed control agent. The first one is one time. Soil spraying is carried out before crop emergence at the rate of 0.7-1.4 kg/ha. An important point: the tubers should be optimally deepened into the ground so that the drug cannot affect the sprout zone. For an effective result and even distribution of the product, the soil must be moist, loose and lumpy, the ridges should be well settled. Windless weather is desirable.

2 way - double. The first time the soil is sprayed before potato shoots at a rate of 0.5-1 kg/ha. The second time the treatment is carried out at a dose of 0.3 kg/ha at a height of potato seedlings of 5 cm and during the appearance of 70-80% of them.

Consumption rates

When using the drug "Lazurit" from weeds, you should follow the exact dosage according to the manufacturer's instructions and be careful. Immediately before use, we prepare a solution: in a large bucket in 1 liter of water, dissolve 1 sachet of the drug, stir and add another 5 liters for primary treatment (until the crop sprouts). If the solution is prepared for the secondary procedure, then 1 sachet is diluted in 20 liters of water. Ready solution is immediately used, not stored!

lapis lazuli weed control
lapis lazuli weed control

The dosage also depends on the composition of the soil and its humus content. The maximum doses of the drug "Lazurit" are used on heavy soils, and on light soils - the minimum. If the earth contains less than 1% of humus, then because of its weak absorption capacity, the herbicide is not used at all. On peatlands, soils containing more than 6% humus, wetlands, spraying should be carried out with already grown weeds. On early potatoes, lower application rates of the drug are used (no more than 0.5 kg/ha), and on late ones, higher ones. The treatment is best done at a temperature of 15-20 degrees C. If it is cooler or it rains after the procedure, the effect is noticeably reduced. After 2 weeks, weeds die.

Contraindications for herbicide use

Don't use the remedy"Lapis Lazuli" from weeds, when potato seedlings have suffered from frost, pests, shoots are sick or very weak. Also, if the variety is sensitive to herbicides, their negative effect on the growth and development of the plant, chemical treatment should be abandoned.

You need to be careful and observe safety precautions when using Lapis Lazuli. Controlling weeds with herbicides eliminates time-consuming weeding and even increases yields. But it should be remembered that this method is not safe and is justified only when other measures to destroy weeds have failed.
